quinta-feira, maio 16, 2024
Sammy Davis Jr. morreu há 34 anos...
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: dança, I've Gotta Be Me, judeus, música, Rat Pack, Sammy Davis, zarolho
Jim Henson faleceu há trinta e quatro anos...
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Jim Henson, marionetes, Marretas, Rua Sésamo
Kirstie Maldonado, dos Pentatonix, faz hoje 32 anos
Kirstin "Kirstie" Taylor Maldonado (Arlington, Texas, 16 de maio de 1992) é uma cantora mezzo soprano do grupo a capella Pentatonix.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: a capella, Bohemian Rhapsody, Kirstie Maldonado, música, Pentatonix
A batalha da Asseiceira foi há 190 anos
Batalha de Asseiceira | |||
Guerra civil | |||
Data | 16 de maio de 1834 | ||
Local | Asseiceira | ||
Desfecho | Vitória dos liberais | ||
Beligerantes | |||
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Comandantes | |||
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Forças | |||
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Baixas | |||
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: batalha da Asseiceira, D. Miguel I, D. Pedro IV, guerras liberais
quarta-feira, maio 15, 2024
Porque hoje é o dia em que o rei faz anos...
Postado por
Pedro Luna
Marcadores: Duante Pio de Bragança, Duque de Bragança, Green Windows, José Cid, música, No Dia Em Que O Rei Fez Anos
Pierre Curie nasceu há 165 anos
Pierre Curie (Paris, 15 de maio de 1859 - Paris, 19 de abril de 1906) foi um físico francês, pioneiro no estudo da cristalografia, magnetismo, piezoeletricidade e radioatividade.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: cristalografia, energia nuclear, magnetismo, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie, Prémio Nobel, radioactividade
José Rentes de Carvalho nasceu há 94 anos
José Rentes de Carvalho (Vila Nova de Gaia, 15 de maio de 1930) é um escritor português.
Filho de pais primos vindos da aldeia de Estevais de Mogadouro, situada na província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, onde foi gerado, neto de um sapateiro e de um Guarda Fiscal em Vila Nova de Gaia. Frequentou o Liceu Alexandre Herculano, no Porto, tendo prosseguido os estudos em Viana do Castelo e Vila Real.
Estudou Línguas Românicas e Direito na Faculdade de Letras e na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.
Devido a razões políticas, foi obrigado a sair de Portugal e viveu no Rio de Janeiro, em São Paulo, Nova Iorque e Paris. Trabalhou como jornalista para os jornais "O Estado de S. Paulo", o "Correio Paulistano" e "O Globo", e na revista "O Cruzeiro".
Mudou-se para Amesterdão, em 1956, para trabalhar na embaixada brasileira. Colaborou com o Diário Popular e depois com o semanário Expresso.
Fez um mestrado na Universidade de Amesterdão, apresentando uma tese intitulada "O povo na obra de Raul Brandão".
Casou-se com uma holandesa, de quem teve três filhas, da qual se divorciaria para se casar com Loekie, a irmã dela, por quem se apaixonou logo que a conheceu.
Após a reforma, continuou a carreira de jornalista e romancista. Colaborou em várias publicações portuguesas, brasileiras, belgas e holandesas.
A 10 de junho de 1991, foi agraciado com o grau de Comendador da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique. Em 1992, foi-lhe atribuída a medalha de ouro da cidade de Vila Nova de Gaia.
Desde 2008 que as suas obras estão a ser publicadas em Portugal, pela Quetzal Editores. Anteriormente, alguns dos seus livros foram publicados pela Editorial Escritor.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: José Rentes de Carvalho, literatura
Trini Lopez nasceu há 87 anos...
Trini Lopez (nascido Trinidad López III; Dallas, 15 de maio de 1937 – Palm Springs, 11 de agosto de 2020) foi um cantor, guitarrista e ator americano de ascendência mexicana.
Lopez ganhou diversos prémios dentre eles o "Lenda Viva" do ano de 2007.
Morreu no dia 11 de agosto de 2020, aos 83 anos, de COVID-19.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: actor, Covid, Lemon Tree, música, Trini Lopez
O atual Duque de Bragança comemora hoje 79 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: D. Duarte Pio de Bragança, Duque de Bragança, Monarquia
Paulo de Carvalho nasceu há 77 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Fado, Festival da Canção, música, Os meninos de Huambo, Paulo de Carvalho, pop, Portugal, Rock, rock psicadélico
Brian Eno faz hoje 76 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: art rock, Brian Eno, Glam Rock, música, música ambiente, música eletrónica, Prophecy Theme, rock experimental
Monteverdi nasceu há 457 anos...
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Basílica de São Marcos, Claudio Monteverdi, Itália, Lamento Della Ninfa, madrigais, Monteverdi, Ópera, polifonia, Renascimento
Humberto Delgado nasceu há 118 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: assassinato, eleições, fraude eleitoral, General sem Medo, Humberto Delgado, II República, PIDE
Tenzing Norgay nasceu, dizia ele, há 110 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: alpinismo, Monte Everest, Nepal, sherpas, Tenzing Norgay
Orlando Zapata, ativista cubano, nasceu há 57 anos...
