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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Don McLean. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, março 30, 2024

Música adequada à data...



Vincent (Starry Starry Night) - Don McLean


Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue

Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night

You took your life, as lovers often do
But I could've told you Vincent
This world was never meant for
One as beautiful as you

Starry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frame-less heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget

Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn of bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free

They would not listen, they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will

sábado, fevereiro 03, 2024

Porque este é o dia em que a música morreu - há 65 anos...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos  de rock and roll dos Estados Unidos: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

segunda-feira, outubro 02, 2023

Don McLean faz hoje 78 anos

Don McLean (Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos que ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop, de oito minutos e meio, que atingiu o topo dos hits americanos. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são: Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh), Castles in the Air, Since I Don’t Have You e Crying.


sexta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2023

Este é o dia em que a música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos  de rock and roll dos Estados Unidos: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

domingo, outubro 02, 2022

Don McLean faz hoje 77 anos

Don McLean (Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos que ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop, de oito minutos e meio, que atingiu o topo dos hits americanos. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são: Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh), Castles in the Air, Since I Don’t Have You e Crying.


quinta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2022

Que data triste - este é o dia em que a música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos  de rock and roll dos Estados Unidos: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.


sábado, outubro 02, 2021

Música adequada à data...

Don McLean faz hoje 76 anos

Don McLean (Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos que ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop, de oito minutos e meio, que atingiu o topo dos hits americanos. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são: Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh), Castles in the Air, Since I Don’t Have You e Crying.


quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2021

Nunca esquecer - este é o dia em que a música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos  de rock and roll dos Estados Unidos: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.


sexta-feira, outubro 02, 2020

Don McLean - 75 anos!

Don McLean (Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos que ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop, de oito minutos e meio, que atingiu o topo dos hits americanos. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são: Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh), Castles in the Air, Since I Don’t Have You e Crying.


segunda-feira, fevereiro 03, 2020

Este é o dia em que a música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos dos Estados Unidos de rock and roll: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

