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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta fuzilamento. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, junho 19, 2024

O Imperador Maximiliano do México foi executado há 157 anos

Maximiliano de Habsburgo-Lorena (Viena, 6 de julho de 1832 - Santiago de Querétaro, 19 de junho de 1867) nasceu como arquiduque da Áustria e príncipe da Hungria e da Boémia, mas renunciou a estes títulos para se tornar o Imperador do México, encabeçando o Segundo Império Mexicano entre 1864 e 1867.

Foi persuadido pelo imperador francês Napoleão III e por monárquicos mexicanos a aceitar a coroa do recém-fundado Império Mexicano (1864-1867).

A Aventura de Maximiliano de Habsburgo - como foi chamada no México - não passou de um triste episódio de interesses criados, ingenuidade e desespero. Os conservadores viram na sua pessoa a possibilidade de manter um sistema político que lhes era cómodo e que lhes parecia seguro por contar com o apoio da França, da Inglaterra e da Santa Sé. O arquiduque austríaco, por sua vez, de certo modo condenado a ser sempre o irmão do imperador da Áustria, aceitou o papel que lhe era oferecido desempenhar num país completamente desconhecido para ele e submerso numa profunda crise política.

Devido às suas tendências liberais, Maximiliano logo perdeu o apoio dos conservadores. Foi alvo da hostilidade dos seguidores de Benito Juárez, os republicanos, ao ordenar a execução sumária de seus líderes (1865). A única proteção de Maximiliano era a presença de tropas francesas.
"Por sua vez, o presidente deposto, Benito Juárez, continuava vivo e em liberdade. Os seus partidários controlavam boa parte do México e, apesar de alguns sucessos, o exército francês era acossado pela guerrilha que ia ganhando terreno. Em 1865, ficou claro que era impossível ganhar aquela guerra. O golpe de misericórdia sobre a monarquia veio dos Estados Unidos. Desembaraçado da Guerra de Secessão, o governo americano recusou a reconhecer o imperador Maximiliano e exigiu a retirada das tropas francesas. A alternativa seria a guerra. Napoleão III calculou o prejuízo de uma guerra e, em fevereiro de 1866, escreveu: “Minhas intenções assim se resumem: evacuar o mais depressa possível, mas fazer tudo que estiver ao nosso alcance para que a obra que fundamos não desmorone no dia seguinte ao da nossa partida”. Com Maximiliano descartado interna e externamente, Juárez avançou e não tardou a chegar à capital mexicana. Desprezando os conselhos de Napoleão III, Maximiliano recusou-se a abdicar. Em 15 de maio de 1866 foi preso na cidade de Querétaro. Os guerrilheiros  propuseram-lhe a fuga, que ele chegou a aceitar, mas mudou de ideias – dizia que amava o país. Condenado à morte, foi executado no dia 19 de junho de 1867. As suas últimas palavras teriam sido: “Viva o México!”
Encarando o ocorrido sob a perspetiva de Maximiliano, quando as tropas francesas retiraram (1866-1867), ele assumiu pessoalmente o comando de seus soldados. Após um cerco em Santiago de Querétaro, foi capturado, aprisionado, julgado por um tribunal marcial e fuzilado juntamente com os seus generais Tomás Mejía e Miguel Miramón.
A Execução de Maximiliano - Édouard Manet

sábado, dezembro 30, 2023

José Rizal foi fuzilado há 127 anos

José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (Calamba, 19 de junho de 1861Manila, 30 de dezembro de 1896), foi um escritor, poeta, oftalmologista, jornalista e revolucionário nacionalista filipino, o mais proeminente defensor de reformas nas Filipinas durante o período colonial espanhol e da sua eventual independência da Espanha.

É largamente considerado um dos grandes heróis das Filipinas. É o autor de Noli Me Tángere, El Filibusterismo, e de uma série de poemas e ensaios, entre eles o premiado poema A la juventud filipina, de 1879.

Foi executado em 30 de dezembro de 1896, por um esquadrão de soldados filipinos do Exército Espanhol.