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Cuba, direitos humanos, ditaduras, greve de fome, Orlando Zapata
Elio de Angelis morreu há 38 anos...
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: acidente, automobilismo, Bernie Ecclestone, Brabham, Elio de Angelis, Fórmula 1, morte
June Carter Cash morreu há vinte e um anos...
June Carter Cash (born Valerie June Carter; Maces Spring, Virginia, June 23, 1929 – Nashville, Tennessee, May 15, 2003) was an American singer, songwriter and dancer. A five-time Grammy award-winner, she was a member of the Carter Family and the second wife of singer Johnny Cash. Prior to her marriage to Cash, she was professionally known as June Carter and occasionally was still credited as such after her marriage (as well as on songwriting credits predating it). She played guitar, banjo, harmonica, and autoharp, and acted in several films and television shows. Carter Cash won five Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame in 2009.
June Carter Cash was born Valerie June Carter in Maces Spring, Virginia, to Maybelle (née Addington) and Ezra Carter. Her parents were country music performers and she performed with the Carter Family from the age of 10, in 1939. In March 1943, when the Carter Family trio stopped recording together at the end of the WBT contract, Maybelle Carter, with encouragement from her husband Ezra, formed "Mother Maybelle and the Carter Sisters" with her daughters, Helen, Anita, and June. The new group first aired on radio station WRNL in Richmond, Virginia, on June 1. Doc (Addington) and Carl (McConnell) - Maybelle's brother and cousin, respectively, known as "The Virginia Boys", joined them in late 1945. June, then 16, was a co-announcer with Ken Allyn and did the commercials on the radio shows for Red Star Flour, Martha White, and Thalhimers Department Store, just to name a few. For the next year, the Carters and Doc and Carl did show dates within driving range of Richmond, through Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. She attended John Marshall High School during this period.[4] June later said she had to work harder at her music than her sisters, but she had her own special talent —comedy.[5] A highlight of the road shows was her "Aunt Polly" comedy routine. With her thin and lanky frame, June Carter often played a comedic foil during the group's performances alongside other Opry stars Faron Young and Webb Pierce. Carl McConnell wrote in his memoirs that June was "a natural-born clown, if there ever was one". Decades later, Carter revived Aunt Polly for the 1976 TV series Johnny Cash & Friends.
After Doc and Carl dropped out of the music business in late 1946, Maybelle and her daughters moved to Sunshine Sue Workman's "Old Dominion Barn Dance" on the WRVA Richmond station. After a while there, they moved to WNOX in Knoxville, Tennessee, where they met Chet Atkins with Homer and Jethro.
In 1949, Mother Maybelle and the Carter Sisters, with their lead guitarist, Atkins, were living in Springfield, Missouri, and performing regularly at KWTO. Ezra "Eck" Carter, Maybelle's husband and manager of the group, declined numerous offers from the Grand Ole Opry to move the act to Nashville, Tennessee, because the Opry would not permit Atkins to accompany the group onstage. Atkins' reputation as a guitar player had begun to spread, and studio musicians were fearful that he would displace them as a 'first-call' player if he came to Nashville. Finally, in 1950, Opry management relented and the group, along with Atkins, became part of the Opry company. Here the family befriended Hank Williams and Elvis Presley (to whom they were distantly related), and June met Johnny Cash.
June and her sisters, with mother Maybelle and aunt Sara joining in from time to time, reclaimed the name "The Carter Family" for their act during the 1960s and '70s.
While June Carter Cash may be best known for singing and songwriting, she was also an author, dancer, actress, comedian, philanthropist, and humanitarian.[6] Director Elia Kazan saw her perform at the Grand Ole Opry in 1955 and encouraged her to study acting. She studied with Lee Strasberg and Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York. Her acting roles included Mrs. "Momma" Dewey in Robert Duvall's 1998 movie The Apostle, Sister Ruth, wife to Johnny Cash's character Kid Cole, on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993–97), and Clarise on Gunsmoke in 1957. She was notable as Mayhayley Lancaster playing alongside husband Cash in the 1983 television movie Murder in Coweta County. June was also Momma James in The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James. She also acted in occasional comedy skits for various Johnny Cash TV programs.
As a singer, she had both a solo career and a career singing with first her family and later her husband. As a solo artist, she became somewhat successful with upbeat country tunes of the 1950s such as "Jukebox Blues" and, with her exaggerated breaths, the comedic hit "No Swallerin' Place" by Frank Loesser. June also recorded "The Heel" in the 1960s along with many other songs.
