Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse.
quarta-feira, outubro 09, 2024
Os alemães de leste fartaram-se (do socialismo, do comunismo ou lá do que era aquilo...) há 35 anos...
Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse.
domingo, junho 02, 2024
Benno Ohnesorg foi assassinado há 57 anos...
A Moment in June
She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard
I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio
Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.
It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching
Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead
Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans
What is happiness exactly anyway
Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing
Rolf Haufs
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, Benno Ohnesorg, Grupo Baader-Meinhof, poesia, protesto, RDA, RFA, Rolf Haufs
segunda-feira, outubro 09, 2023
Os alemães de leste fartaram-se, do socialismo e do comunismo, há 34 anos...
Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse.
sexta-feira, junho 02, 2023
Benno Ohnesorg foi assassinado há 56 anos...
A Moment in June
She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard
I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio
Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.
It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching
Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead
Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans
What is happiness exactly anyway
Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing
Rolf Haufs
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Benno Ohnesorg, Grupo Baader-Meinhof, poesia, protesto, Rolf Haufs
domingo, outubro 09, 2022
Os alemães de leste fartaram-se de viver no paraíso há 33 anos...
Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse. Foi há 25 anos.
quinta-feira, junho 02, 2022
Poesia para recordar um assassinato...
A Moment in June
She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard
I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio
Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.
It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching
Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead
Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans
What is happiness exactly anyway
Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing
Rolf Haufs
Postado por
Pedro Luna
Marcadores: Benno Ohnesorg, Grupo Baader-Meinhof, poesia, protesto, Rolf Haufs
sábado, outubro 09, 2021
Há 32 anos, os alemães de leste fartaram-se do paraíso...
Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse. Foi há 25 anos.
quarta-feira, junho 02, 2021
Uma enigmática morte gerou revolta estudantil e grupos terroristas na Alemanha há 54 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Benno Ohnesorg, Grupo Baader-Meinhof, Maio de 68, protesto
quarta-feira, outubro 09, 2019
Há trinta anos, os alemães de leste fartaram-se...
Foi em Leipzig que a manifestação de 70 mil pessoas no dia 9 de outubro de 1989 deixou o regime da RDA sem resposta. Ninguém imaginava que um mês depois o muro caísse. Foi há 25 anos.
sexta-feira, junho 02, 2017
Há cinquenta anos uma enigmática morte gerou revolta estudantil e grupos terroristas na Alemanha
Benno Ohnesorg (Hanover, October 15, 1940 – West Berlin, June 2, 1967) was a German university student killed by a policeman during a demonstration in West Berlin.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Benno Ohnesorg, Grupo Baader-Meinhof, protesto
quinta-feira, outubro 09, 2014
Há 25 anos, os alemães de leste fartaram-se...
domingo, fevereiro 06, 2011
domingo, janeiro 23, 2011
Um sério aviso
Da mesma notícia, com dados actualizados:
As eleições também foram marcadas por um elevado número de votos brancos (191.159 votos, 4,26 por cento do total) e nulos (86.543 votos, 1,93 por cento do total). Foi o maior registo de sempre. Em 2006, ambos tinham somado 1,84 por cento e em 2001, dois por cento. O valor máximo anteriormente registado fora em 1991 - dois por cento de votos brancos e um por cento de nulos.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: democracia, Portugal, Presidente da República, protesto, República