domingo, fevereiro 03, 2019

Este foi o dia em que a música morreu, faz hoje sessenta anos...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
A 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno porte caiu próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos dos Estados Unidos de rock and roll: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido, posteriormente, por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.
Os músicos estavam juntos na turnê "The Winter Dance Party", projetada para cobrir vinte e quatro cidades do centro-oeste dos Estados Unidos em apenas três semanas, de 23 de janeiro a 15 de fevereiro de 1959. Um dos problemas logísticos era o tempo gasto durante as viagens, pois a distância entre os locais dos concertos não foi considerado quando cada um deles foi agendado. Outro era o autocarro usado para transportar os músicos, não preparado para enfrentar o inverno. O seu sistema de aquecimento avariou pouco depois do início da turnê, e como consequência, o baterista de Holly, Carl Bunch, desenvolveu um caso grave de congelamento nos pés, tendo de ser internado num hospital. Enquanto ele se recuperava, Buddy Holly e Ritchie Valens revezavam-se na bateria.
O The Surf Ballroom em Clear Lake, Iowa, não estava agendado para ser a próxima parada da turnê, mas seus organizadores, esperando incluir mais datas, entraram em contato com Carroll Anderson, gerente do local, que aceitou a proposta. O show foi marcado para uma segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro.
Ao chegar no local, Buddy Holly, frustrado com o autocarro de viagem, disse a seus colegas de banda que, terminado o show, ele tentaria fretar um avião para alcançar a próxima paragem da turnê, a cidade de Moorhead, em Minnesota. Holly também estaria incomodado por não ter mais camisolas, meias e cuecas limpas. Ele precisaria lavar as suas roupas antes do próximo concerto, mas a lavandaria local estava fechada naquele dia.
Ele conseguiu então combinar um vôo com Roger Peterson, um piloto de 21 anos que trabalhava para a Dwyer Flying Service na cidade vizinha de Mason City. Uma taxa de 36 dólares por passageiro foi acertada para que Peterson levasse Holly e mais dois acompanhantes até Fargo no seu Beechcraft Bonanza, modelo B35, fabricado em 1947.
Uma das vagas foi oferecida a Dion DiMucci, vocalista do grupo Dion and the Belmonts, mas ele decidiu que não gastaria os 36 dólares da passagem pois aquele era o mesmo valor que seus pais pagavam pelo aluguer de um apartamento, e sendo assim ele sentiu que não poderia justificar a extravagância de gastar aquele valor. Os dois assentos ficariam então com Waylon Jennings e Tommy Allsup, músicos que acompanhavam Holly na sua recém-iniciada carreira a solo.
J.P. Richardson, que contraíra gripe durante a turnê, pediu a Jennings que lhe cedesse o seu lugar no avião. Jennings concordou, e quando Holly ficou sabendo do acordo, brincou: "Bom, espero que esse seu autocarro velho congele". Jennings, também em tom de brincadeira, respondeu: "E eu espero que o seu avião velho caia". Este diálogo perseguiria Jennings pelo resto de sua vida.
Ritchie Valens, que nunca viajara de avião antes, pediu pelo lugar de Tommy Allsup, que respondeu que isso seria decidido em um jogo de cara ou coroa. Bob Hale, radialista da KRIB-AM, estava trabalhando no concerto como DJ naquela noite, e jogou a moeda pouco antes dos músicos partirem para o aeroporto. Valens venceu, ganhando o lugar no avião.
O avião descolou por volta de 00.55 (hora local). Pouco depois de 01.00 da manhã, Hubert Dwyer, piloto comercial e dono da aeronave, observando de uma plataforma do lado de fora da torre de controle, viu a luz de cauda do avião descer gradualmente até desaparecer de vista.
Peterson havia dito a Dwyer que passaria o seu plano de vôo à torre de controle por rádio depois da descolagem. Como ele não se comunicou com os controladores, Dwyer pediu que eles tentassem entrar em contato com a aeronave, mas não obtiveram resposta.
Às 03.30 da manhã, quando o Aeroporto Hector em Fargo, Dakota do Norte, informou não ter recebido qualquer sinal do Bonanza, Dwyer contactou as autoridades e declarou a aeronave como desaparecida.
Por volta das 09.15 da manhã, Dwyer descolou de outro avião de pequeno porte para seguir a rota planeada por Peterson. Pouco tempo depois, ele visualizou os destroços do Bonanza numa plantação de milho pertencente a Albert Juhl, situada oito quilómetros a noroeste do aeroporto.
A aeronave estava num ângulo levemente descendente e inclinada para a direita quando atingiu o solo a 270 quilómetros por hora. Ela capotou e derrapou por mais 170 metros na terra congelada, antes de que a massa retorcida do avião batesse contra uma cerca de arame farpado, nas cercanias da propriedade de Juhl. Os corpos de Holly e Valens caíram próximos do avião, Richardson foi arremessado através da cerca e ficou dentro da plantação de milho do vizinho de Juhl, Oscar Moffett, enquanto Peterson ficou preso na cabine. Carroll Anderson, o gerente do Surf Ballroom que levara os músicos ao aeroporto da cidade vizinha e presenciara a descolagem do avião, foi o primeiro a identificar as vítimas.
Autópsias posteriores indicaram que todos os quatro morreram instantaneamente com o impacto. O relatório do médico legista detalhou os ferimentos múltiplos sofridos por Holly, demonstrando como morreu na queda:
Cquote1.svg O corpo de Charles H. Holley estava vestido em uma jaqueta amarela de material semelhante a couro, com as costuras na parte das costas rasgadas em quase toda sua extensão. O crânio foi partido no meio da testa, com o dano estendendo-se ao cérebro. Aproximadamente metade do tecido cerebral estava ausente. Havia sangue em ambos os ouvidos, e a face mostrava diversos cortes. A consistência do tórax estava mole devido a extensivo esmagamento da estrutura óssea. Ambas as pernas apresentavam fraturas múltiplas. Cquote2.svg
Investigações concluíram que o acidente foi provocado por uma combinação de mau tempo e erro humano. Peterson, operando em voo por instrumentos, ainda estava sendo testado nesta especialidade, não sendo habilitado para pilotar em condições climáticas não visuais, que requeriam que operação da aeronave fosse feita apenas por orientação dos instrumentos. O inquérito final da Civil Aeronautics Board observou que Peterson havia sido treinado em aeronaves equipadas com horizonte artificial, não tendo portanto experiência com o pouco comum giroscópio indicador de altitude Sperry F3 utilizado no Bonanza. Para piorar a situação, os dois instrumentos indicavam o eixo de uma aeronave de maneira exatamente oposta ao habitual; isso levou os investigadores a concluírem que Peterson pode ter pensado que estava subindo quando estava, de facto, descendo. Eles também descobriram que o piloto não recebeu os alertas adequados sobre as condições climáticas, o que, dado seus conhecimentos limitados, poderia tê-lo feito adiar o voo.

