quarta-feira, dezembro 18, 2024
Paul Klee nasceu há 145 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:45 0 bocas
Marcadores: Alemanha, Bauhaus, cubismo, expressionismo, Paul Klee, pintura, Suiça, Surrealismo
sábado, dezembro 14, 2024
Louis Agassiz morreu há 151 anos...
In 1832 he was appointed professor of natural history in the University of Neuchâtel. The fossil fish there soon attracted his attention. The fossil-rich stones furnished by the slates of Glarus and the limestones of Monte Bolca were known at the time, but very little had been accomplished in the way of scientific study of them. Agassiz, as early as 1829, planned the publication of the work which, more than any other, laid the foundation of his worldwide fame. Five volumes of his Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ("Research on Fossil Fish") appeared at intervals from 1833 to 1843. They were magnificently illustrated, chiefly by Joseph Dinkel. In gathering materials for this work Agassiz visited the principal museums in Europe, and meeting Cuvier in Paris, he received much encouragement and assistance from him. They had known him for seven years at the time.
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:51 0 bocas
Marcadores: Geologia, glaciares, ictiologia, Louis Agassiz, Suiça, USA
quinta-feira, setembro 05, 2024
O túnel de São Gotardo foi inaugurado há 44 anos
- Comprimento: 16,9 km
- Túneis: uma de 2 vias (bidireccional)
- Velocidade: 80 km/h
- Tráfego: 6,1 milhões veículos em 2011
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:44 0 bocas
Marcadores: Suiça, Túnel, Túnel rodoviário do São Gotardo
domingo, julho 28, 2024
Jacques Piccard nasceu há cento e dois anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:02 0 bocas
Marcadores: batiscafo, Fossa das Marianas, Jacques Piccard, Oceanografia, Suiça
domingo, julho 14, 2024
O Matterhorn foi escalado pela primeira vez há 159 anos
O Matterhorn ou Cervino (em francês Cervin e em italiano Cervino) é talvez a montanha mais conhecida dos Alpes, a par do Monte Branco. Localizado na fronteira da Suíça com a Itália, com 4.478 metros de altitude, a sua graciosa silhueta domina a cidade suíça de Zermatt e a cidade italiana de Breuil-Cervinia, no Valtournenche.
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:59 0 bocas
Marcadores: alpinismo, Cervino, escalada, Itália, Matterhorn, orogenia alpina, Suiça
quarta-feira, julho 10, 2024
Calvino nasceu há 515 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 05:15 0 bocas
Marcadores: calvinismo, França, João Calvino, Reforma Protestante, Suiça, teologia
segunda-feira, maio 27, 2024
Calvino morreu há quatrocentos e sessenta anos...
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:46 0 bocas
Marcadores: calvinismo, França, João Calvino, predestinação, protestantes, Reforma Protestante, Suiça
domingo, maio 12, 2024
H. R. Giger morreu há dez anos...
Other works
- Dune (designs for unproduced Alejandro Jodorowsky adaptation of the Frank Herbert novel; the movie Dune was later made in an adaptation by David Lynch)
- Alien (designed, among other things, the Alien creature, "The Derelict" and the "Space Jockey")
- Aliens (credited for the creation of the creature only)
- Alien 3 (designed the dog-like Alien bodyshape, plus a number of unused concepts, many mentioned on the special features disc of Alien 3, despite not being credited in the movie theater version)
- Alien Resurrection (credited for the creation of the creature only)
- Poltergeist II: The Other Side
- Killer Condom (creative consultant, set design)
- Species (designed Sil, and the Ghost Train in a dream sequence)
- Batman Forever (designed radically different envisioning of the Batmobile; design was not used in the film)
- Future-Kill (designed artwork for the movie poster)
- Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis (creature designs)
- Prometheus (the film includes "The Derelict" spacecraft and the "Space Jockey" designs from the first Alien film, as well as a "Temple" design from the failed Jodorowsky Dune project and original extraterrestrial murals created exclusively for Prometheus, based in conceptual art from Alien. Unlike Alien Resurrection, the Prometheus film credited H. R. Giger with the original designs).
segunda-feira, abril 22, 2024
Yehudi Menuhin nasceu há 108 anos...
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:08 0 bocas
Marcadores: Brahms, judeus, maestro, Reino Unido, Suiça, USA, violino, Yehudi Menuhin
quinta-feira, março 14, 2024
Ferdinand Hodler nasceu há cento e setenta e um anos
Hodler was born in Bern, the eldest of six children. His father, Jean Hodler, made a meager living as a carpenter; his mother, Marguerite (née Neukomm), was from a peasant family. By the time Hodler was eight years old, he had lost his father and two younger brothers to tuberculosis. His mother remarried, to a decorative painter named Gottlieb Schüpach who had five children from a previous marriage. The birth of additional children brought the size of Hodler's family to thirteen.
The family's finances were poor, and the nine-year-old Hodler was put to work assisting his stepfather in painting signs and other commercial projects. After the death of his mother from tuberculosis in 1867, Hodler was sent to Thun to apprentice with a local painter, Ferdinand Sommer. From Sommer, Hodler learned the craft of painting conventional Alpine landscapes, typically copied from prints, which he sold in shops and to tourists.Postado por Fernando Martins às 17:10 0 bocas
Marcadores: Ferdinand Hodler, pintura, Simbolismo, Suiça
quarta-feira, dezembro 27, 2023
Bernoulli nasceu há 369 anos
Publicou a primeira integração de uma equação diferencial; deu solução ao problema dos isoperímetros, que abriu caminho ao cálculo das variações de Euler e Lagrange e estendeu suas principais aplicações ao cálculo das probabilidades. É considerado o pai do cálculo exponencial. Foi professor de matemática em Basileia, tendo sido importantíssima sua contribuição à geometria analítica, à teoria das probabilidades e ao cálculo de variações.
Em 1713, depois de sua morte, foi publicado o seu grande tratado sobre a teoria das probabilidades, Ars Conjectandi, que ainda oferece interesse prático na aplicação da teoria da probabilidade nos seguros e na estatística.
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:36 0 bocas
Marcadores: Bernoulli, Matemática, Suiça
segunda-feira, dezembro 18, 2023
Paul Klee nasceu há 144 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 14:40 0 bocas
Marcadores: Alemanha, Bauhaus, cubismo, expressionismo, Paul Klee, pintura, Suiça, Surrealismo
quinta-feira, dezembro 14, 2023
O zoólogo e geólogo Louis Agassiz morreu há cento e cinquenta anos...
In 1832 he was appointed professor of natural history in the University of Neuchâtel. The fossil fish there soon attracted his attention. The fossil-rich stones furnished by the slates of Glarus and the limestones of Monte Bolca were known at the time, but very little had been accomplished in the way of scientific study of them. Agassiz, as early as 1829, planned the publication of the work which, more than any other, laid the foundation of his worldwide fame. Five volumes of his Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ("Research on Fossil Fish") appeared at intervals from 1833 to 1843. They were magnificently illustrated, chiefly by Joseph Dinkel. In gathering materials for this work Agassiz visited the principal museums in Europe, and meeting Cuvier in Paris, he received much encouragement and assistance from him. They had known him for seven years at the time.
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:50 0 bocas
Marcadores: Geologia, glaciares, ictiologia, Louis Agassiz, Suiça, USA