In the early 1960s, June Carter wrote the song "Ring of Fire", which later went on to be a hit for her future husband, Johnny Cash. She co-wrote the song with fellow songwriter Merle Kilgore. June wrote the lyrics about her relationship with Johnny Cash and she offered the song to her sister Anita Carter, who was the first singer to record the song. In 1963, Johnny recorded the song with the Carter Family singing backup, and added mariachi horns. The song became a number-one hit and went on to become one of the most recognizable songs in the world of country music. In her autobiography, “I Walked the Line”, Johnny's first wife Vivian Cash disputes the myth that June Carter co-wrote the song, "Ring of Fire". Vivian relates the story that Johnny told her in 1963 that he wrote the song with Merle Kilgore and Curly while fishing and that he was going to give June half credit because “She needs the money. And I like her.”
Her first notable studio performance with Johnny Cash occurred in 1964 when she duetted with Cash on "It Ain't Me Babe", a Bob Dylan composition, that was released as a single and on Cash's album Orange Blossom Special. In 1967, the two found more substantial success with their recording of "Jackson", which was followed by a collaboration album, Carryin' On with Johnny Cash and June Carter. All these releases antedated her marriage to Cash (upon which event she changed her professional name to June Carter Cash). She continued to work with Cash on record and on stage for the rest of her life, recording a number of duets with Cash for his various albums and being a regular on The Johnny Cash Show from 1969 to 1971 and on Cash's annual Christmas specials. After Carryin' On, June Carter Cash recorded one more direct collaboration album, Johnny Cash and His Woman, released in 1973, and along with her daughters was a featured vocalist on Cash's 1974 album The Junkie and the Juicehead Minus Me. She also shared sleeve credit with her husband on a 2000 small-label gospel release, Return to the Promised Land
Although she provided vocals on many recordings, and shared the billing with Cash on several album releases, June Carter Cash only recorded three solo albums during her lifetime: the first, Appalachian Pride, released in 1975, Press On (1999), and Wildwood Flower, released posthumously in 2003 and produced by her son, John Carter Cash. Appalachian Pride is the only one of the three on which Johnny Cash does not perform, while Press On is notable for featuring June Carter Cash singing her original arrangement of "Ring of Fire".
One of her final appearances was a nonspeaking/nonsinging appearance in the music video for her husband's 2003 single, "Hurt", filmed a few months before her death. One of her last known public appearances was on April 7, 2003, just over a month before her death, when she appeared on the CMT Flameworthy awards program to accept an achievement award on behalf of her husband, who was too ill to attend.
She won a Grammy award in 1999 for, Press On. Her last album, Wildwood Flower, won two additional Grammys. It contains bonus video enhancements showing extracts from the film of the recording sessions, which took place at the Carter Family estate in Hiltons, Virginia, on September 18–20, 2002. The songs on the album include "Big Yellow Peaches", "Sinking in the Lonesome Sea", "Temptation", and the trademark staple "Wildwood Flower". Due to her involvement in providing backing vocals on many of her husband's recordings, a further posthumous release occurred in 2014, when Out Among the Stars was released under Johnny Cash's name. The album consists of previously unreleased recordings from the early 1980s, including two on which June Carter Cash provides duet vocals.
Carter was married three times and had one child with each husband. All three of her children went on to have successful careers in country music. She was married first to country singer Carl Smith from July 9, 1952, until their divorce in 1956. Together, they wrote "Time's A-Wastin". They had a daughter, Rebecca Carlene Smith, professionally known as Carlene Carter, a country musician. June's second marriage was to Edwin "Rip" Nix, a former football player and police officer on November 11, 1957. They had a daughter, Rosie Nix Adams, on July 13, 1958. The couple divorced in 1966. Rosie was a country/rock singer. On October 24, 2003, Rosie, aged 45, died from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. She and bluegrass musician Jimmy Campbell were on a school bus, which had been converted for travel. Several propane heaters were being used to heat the bus.
Carter and the entire Carter Family had performed with Johnny Cash for a number of years. In 1968, Cash proposed to Carter during a live performance at the London Ice House in London, Ontario. They married on March 1 in Franklin, Kentucky, and remained married until her death in May 2003, just four months before Cash died. The couple's son, John Carter Cash, is a musician, songwriter, and producer.
She also gained four stepdaughters from her third husband’s previous marriage to Vivian Liberto; including Cindy and Rosanne.
Carter's distant cousin, the 39th U.S. president Jimmy Carter, became closely acquainted with Cash and Carter and maintained their friendship throughout their lifetimes. In a June 1977 speech, Jimmy Carter acknowledged that June Carter was his distant cousin.
Carter was a longtime supporter of SOS Children's Villages. In 1974, the Cashes donated money to help build a village near their home in Barrett Town, Jamaica, which they visited frequently, playing the guitar and singing songs to the children in the village.
June Carter Cash also had close relationships with a number of entertainers, including Audrey Williams, James Dean, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Jessi Colter, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Elvis Presley, Robert Duvall and Roy Orbison.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Americana, Appalachian, country, country folk, folk, gospel, Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, música, rockabilly