sábado, fevereiro 03, 2018

Porque hoje é o dia em que a Música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente
Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um pequeno avião caiu próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos norte-americanos de rock and roll: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

sexta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2017

Hoje é o dia em que a Música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente

Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um pequeno avião caiu próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos norte-americanos de rock and roll: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

sexta-feira, outubro 02, 2015

Música(s) para terminar bem o dia...

Don McLean - 70 anos!

Don McLean (Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos que ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop, de oito minutos e meio, que atingiu o topo dos hits americanos. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são: Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh), Castles in the Air, Since I Don’t Have You e Crying.

terça-feira, fevereiro 03, 2015

Este é o dia em que a música morreu...

Monumento erguido no local do acidente

Em 3 de fevereiro de 1959, um avião de pequeno tamanho caiu, próximo de Clear Lake, Iowa, matando três músicos dos Estados Unidos de rock and roll: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens e J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, assim como o piloto Roger Peterson. Este dia seria definido posteriormente por Don McLean, na sua canção "American Pie", como "o dia em que a música morreu" – The Day the Music Died.

quarta-feira, outubro 02, 2013

Don McLean - 68 anos

Don McLean (New Rochelle, Nova Iorque, 2 de outubro de 1945) é um cantor e compositor dos Estados Unidos. Ficou famoso pela canção American Pie, elegia folk-pop de oito minutos e meio que atingiu o topo das americanas. Iniciou a sua carreira em meados dos anos 60, tocando em clubes nova-iorquinos, escolas primárias e em prol de causas ambientais.
Outros dos seus sucessos são:
  • Vincent (um tributo a Vincent van Gogh);
  • Castles in the Air;
  • Since I Don’t Have You;
  • Crying.

terça-feira, outubro 02, 2012

Don McLean faz hoje 67 anos

Donald "Don" McLean (born October 2, 1945) is an American singer-songwriter. He is most famous for the 1971 album American Pie, containing the renowned songs "American Pie" and "Vincent".

