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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Yes. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, março 07, 2025

Peter Banks morreu há doze anos...

Banks (bottom) in Mabel Greer's Toyshop, 1968
Peter William Brockbanks (Chipping Barnet, London, 15 July 1947 – Chipping Barnet, London, 7 March 2013), known professionally as Peter Banks, was an English guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer. He was best known as the original guitarist in the rock bands the Syn, Yes, Flash, and Empire. Former Sniffin' Glue and NME journalist Danny Baker described Banks as "the architect of progressive music". 




Banks died of heart failure on 7 March 2013 at his home in Barnet, London. He was reportedly found after failing to turn up for a scheduled recording session. He was 65.  


in Wikipédia

terça-feira, março 04, 2025

Chris Squire nasceu há 77 anos...

Christopher Russell Edward Squire, conhecido como Chris Squire (Londres, 4 de março de 1948 - Phoenix, 27 de junho de 2015) foi um músico britânico, famoso pelo seu trabalho como baixista da banda de rock progressivo Yes, da qual foi co-fundador e o único membro constante em todas as formações até à sua morte.
O estilo do baixo de Squire era melódico, dinâmico e agressivo, a sua marca pessoal. Ele usava caracteristicamente o baixo Rickenbacker 4001, que, com os seus ajustes pessoais, gerava um timbre inconfundível. Squire foi considerado o 18º melhor baixista do milénio, numa lista divulgada pela revista Guitar há poucos anos.
Em maio de 2015 foi-lhe diagnosticada leucemia e por isso afastou-se das atividades dos Yes, para fazer tratamento. Em 28 de junho de 2015, o teclista Geoff Downes postou, na sua conta de Twitter, que Squire falecera, de complicações decorrentes da doença.

sábado, janeiro 11, 2025

Tony Kaye, antigo teclista dos Yes, faz hoje 79 anos


Anthony John Selvidge (Leicester, 11 January 1945), known professionally as Tony Kaye, is an English keyboardist, best known as a founding member of the progressive rock band Yes. Born into a musical family, Kaye was classically trained and intended to become a concert pianist before he developed an interest in jazz and contemporary rock and pop music. He joined several groups through the 1960s, including the Federals, Johnny Taylor's Star Combo, Jimmy Winston & His Reflections, and Bittersweet.

From 1968 to 1971, Kaye was a member of Yes and played on their first three albums. He then formed Badger and relocated to Los Angeles in 1974, after which he toured with David Bowie and joined Detective. Kaye then played in Badfinger and is featured on their final studio album in 1981. He returned to Yes in 1983 for their most commercially successful period before he left in 1994.

Kaye has since been involved with several projects with Billy Sherwood and is a current member of CIRCA:. From 2009 to 2011, the two were also members of the supergroup Yoso with members of Toto. In 2017, Kaye was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Yes. 


in Wikipédia


sexta-feira, outubro 25, 2024

Hoje é dia de ouvir Yes...!

Jon Anderson, o vocalista dos Yes, celebra hoje oitenta anos...!

John Roy Anderson, born John Roy Anderson (Accrington, Lancashire,  25 October 1944) is an English singer, songwriter and musician, best known as the former lead singer of the progressive rock band Yes, which he formed in 1968 with bassist Chris Squire. He was a member of the band across three tenures until 2008. Anderson was also a member of ARW along with former Yes bandmates Rick Wakeman and Trevor Rabin from 2016 to 2020. Together with bassist Lee Pomeroy and drummer Lou Molino III, they toured under the name Yes Featuring Jon Anderson, Trevor Rabin, Rick Wakeman



domingo, maio 26, 2024

O baterista Alan White morreu há dois anos...

Alan White (Pelton,14 June 1949 – Newcastle, Washington, 26 May 2022) was an English drummer, best known for his almost 50-year tenure in the progressive rock band Yes. He joined Yes in 1972 as a replacement for original drummer Bill Bruford. He was the longest-serving member of the band and the only member besides original bassist Chris Squire never to leave. He appeared on 43 albums with Yes, 17 of which were original studio albums. 


in Wikipédia


sábado, maio 18, 2024

Rick Wakeman faz hoje 75 anos...!

