terça-feira, maio 07, 2024
O RMS Lusitania foi afundado há 109 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, casus belli, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
sábado, abril 06, 2024
Os Estados Unidos da América declararam guerra à Alemanha há 107 anos
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first. The sentiment for neutrality was strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Swedish Americans, as well as among church leaders and women. On the other hand, even before World War I broke out, American opinion toward Germany was already more negative than it was toward any other country in Europe. The citizenry increasingly came to see the German Empire as the villain after news of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in May 1915. Wilson made all the key decisions and kept the economy on a peacetime basis, while allowing banks to make large-scale loans to Britain and France. To preclude making any military threat, President Wilson made only minimal preparations for war and kept the United States Army on its small peacetime basis, despite increasing demands for preparedness. However, he did enlarge the United States Navy.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, RMS Lusitania, USA
domingo, maio 07, 2023
O RMS Lusitania foi afundado há 108 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, casus belli, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
quinta-feira, abril 06, 2023
Os Estados Unidos da América declararam guerra à Alemanha há 106 anos
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first. The sentiment for neutrality was strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Swedish Americans, as well as among church leaders and women. On the other hand, even before World War I broke out, American opinion toward Germany was already more negative than it was toward any other country in Europe. The citizenry increasingly came to see the German Empire as the villain after news of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in May 1915. Wilson made all the key decisions and kept the economy on a peacetime basis, while allowing banks to make large-scale loans to Britain and France. To preclude making any military threat, President Wilson made only minimal preparations for war and kept the United States Army on its small peacetime basis, despite increasing demands for preparedness. However, he did enlarge the United States Navy.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, RMS Lusitania, USA
sábado, maio 07, 2022
O navio Lusitania foi afundado há 107 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, casus belli, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
quarta-feira, abril 06, 2022
Os Estados Unidos da América entraram na I Guerra Mundial há 105 anos
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first. The sentiment for neutrality was strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Swedish Americans, as well as among church leaders and women. On the other hand, even before World War I broke out, American opinion toward Germany was already more negative than it was toward any other country in Europe. The citizenry increasingly came to see the German Empire as the villain after news of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in May 1915. Wilson made all the key decisions and kept the economy on a peacetime basis, while allowing banks to make large-scale loans to Britain and France. To preclude making any military threat, President Wilson made only minimal preparations for war and kept the United States Army on its small peacetime basis, despite increasing demands for preparedness. However, he did enlarge the United States Navy.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, RMS Lusitania, USA
sexta-feira, maio 07, 2021
O navio Lusitania foi afundado há 106 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, casus belli, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
terça-feira, abril 06, 2021
Os Estados Unidos da América declaram guerra à Alemanha há 104 anos
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first. The sentiment for neutrality was strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Swedish Americans, as well as among church leaders and women. On the other hand, even before World War I broke out, American opinion toward Germany was already more negative than it was toward any other country in Europe. The citizenry increasingly came to see the German Empire as the villain after news of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in May 1915. Wilson made all the key decisions and kept the economy on a peacetime basis, while allowing banks to make large-scale loans to Britain and France. To preclude making any military threat, President Wilson made only minimal preparations for war and kept the United States Army on its small peacetime basis, despite increasing demands for preparedness. However, he did enlarge the United States Navy.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, RMS Lusitania, USA
quinta-feira, maio 07, 2020
O afundamento do navio Lusitania foi há 105 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, casus belli, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
terça-feira, maio 07, 2019
O Lusitania foi afundado há 104 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
quinta-feira, abril 06, 2017
Os Estados Unidos da América entraram há um século na I Grande Guerra
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States neutral. Apart from an Anglophile element supporting the British, American public opinion went along with neutrality at first. The sentiment for neutrality was strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Swedish Americans, as well as among church leaders and women. On the other hand, even before World War I broke out, American opinion toward Germany was already more negative than it was toward any other country in Europe. The citizenry increasingly came to see the German Empire as the villain after news of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, and the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in May 1915. Wilson made all the key decisions and kept the economy on a peacetime basis, while allowing banks to make large-scale loans to Britain and France. To preclude making any military threat, President Wilson made only minimal preparations for war and kept the United States Army on its small peacetime basis, despite increasing demands for preparedness. However, he did enlarge the United States Navy.
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, RMS Lusitania, USA
quarta-feira, maio 07, 2014
O afundamento do navio Lusitania foi há 99 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: Alemanha, Cunard Line, I Guerra Mundial, neutralidade, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, submarino, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA
segunda-feira, maio 07, 2012
O Lusitania foi torpedeado há 97 anos
Postado por
Fernando Martins
Marcadores: afundamento, Alemanha, I Guerra Mundial, Reino Unido, RMS Lusitania, Telegrama Zimmermann, USA