Both McLean's grandfather and father were also named Donald McLean. The Buccis, the family of McLean's mother, Elizabeth, came from Abruzzo in central Italy. They left Italy and settled in Port Chester, New York, at the end of the 19th century. He has other extended family in Los Angeles and Boston.
As a teenager, McLean became interested in folk music, particularly the Weavers' 1955 recording At Carnegie Hall. Childhood asthma meant that McLean missed long periods of school, particularly music lessons, and although he slipped back in his studies, his love of music was allowed to flourish. He often performed shows for family and friends. By age 16 he had bought his first guitar (a Harmony acoustic archtop with a sunburst finish) and begun making contacts in the music business, becoming friends with folk singer Erik Darling, a latter-day member of the Weavers. McLean recorded his first studio sessions (with singer Lisa Kindred) while still in prep school.
McLean graduated from Iona Preparatory School in 1963, and briefly attended Villanova University, dropping out after four months. While at Villanova he became friends with singer/songwriter Jim Croce.
After leaving Villanova, McLean became associated with famed folk music agent Harold Leventhal, and for the next six years performed at venues and events including the Bitter End and the Gaslight Cafe in New York, the Newport Folk Festival, the Cellar Door in Washington, D.C., and the Troubadour in Los Angeles. Concurrently, McLean attended night school at Iona College and received a bachelor's degree in business administration in 1968. He turned down a scholarship to Columbia University Graduate School in favor of becoming resident singer at Caffè Lena in Saratoga Springs, New York.
In 1968, with the help of a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts, McLean began reaching a wider public, with visits to towns up and down the Hudson River. He learned the art of performing from his friend and mentor Pete Seeger. McLean accompanied Seeger on his Clearwater boat trip up the Hudson River in 1969 to raise awareness about environmental pollution in the river. During this time McLean wrote songs that would appear on his first album, Tapestry. McLean co-edited the book Songs and Sketches of the First Clearwater Crew with sketches by Thomas B. Allen for which Pete Seeger wrote the foreword. Seeger and McLean sang "Shenandoah" on the 1974 Clearwater album.

Early breakthrough
McLean recorded his first album, Tapestry, in 1969 in Berkeley, California during the student riots. After being rejected by 34 labels, the album was released by Mediarts and attracted good reviews but little notice outside the folk community.
McLean's major break came when Mediarts was taken over by United Artists Records thus securing for his second album, American Pie, the promotion of a major label. The album spawned two No. 1 hits in the title song and "Vincent". American Pie's success made McLean an international star and piqued interest in his first album, which charted more than two years after its initial release.

American Pie
McLean's magnum opus, "American Pie", is a sprawling, impressionistic ballad inspired partly by the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J. P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) in a plane crash on 3 February 1959. The song popularized the expression "The Day the Music Died" in reference to this event. WCFL DJ Bob Dearborn unraveled the lyrics and first published his interpretation on 7 January 1972, eight days before the song reached #1 nationally (see "Further reading" under American Pie). Numerous other interpretations, which together largely converged on Dearborn's interpretation, quickly followed. McLean declined to say anything definitive about the lyrics until 1978. Since then McLean has stated that the lyrics are also somewhat autobiographical and present an abstract story of his life from the mid-1950s until the time he wrote the song in the late 1960s.
The song was recorded on 26 May 1971 and a month later received its first radio airplay on New York’s WNEW-FM and WPLJ-FM to mark the closing of The Fillmore East, a famous New York concert hall. "American Pie" reached number one on the U.S. Billboard magazine charts for four weeks in 1972, and remains McLean's most successful single release. The single also topped the Billboard Easy Listening survey. With a running time of 8:36, it is also the longest song to reach No. 1. Some stations played only part one of the original split-sided single release.
In 2001 "American Pie" was voted No. 5 in a poll of the 365 Songs of the Century compiled by the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts. The top five were: "Over the Rainbow" written by Harold Arlen and E.Y. "Yip" Harburg (performed by Judy Garland in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz), "White Christmas" written by Irving Berlin (best-known performance by Bing Crosby), "This Land Is Your Land" written and performed by Woody Guthrie, "Respect" written by Otis Redding (best-known performance by Aretha Franklin), and "American Pie".

