segunda-feira, outubro 14, 2024
Martin Luther King ganhou o Prémio Nobel da Paz há sessenta anos...!
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:06 0 bocas
Marcadores: Martin Luther King, não-violência, paz, Prémio Nobel, racismo
quinta-feira, setembro 12, 2024
Jesse Owens nasceu há cento e onze anos...
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:11 0 bocas
Marcadores: Jesse Owens, Jogos Olímpicos, racismo
quinta-feira, março 21, 2024
Hoje é o Dia Internacional Contra a Discriminação Racial - porque o Massacre de Sharpeville foi há 64 anos...
Postado por Fernando Martins às 06:40 0 bocas
Marcadores: África do Sul, apartheid, Dia Internacional Contra a Discriminação Racial, Massacre de Sharpeville, música, racismo
quinta-feira, março 14, 2024
Mit brennender Sorge - o papa Pio XI escreveu uma carta ao povo alemão há 87 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 08:07 0 bocas
Marcadores: Encíclica, Igreja Católica, Mit brennender Sorge, nazis, Papa, Pio XI, racismo
sexta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2024
Hans F. K. Günther, teórico racial e nazi, nasceu há 133 anos
Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (Freiburg, 16 February 1891 – Freiburg, 25 September 1968) was a German writer, an advocate of scientific racism and a eugenicist in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. He was also known as "Rassengünther" ("Race Günther") or "Rassenpapst" ("Race Pope"). He is considered to have been a major influence on Nazi racialist thought.
He received several honors during the Third Reich, notably in 1935 he was declared "pride of the NSDAP" for his scientific work. In the same year he received the Rudolph Virchow plaque, and in 1940 the Goethe Medal for arts and science from Hitler. In March 1941, he was received as an honored guest for the opening conference of Alfred Rosenberg's Institute for Research on the Jewish Question "Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question". At the conference the obliteration of Jewish identity, or "people death" (Volkstod) of the Jews was discussed. Various proposals were made, including the "pauperization of European Jews and hard labor in massive camps in Poland". Günther's only recorded comment was that the meeting was boring.
After World War II, Günther was placed in internment camps for three years until it was concluded that, though he was a part of the Nazi system, he was not an instigator of its criminal acts, making him less accountable for the consequences of his actions. The University of Freiburg came to his defense at his post-war trial. Nevertheless, even after Nazi Germany's fall, he did not revise his thinking, denying the Holocaust until his death. In 1951 he published the book How to choose a husband in which he listed good biological qualities to look for in marriage partners. He continued to argue that sterilization should remain a legal option, and played down the mandatory sterilization used in Nazi Germany. Another eugenics book was published in 1959 in which he argued that unintelligent people reproduce too numerously in Europe, and the only solution was state-sponsored family planning.
quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2024
O Nascimento de uma Nação, famoso e controverso filme, foi lançado há 109 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:09 0 bocas
Marcadores: cinema, cinema mudo, D. W. Griffith, Ku Klux Klan, O Nascimento de uma Nação, racismo, The Birth of a Nation, USA
sábado, outubro 14, 2023
Martin Luther King ganhou o Prémio Nobel da Paz há 59 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 05:09 0 bocas
Marcadores: Martin Luther King, não-violência, paz, Prémio Nobel, racismo
terça-feira, setembro 12, 2023
Jesse Owens nasceu há cento e dez anos...
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:10 0 bocas
Marcadores: Jesse Owens, Jogos Olímpicos, racismo
terça-feira, março 21, 2023
O Massacre de Sharpeville foi há 63 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 06:30 0 bocas
Marcadores: África do Sul, apartheid, Dia Internacional Contra a Discriminação Racial, Massacre de Sharpeville, música, racismo
terça-feira, março 14, 2023
O papa Pio XI escreveu uma histórica carta ao povo alemão há 86 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 08:06 0 bocas
Marcadores: Encíclica, Igreja Católica, Mit brennender Sorge, nazis, Papa, Pio XI, racismo
quinta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2023
Hans F. K. Günther, teórico racial e nazi, nasceu há 132 anos
Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (Freiburg, 16 February 1891 – Freiburg, 25 September 1968) was a German writer, an advocate of scientific racism and a eugenicist in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. He was also known as "Rassengünther" ("Race Günther") or "Rassenpapst" ("Race Pope"). He is considered to have been a major influence on Nazi racialist thought.
He received several honors during the Third Reich, notably in 1935 he was declared "pride of the NSDAP" for his scientific work. In the same year he received the Rudolph Virchow plaque, and in 1940 the Goethe Medal for arts and science from Hitler. In March 1941, he was received as an honored guest for the opening conference of Alfred Rosenberg's Institute for Research on the Jewish Question "Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question". At the conference the obliteration of Jewish identity, or "people death" (Volkstod) of the Jews was discussed. Various proposals were made, including the "pauperization of European Jews and hard labor in massive camps in Poland". Günther's only recorded comment was that the meeting was boring.
