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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Taiwan. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, abril 03, 2024

Terramoto no Taiwan...

(Fonte - IPMA)


Nove mortos, 50 desaparecidos e mais de 800 feridos após sismo em Taiwan

Todas as mortes ocorreram na região de Hualien, a mais próxima do epicentro do sismo.
Pelo menos nove pessoas morreram esta quarta-feira e mais de 800 ficaram feridas, de acordo com um novo balanço, feito pelos bombeiros, do sismo de magnitude 7.4 na escala de Richter que abalou a costa de Taiwan.  
O organismo oficial de Taipé indicou inicialmente que tinham morrido quatro pessoas, mas o número de vítimas mortais aumentou para sete na última hora.
Segundo avança a Reuters, este foi o maior sismo a atingir a ilha em 25 anos.
De acordo com o Corpo Nacional de Bombeiros de Taiwan, todas as mortes ocorreram na região de Hualien, a mais próxima do epicentro do sismo, ao largo do leste da ilha. Acrescentam que pelo menos 77 permaneciam soterradas, algumas em edifícios desmoronados. Existem ainda 50 pessoas desaparecidas.
in CM

terça-feira, fevereiro 06, 2024

O sismo de Kaohsiung, no Taiwan, foi há oito anos

At 03:57 local time on 6 February 2016, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.4 struck 28 km (17 mi) northeast of Pingtung City in southern Taiwan, in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung. The earthquake struck at a depth of around 23 km (14 mi). Its comparatively shallow depth caused more intense reverberations on the surface. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, causing widespread damage and 116 deaths. Almost all of the deaths were caused by a collapsed residential building, named Weiguan Jinlong in Yongkang District, while two other people were killed in Gueiren District. Sixty-eight aftershocks have occurred. The earthquake was the deadliest earthquake in Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake

segunda-feira, fevereiro 06, 2023

O sismo de Kaohsiung, no Taiwan, foi há sete anos

At 03:57 local time on 6 February 2016, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.4 struck 28 km (17 mi) northeast of Pingtung City in southern Taiwan, in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung. The earthquake struck at a depth of around 23 km (14 mi). Its comparatively shallow depth caused more intense reverberations on the surface. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, causing widespread damage and 116 deaths. Almost all of the deaths were caused by a collapsed residential building, named Weiguan Jinlong in Yongkang District, while two other people were killed in Gueiren District. Sixty-eight aftershocks have occurred. The earthquake was the deadliest earthquake in Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake

domingo, fevereiro 06, 2022

O sismo de Kaohsiung, no Taiwan, foi há seis anos

At 03:57 local time on 6 February 2016, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.4 struck 28 km (17 mi) northeast of Pingtung City in southern Taiwan, in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung. The earthquake struck at a depth of around 23 km (14 mi). Its comparatively shallow depth caused more intense reverberations on the surface. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, causing widespread damage and 116 deaths. Almost all of the deaths were caused by a collapsed residential building, named Weiguan Jinlong in Yongkang District, while two other people were killed in Gueiren District. Sixty-eight aftershocks have occurred. The earthquake was the deadliest earthquake in Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake

sábado, fevereiro 06, 2021

O Sismo de Kaohsiung, no Taiwan, foi há cinco anos

At 03:57 local time on 6 February 2016, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.4 struck 28 km (17 mi) northeast of Pingtung City in southern Taiwan, in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung. The earthquake struck at a depth of around 23 km (14 mi). Its comparatively shallow depth caused more intense reverberations on the surface. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of VII (Very strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale, causing widespread damage and 116 deaths. Almost all of the deaths were caused by a collapsed residential building, named Weiguan Jinlong in Yongkang District, while two other people were killed in Gueiren District. Sixty-eight aftershocks have occurred. The earthquake was the deadliest earthquake in Taiwan since the 1999 Jiji earthquake