Subsequent recordings
Personnel from the American Pie album sessions were retained for his third album Don McLean, including producer, Ed Freeman, Rob Rothstein on bass and Warren Bernhardt on piano. The song "The Pride Parade" provides an insight into McLean’s immediate reaction to stardom. McLean told Melody Maker magazine in 1973 that Tapestry was an album by someone previously concerned with external situations. American Pie combines externals with internals and the resultant success of that album makes the third one (Don McLean) entirely introspective."
Other songs written by McLean for the album included “Dreidel” (number 21 on the Billboard chart) and “If We Try” (number 58), which was subsequently recorded by Olivia Newton-John. “On the Amazon” from the 1920s musical Mr Cinders was an unusual choice but became an audience favorite in concerts and featured in “Till Tomorrow”, a documentary film about McLean produced by Bob Elfstrom. The film shows McLean in concert at Columbia University as he was interrupted by a bomb scare. He left the stage while the audience stood up and checked under their seats for anything that resembled a bomb. After the all-clear, McLean re-appeared and sang “On the Amazon” from exactly where he had left off. Don Heckman reported the bomb scare in his review for the New York Times entitled “Don McLean Survives Two Obstacles.”
The fourth album, Playin' Favorites was a top-40 hit in the UK in 1973 and included the Irish folk classic, "Mountains of Mourne" and Buddy Holly’s "Everyday", a live rendition of which returned McLean to the UK Singles Chart. McLean said, "The last album (Don McLean) was a study in depression whereas the new one (Playin' Favorites) is almost the quintessence of optimism, with a feeling of "Wow, I just woke up from a bad dream."
The 1974 album Homeless Brother, produced by Joel Dorn, was McLean’s final studio collaboration with United Artists. The album featured fine New York session musicians, including Ralph McDonald on percussion, Hugh McKracken on guitar and a guest appearance by Yusef Lateef on flute. The Persuasions sang the background vocals on “Crying in the Chapel” and Cissy Houston provided a backing vocal on “La La Love You”.
The album’s title song was inspired by Jack Kerouac’s book, The Lonesome Traveller in which Kerouac tells the story of America’s “homeless brothers,” or hobos. The song features background vocals by Pete Seeger.
The song “The Legend of Andrew McCrew” was based on an article published in the New York Times. concerning a black Dallas hobo named Anderson McCrew who was killed when he leapt from a moving train. No one claimed him, so a carnival took his body, mummified it, and toured all over the South with him, calling him the “The Famous Mummy Man.” McLean’s song inspired radio station WGN in Chicago to tell the story and give the song airplay in order to raise money for a headstone for Anderson McCrew’s grave. Their campaign was successful and McCrew’s body was exhumed and buried in the Lincoln Cemetery in Dallas. The tombstone had an inscription with words from the fourth verse of McLean’s song:
What a way to live a life, and what a way to die
Left to live a living death with no one left to cry
A petrified amazement, a wonder beyond worth
A man who found more life in death than life gave him at birth
Joel Dorn later collaborated on the Don McLean career retrospective Rearview Mirror released in 2005 on Dorn’s own label Hyena Records. In 2006, Dorn reflected on working with McLean:
Of the more than 200 studio albums I’ve produced in the past forty plus years, there is a handful; maybe fifteen or so that I can actually listen to from top to bottom. Homeless Brother is one of them. It accomplished everything I set out to do. And it did so because it was a true collaboration. Don brought so much to the project that all I really had to do was capture what he did, and complement it properly when necessary.
Also from the Homeless Brother album, "Wonderful Baby" was a number 1 on the AOR chart in 1975 and was later recorded by Fred Astaire. The song had been inspired by Joel Dorn’s son and reflected McLean’s interest in 1930s music.
1977 saw a brief liaison with Arista Records that yielded the Prime Time album and, in October 1978, the single "It Doesn’t Matter Anymore". This was a track from the Chain Lightning album that should have been the second of four with Arista. McLean had started recording in Nashville, with Elvis Presley’s backing singers, The Jordanaires, and many of Elvis’s musicians. However the Arista deal broke down following artistic disagreements between McLean and the Arista chief, Clive Davis. Consequently McLean was left without a record contract in the USA, but through continuing deals the Chain Lightning album was released by EMI in Europe and by Festival Records in Australia. In April 1980, the track "Crying” from the album began picking up airplay on Dutch radio stations and McLean was called to Europe to appear on several important musical variety shows to plug the song and support its release as a single by EMI. The song achieved number 1 status in Holland first, followed by the UK and then Australia.
Don’s number 1 successes in Europe and Australia led to a new deal in the USA with Millennium Records. They issued the Chain Lightning album two and a half years after it had been recorded in Nashville, and two years after its release in Europe. It charted on February 14th, 1981 and reached number 28 while "Crying" climbed to number 5 on the pop singles chart.
The early 1980s saw further chart successes in the US with "Since I Don't Have You", a new recording of "Castles in the Air" and "It's Just the Sun".
In 1987, the release of the country-based Love Tracks album gave rise to the hit singles "Love in My Heart" (a top-10 in Australia), "Can't Blame the Wreck on the Train" (US country No. 49), and "Eventually". The latter two songs were written by Houston native Terri Sharp.
In 1991, EMI reissued the "American Pie" single in the United Kingdom and McLean performed on Top of the Pops.
In 1992, previously unreleased songs became available on Favorites and Rarities while Don McLean Classics featured new studio recordings of "Vincent" and "American Pie".
Don McLean has continued to record new material including River of Love in 1995 on Curb Records and, more recently, the albums You've Got to Share, Don McLean Sings Marty Robbins and The Western Album on his own Don McLean Music label.
A new album, Addicted to Black, was released in May 2009 and is available for purchase at his North American concert performances and is available on his website. In addition, McLean is expecting to tour in Europe and Australia in 2010.