After World War II, Günther was placed in internment camps for three years until it was concluded that, though he was a part of the Nazi system, he was not an instigator of its criminal acts, making him less accountable for the consequences of his actions. The University of Freiburg came to his defense at his post-war trial. Nevertheless, even after Nazi Germany's fall, he did not revise his thinking, denying the Holocaust until his death. In 1951 he published the book How to choose a husband in which he listed good biological qualities to look for in marriage partners. He continued to argue that sterilization should remain a legal option, and played down the mandatory sterilization used in Nazi Germany. Another eugenics book was published in 1959 in which he argued that unintelligent people reproduce too numerously in Europe, and the only solution was state-sponsored family planning.
quarta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2023
O Nascimento de uma Nação, o famoso e controverso filme, foi lançado há 108 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:08 0 bocas
Marcadores: cinema, cinema mudo, D. W. Griffith, Ku Klux Klan, O Nascimento de uma Nação, racismo, The Birth of a Nation, USA
sexta-feira, outubro 14, 2022
Martin Luther King obteve o Prémio Nobel da Paz há 58 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:58 0 bocas
Marcadores: Martin Luther King, não-violência, paz, Prémio Nobel, racismo
segunda-feira, março 21, 2022
O Massacre de Sharpeville foi há 62 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 06:20 0 bocas
Marcadores: África do Sul, apartheid, Dia Internacional Contra a Discriminação Racial, Massacre de Sharpeville, música, racismo
Música adequada à data...
Postado por Pedro Luna às 00:06 0 bocas
Marcadores: África do Sul, apartheid, Dia Internacional Contra a Discriminação Racial, Ewan Maccoll, Massacre de Sharpeville, música, Peggy Seeger, racismo, The Ballad of Sharpeville
segunda-feira, março 14, 2022
Pio XI, com profunda preocupação, escreveu uma histórica carta ao povo alemão há 85 anos
- "Os livros sagrados do Antigo Testamento são exclusivamente da palavra de Deus, e constituem uma parte substancial de sua revelação (...) Como seria de esperar em livros históricos e didática, refletem, em muitos elementos, a imperfeição, a fraqueza e pecaminosidade do homem (...) mas também registram a história do Povo Escolhido, portador da Revelação e da promessa (...) Os olhos não cegos pelo preconceito vão ver nesta prevaricação, conforme relatado pela história bíblica, o esplendor da luz divina que revela o plano de poupança que finalmente triunfa sobre todas as falhas e pecados."
- "A todos aqueles, que conservaram para com seus Bispos a fidelidade prometida na ordenação, àqueles que, no cumprimento de seu ofício pastoral, tiveram e têm de suportar dores e perseguições - alguns até serem encarcerados ou mandados a campos de contração -, a todos estes chegue a expressão da gratidão e o encómio do Pai da Cristandade. Nossa gratidão paterna se estende igualmente aos religiosos de ambos os sexos, uma gratidão unida a uma participação íntima pelo fato de que, como consequência de medidas contra as Ordens e Congregações religiosas, muitos foram arrancados do campo de uma atividade bendita e para eles gratíssima. Se alguns sucumbiram e se mostraram indignos da sua vocação, seus erros, condenados também pela Igreja, não diminuem o mérito da grandíssima maioria que com desinteresse e pobreza voluntária se esforçam por servir com plena entrega a seu Deus e ao seu povo."
- "O zelo, a fidelidade, o esforço em aperfeiçoar-se, a solícita caridade para com o próximo e a prontidão benfeitora daqueles religiosos cuja atividade se desenvolve nos cuidados pastorais, nos hospitais e na escola, são e seguem sendo gloriosa aportação ao bem-estar público e privado: um tempo futuro mais tranquilo lhes fará justiça mais que o turbulento que atravessamos."
Postado por Fernando Martins às 08:50 0 bocas
Marcadores: Encíclica, Igreja Católica, Mit brennender Sorge, nazis, Papa, Pio XI, racismo
quarta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2022
Hans F. K. Günther, teórico racial e nazi, nasceu há 131 anos
Hans Friedrich Karl Günther (Freiburg, 16 February 1891 – Freiburg, 25 September 1968) was a German writer, an advocate of scientific racism and a eugenicist in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. He was also known as "Rassengünther" ("Race Günther") or "Rassenpapst" ("Race Pope"). He is considered to have been a major influence on Nazi racialist thought.
He received several honors during the Third Reich, notably in 1935 he was declared "pride of the NSDAP" for his scientific work. In the same year he received the Rudolph Virchow plaque, and in 1940 the Goethe Medal for arts and science from Hitler. In March 1941, he was received as an honored guest for the opening conference of Alfred Rosenberg's Institute for Research on the Jewish Question "Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question". At the conference the obliteration of Jewish identity, or "people death" (Volkstod) of the Jews was discussed. Various proposals were made, including the "pauperization of European Jews and hard labor in massive camps in Poland". Günther's only recorded comment was that the meeting was boring.
After World War II, Günther was placed in internment camps for three years until it was concluded that, though he was a part of the Nazi system, he was not an instigator of its criminal acts, making him less accountable for the consequences of his actions. The University of Freiburg came to his defense at his post-war trial. Nevertheless, even after Nazi Germany's fall, he did not revise his thinking, denying the Holocaust until his death. In 1951 he published the book How to choose a husband in which he listed good biological qualities to look for in marriage partners. He continued to argue that sterilization should remain a legal option, and played down the mandatory sterilization used in Nazi Germany. Another eugenics book was published in 1959 in which he argued that unintelligent people reproduce too numerously in Europe, and the only solution was state-sponsored family planning.
terça-feira, fevereiro 08, 2022
O Nascimento de uma Nação, famoso e controverso filme, foi lançado há 107 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 01:07 0 bocas
Marcadores: cinema, cinema mudo, D. W. Griffith, Ku Klux Klan, O Nascimento de uma Nação, racismo, The Birth of a Nation, USA
quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2021
Martin Luther King tornou-se o mais novo Prémio Nobel da Paz de sempre há 57 anos
Postado por Fernando Martins às 00:57 0 bocas
Marcadores: Martin Luther King, não-violência, paz, Prémio Nobel, racismo