Richard "Rick" Christopher Wakeman (Londres, 18 de maio de 1949) é um teclista de rock progressivo britânico, um pianista clássico, que se tornou bastante famoso pelo seu virtuosismo noutras áreas. Nos primeiros anos de sua carreira ele foi um pioneiro no uso de teclados eletrónicos e o seu nome tornou-se sinónimo de teclista cercado por uma vasta gama de equipamentos.
Wakeman alcançou a fama em 1970 tocando com a banda The Strawbs, juntando-se aos Yes em 1971. Ele entrou e saiu da banda pelo menos quatro vezes, reflexo de um relacionamento turbulento com o grupo. Em 2002 voltou aos Yes pela quinta vez.
Wakeman tem uma carreira a solo extremamente longa. Ele também tocou como músico convidado para artistas e grupos como Elton John, Brian May, Alice Cooper, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Ozzy Osbourne e Black Sabbath.
Rick Wakeman é considerado um dos pais do Rock Progressivo e do Rock Sinfónico. Wakeman é um teclista brilhante, sendo considerado por muitos, como as mãos mais ágeis dentre todos os teclistas. Utiliza pianos acústicos, elétricos e eletrónicos; sintetizadores; Minimoog; Mellotron; todos os tipos de teclados; órgãos, órgão Hammond; clavicórdios e tudo que tenha teclas.
Wakeman produziu centenas de álbuns com os mais variados temas, desde lendas míticas da antiga Inglaterra até sobre o Espaço Sideral, passando por reis, rainhas, temas astrológicos, bandas sonoras para filmes, entre outros. Produziu tantos álbuns na sua carreira musical que nem mesmo o próprio tem certeza de quantos álbuns produziu ou em que participou, ao todo.
Dois dos seus filhos, Adam Wakeman e Oliver Wakeman, também seguiram a carreira de teclistas, sendo o filho Oliver o que mais se aproxima do estilo do pai. Adam Wakeman é o atual teclista da banda de heavy metal Black Sabbath e toca muito com o pai, aparecendo em diversos álbuns e shows.
Recentemente, no final de 2008, Wakeman foi convidado formalmente pela família real britânica para celebrar os 500 anos da ascensão de Henrique VIII ao trono inglês com um de seus espetáculos, o que deu origem ao show "The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace" lançado em CD, DVD e Blu-Ray. O show foi realizado num dos castelos construídos por Henrique VIII, o Hampton Court Palace e reuniu uma orquestra com 70 integrantes, um coral de 40 vozes, um quinteto de rock e diversos convidados especiais.


Música para recordar que hoje faz anos um dos melhores teclistas do rock...

sexta-feira, maio 17, 2024

Bill Bruford celebra hoje 75 anos


William Scott Bruford (Sevenoaks, 17 May 1949) is an English retired drummer, composer, producer, record label owner and musicologist who first gained prominence as a founding member of the progressive rock band Yes. After his departure from Yes, Bruford spent the rest of the 1970s playing in King Crimson (1972-1974) and touring with Genesis (1976) and U.K. (1978). Eventually he formed his own group (Bruford), which was active from 1978-1980.

In the 1980s, Bruford returned to King Crimson for three years, collaborated with several artists, including Patrick Moraz and David Torn, and formed his own jazz band Earthworks in 1986. He then played with his former Yes bandmates in Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe, which eventually led to a very brief second stint in Yes. Bruford played in King Crimson for his third (and final) tenure from 1994-1997, after which he continued with a new configuration of Earthworks.

On 1 January 2009, Bruford retired from public performance, barring one private gig in 2011. He released his autobiography, and continues to speak and write about music. He operates his record labels, Summerfold and Winterfold Records. In 2016, after four-and-a-half years of study, Bruford earned a PhD in Music at the University of Surrey, in the same year Rolling Stone magazine ranked Bruford No. 16 in its list of the "100 Greatest Drummers of All Time". He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Yes in 2017.


segunda-feira, abril 08, 2024

O guitarrista Steve Howe faz hoje 77 anos

Stephen James Willian John Howe (Londres, 8 de abril de 1947) é um músico inglês de rock progressivo, internacionalmente conhecido pelo seu trabalho como guitarrista da banda Yes. Considerado um dos melhores e mais influentes guitarristas de todos os tempos, ele também já participou em trabalhos das bandas The Syndicats, Bodast, Tomorrow, Asia e GTR, além de ter lançado 14 álbuns a solo.


quinta-feira, março 07, 2024

Peter Banks morreu há onze anos...

Banks (bottom) in Mabel Greer's Toyshop, 1968
Peter William Brockbanks (Chipping Barnet, London, 15 July 1947 – Chipping Barnet, London, 7 March 2013), known professionally as Peter Banks, was an English guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer. He was best known as the original guitarist in the rock bands the Syn, Yes, Flash, and Empire. Former Sniffin' Glue and NME journalist Danny Baker described Banks as "the architect of progressive music". 