Other songs
McLean's other well-known songs include:
  • "And I Love You So" was covered by Elvis Presley, Helen Reddy, Shirley Bassey, Glen Campbell, Engelbert Humperdinck, Howard Keel and a 1973 hit for Perry Como
  • "Vincent", a tribute to the 19th century Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh. Although it only reached #12 on the Billboard Hot 100, it proved to be a huge hit worldwide. It was a #1 hit single in the UK Singles Chart. This song was covered by NOFX on their album titled 45 or 46 Songs That Weren't Good Enough to Go on Our Other Records, and also appears on the Fat Wreck Chords compilation Survival of the Fattest. "Vincent" was also covered by Josh Groban on his 2001 debut album.
  • "Castles in the Air", which McLean recorded twice. His 1981 re-recording was a top-40 hit, reaching #36 on the Billboard Hot 100 in late 1981.
  • "Wonderful Baby", a tribute to Fred Astaire that Astaire himself recorded. Primarily rejected by pop stations, it reached #1 on the Billboard Easy Listening survey.
  • "Superman's Ghost", a tribute to George Reeves, who portrayed Superman on television in the 1950s
  • "The Grave", a song that McLean had written about the Vietnam War, was covered by George Michael in 2003 in protest against the Iraq War.
The American Pie album features a version of Psalm 137, entitled "Babylon". The song is based on a canon by Philip Hayes and was arranged by McLean and Lee Hays (of The Weavers). Boney M had a number one hit in the UK with a similar song in 1978 under the title Rivers of Babylon, which was not based on this one, although using the same text from Psalm 137.
"Babylon" was performed in the Mad Men episode of the same name Babylon_(Mad_Men) - episode 6 despite the fact that the song would not be released until 10 years after the time in which the episode is set.
In 1980, McLean had an international number one hit with a cover of the Roy Orbison classic, "Crying". It was only after the record became a success overseas that it was released in the U.S. The single hit #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1981. Orbison himself once described McLean as "the voice of the century", and a subsequent re-recording of the song saw Orbison incorporate elements of McLean's version.
For the 1982 animated cult-movie The Flight of Dragons produced by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin, Jr., McLean sang the opening theme. Unfortunately, no soundtrack has ever been released.
Another hit song associated with McLean (though never recorded by him) is "Killing Me Softly with His Song", which was written about McLean after Lori Lieberman, also a singer/songwriter, saw him singing his composition "Empty Chairs" in concert. Afterwards, Lieberman wrote a poem about the experience and shared it with Norman Gimbel, who had long been searching for a way to use a phrase he had copied from a novel badly translated from Spanish to English, "killing me softly with his blues". Gimbel and Charles Fox reworked the poem and the phrase into the song "Killing Me Softly with His Song", recorded by Roberta Flack (and later covered by The Fugees).