Banks died of heart failure on 7 March 2013 at his home in Barnet, London. He was reportedly found after failing to turn up for a scheduled recording session. He was 65.  


in Wikipédia


segunda-feira, março 04, 2024

Chris Squire, o baixo já falecido dos Yes, nasceu há 76 anos

Christopher Russell Edward Squire, conhecido como Chris Squire (Londres, 4 de março de 1948 - Phoenix, 27 de junho de 2015) foi um músico britânico, famoso pelo seu trabalho como baixista da banda de rock progressivo Yes, da qual foi co-fundador e o único membro constante em todas as formações até à sua morte.
O estilo do baixo de Squire era melódico, dinâmico e agressivo, a sua marca pessoal. Ele usava caracteristicamente o baixo Rickenbacker 4001, que, com os seus ajustes pessoais, gerava um timbre inconfundível. Squire foi considerado o 18º melhor baixista do milénio, numa lista divulgada pela revista Guitar há poucos anos.
Em maio de 2015 foi-lhe diagnosticada leucemia e por isso afastou-se das atividades dos Yes, para fazer tratamento. Em 28 de junho de 2015, o teclista Geoff Downes postou, na sua conta de Twitter, que Squire falecera, de complicações decorrentes da doença.


quinta-feira, janeiro 11, 2024

Tony Kaye, teclista dos Yes, faz hoje 78 anos


Anthony John Selvidge (Leicester, 11 January 1945), known professionally as Tony Kaye, is an English keyboardist, best known as a founding member of the progressive rock band Yes. Born into a musical family, Kaye was classically trained and intended to become a concert pianist before he developed an interest in jazz and contemporary rock and pop music. He joined several groups through the 1960s, including the Federals, Johnny Taylor's Star Combo, Jimmy Winston & His Reflections, and Bittersweet.

From 1968 to 1971, Kaye was a member of Yes and played on their first three albums. He then formed Badger and relocated to Los Angeles in 1974, after which he toured with David Bowie and joined Detective. Kaye then played in Badfinger and is featured on their final studio album in 1981. He returned to Yes in 1983 for their most commercially successful period before he left in 1994.

Kaye has since been involved with several projects with Billy Sherwood and is a current member of CIRCA:. From 2009 to 2011, the two were also members of the supergroup Yoso with members of Toto. In 2017, Kaye was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Yes. 


in Wikipédia


quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2023

Jon Anderson, o vocalista dos Yes, faz hoje 79 anos

John Roy Anderson (Accrington, Lancashire,  25 October 1944) is an English singer, songwriter and musician, best known as the former lead singer of the progressive rock band Yes, which he formed in 1968 with bassist Chris Squire. He was a member of the band across three tenures until 2008. Anderson was also a member of ARW along with former Yes bandmates Rick Wakeman and Trevor Rabin from 2016 to 2020. Together with bassist Lee Pomeroy and drummer Lou Molino III, they toured under the name Yes Featuring Jon Anderson, Trevor Rabin, Rick Wakeman



sexta-feira, maio 26, 2023

O baterista Alan White morreu há um ano...

Alan White (Pelton,14 June 1949 – Newcastle, Washington, 26 May 2022) was an English drummer, best known for his almost 50-year tenure in the progressive rock band Yes. He joined Yes in 1972 as a replacement for original drummer Bill Bruford. He was the longest-serving member of the band and the only member besides original bassist Chris Squire never to leave. He appeared on 43 albums with Yes, 17 of which were original studio albums. 


in Wikipédia


quinta-feira, maio 18, 2023

Rick Wakeman - 74 anos

Richard "Rick" Christopher Wakeman (Londres, 18 de maio de 1949) é um teclista de rock progressivo britânico, um pianista clássico, que se tornou bastante famoso pelo seu virtuosismo noutras áreas. Nos primeiros anos de sua carreira ele foi um pioneiro no uso de teclados eletrónicos e o seu nome tornou-se sinónimo de teclista cercado por uma vasta gama de equipamentos.
Wakeman alcançou a fama em 1970 tocando com a banda The Strawbs, juntando-se aos Yes em 1971. Ele entrou e saiu da banda pelo menos quatro vezes, reflexo de um relacionamento turbulento com o grupo. Em 2002 voltou aos Yes pela quinta vez.
Wakeman tem uma carreira a solo extremamente longa. Ele também tocou como músico convidado para artistas e grupos como Elton John, Brian May, Alice Cooper, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Ozzy Osbourne e Black Sabbath.
Rick Wakeman é considerado um dos pais do Rock Progressivo e do Rock Sinfónico. Wakeman é um teclista brilhante, sendo considerado por muitos, como as mãos mais ágeis dentre todos os teclistas. Utiliza pianos acústicos, elétricos e eletrónicos; sintetizadores; Minimoog; Mellotron; todos os tipos de teclados; órgãos, órgão Hammond; clavicórdios e tudo que tenha teclas.
Wakeman produziu centenas de álbuns com os mais variados temas, desde lendas míticas da antiga Inglaterra até sobre o Espaço Sideral, passando por reis, rainhas, temas astrológicos, bandas sonoras para filmes, entre outros. Produziu tantos álbuns na sua carreira musical que nem mesmo o próprio tem certeza de quantos álbuns produziu ou em que participou, ao todo.
Dois dos seus filhos, Adam Wakeman e Oliver Wakeman, também seguiram a carreira de teclistas, sendo o filho Oliver o que mais se aproxima do estilo do pai. Adam Wakeman é o atual teclista da banda de heavy metal Black Sabbath e toca muito com o pai, aparecendo em diversos álbuns e shows.
Recentemente, no final de 2008, Wakeman foi convidado formalmente pela família real britânica para celebrar os 500 anos da ascensão de Henrique VIII ao trono inglês com um de seus espetáculos, o que deu origem ao show "The Six Wives of Henry VIII Live at Hampton Court Palace" lançado em CD, DVD e Blu-Ray. O show foi realizado num dos castelos construídos por Henrique VIII, o Hampton Court Palace e reuniu uma orquestra com 70 integrantes, um coral de 40 vozes, um quinteto de rock e diversos convidados especiais.


O primeiro álbum ao vivo dos Yes foi lançado há cinquenta anos...!


Yessongs is the first live album by the English progressive rock band Yes, released as a triple album in May 1973 on Atlantic Records. After completing their Close to the Edge Tour in April 1973, the band selected live recordings between February and December 1972 on their tours supporting Fragile (1971) and Close to the Edge (1972) for a live album release. They were then edited and remixed with their producer and live sound mixer Eddy Offord. Three tracks feature original Yes drummer Bill Bruford while the remaining tracks feature his replacement, Alan White.

Yessongs received a mostly positive reception from music critics, though much of its criticism was directed at its sound quality. However, the album was a commercial success for the band, reaching number 7 on the UK Albums Chart and number 12 on the US Billboard 200. In 1998, the album was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for selling over one million copies in the United States. In 2015, recordings of seven shows from late 1972, including ones that were used in the original album, were released in their entirety as Progeny: Seven Shows from Seventy-Two


in Wikipédia


quarta-feira, maio 17, 2023

Bill Bruford celebra hoje 74 anos


William Scott Bruford (Sevenoaks, 17 May 1949) is an English retired drummer, composer, producer, record label owner and musicologist who first gained prominence as a founding member of the progressive rock band Yes. After his departure from Yes, Bruford spent the rest of the 1970s playing in King Crimson (1972-1974) and touring with Genesis (1976) and U.K. (1978). Eventually he formed his own group (Bruford), which was active from 1978-1980.

In the 1980s, Bruford returned to King Crimson for three years, collaborated with several artists, including Patrick Moraz and David Torn, and formed his own jazz band Earthworks in 1986. He then played with his former Yes bandmates in Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe, which eventually led to a very brief second stint in Yes. Bruford played in King Crimson for his third (and final) tenure from 1994-1997, after which he continued with a new configuration of Earthworks.

On 1 January 2009, Bruford retired from public performance, barring one private gig in 2011. He released his autobiography, and continues to speak and write about music. He operates his record labels, Summerfold and Winterfold Records. In 2016, after four-and-a-half years of study, Bruford earned a PhD in Music at the University of Surrey, in the same year Rolling Stone magazine ranked Bruford No. 16 in its list of the "100 Greatest Drummers of All Time". He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Yes in 2017.


sábado, abril 08, 2023

O guitarrista Steve Howe faz hoje 76 anos

Stephen James Willian John Howe (Londres, 8 de abril de 1947) é um músico inglês de rock progressivo, internacionalmente conhecido pelo seu trabalho como guitarrista da banda Yes. Considerado um dos melhores e mais influentes guitarristas de todos os tempos, ele também já participou em trabalhos das bandas The Syndicats, Bodast, Tomorrow, Asia e GTR, além de ter lançado 14 álbuns a solo.


terça-feira, março 07, 2023

Peter Banks morreu há dez anos...

Peter William Brockbanks (Chipping Barnet, London, 15 July 1947 – Chipping Barnet, London, 7 March 2013), known professionally as Peter Banks, was an English guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer. He was best known as the original guitarist in the rock bands the Syn, Yes, Flash, and Empire. Former Sniffin' Glue and NME journalist Danny Baker described Banks as "the architect of progressive music". 




Banks died of heart failure on 7 March 2013 at his home in Barnet, London. He was reportedly found after failing to turn up for a scheduled recording session. He was 65.  


in Wikipédia