José Rizal foi porta-estandarte da Guerra da independência das Filipinas. Pertencente a uma família rica de plantadores de ascendência chinesa, nasceu em 1861 e estudou medicina em Madrid. Foi aí que começou a luta pela independência, que acabou a 30 de dezembro de 1896 com o seu fuzilamento.

No lugar onde foi fuzilado, ao lado das muralhas do Forte Santiago, situa-se um dos maiores parques da Ásia, o parque Rizal, dedicado a ele em 1913, que é o pulmão da cidade e que conta com uma estátua de 15 metros de altura, erguida junto ao seu túmulo.


Fuzilamento de José Rizal

Mi último adiós - José Rizal

Adiós, Patria adorada, región del sol querida,
perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido edén,
a darte voy, alegre, la triste, mustia vida;
y fuera más brillante, más fresca, más florida,
también por ti la diera, la diera por tu bien.

En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio,
otros te dan sus vidas, sin dudas, sin pesar.
El sitio nada importa: ciprés, laurel o lirio,
cadalso o campo abierto, combate o cruel martirio.
La mismo es si lo piden la Patria y el hogar.

Yo muero, cuando veo que el cielo se colora
y al fin anuncia el día, tras lóbrego capuz;
si grana necesitas, para teñir tu aurora,
¡vierte la sangre mia, derrámala en buen hora,
y dórela un reflejo de su naciente luz!

Mis sueños, cuando apenas muchacho adolescente,
mis sueños cuando joven, ya lleno de vigor,
fueron el verte un día, joya del Mar de Oriente,
secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente,
sin ceño, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor.

Ensueño de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo.
¡Salud! te grita el alma que pronto va a partir;
¡salud! ¡Ah, que es hermoso caer por darte vuelo,
morir por darte vida, morir bajo tu cielo,
y en tu encantada tierra la eternidad dormir!

Si sobre mi sepulcro vieres brotar, un día,
entre la espesa yerba, sencilla humilde flor,
acércala a tus labios y besa el alma mía,
y sienta yo en mi frente, bajo la tumba fria,
de tu ternura el soplo, de tu hálito el calor.

Deja a la luna verme, con luz tranquila y suave;
deja que el alba envíe su resplandor fugaz;
deja gemir al viento, con su murmullo grave;
y si desciende y posa sobre mi cruz un ave,
deja que el ave entone su cántico de paz.

Deja que el sol, ardiendo, las lluvias evapore
y al cielo tornen puras, con mi clamor en pos;
deja que un ser amigo mi fin temprano llore;
y en las serenas tardes, cuando por mí alguien ore,
ora también, oh patria, por mi descanso a Dios.

Ora por todos cuantos murieron sin ventura;
por cuantos padecieron tormentos sin igual;
por nuestras pobres madres, que gimen su amargura;
por huérfanos y viudas, por presos en tortura,
y ora por ti, que veas tu redención final.

Y cuando, en noche oscura, se envuelva el cementerio,
Y solos sólo muertos queden velando allí,
no turbes su reproso, no turbes el misterio:
tal vez acordes oigas de cítara o salterio;
soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te canto a tí.

Y cuando ya mi tumba, de todos olvidada,
no tenga cruz ni piedra que marquen su lugar,
deja que la are el hombre, la esparza con la azada,
y mis cenizas, antes que vuelvan a la nada,
en polvo de tu alfombra que vayan a formar.

Entonces nada importa me pongas en olvido;
tu atmósfera, tu espacio, tus valles cruzaré;
vibrante y limpia nota seré para tu oido:
aroma, luz, colores, rumor, canto, gemido,
constante repitiendo la esencia de mi fe.

Mi patria idolatrada, dolor de mis dolores,
querida Filipinas, oye el postrer adiós.
Ahí, te dejo todo: mis padres, mis amores.
Voy donde no hay esclavos, verdugos ni opresores;
donde la fe no mata, donde el que reina es Dios.

Adiós, padres y hermanos, trozos del alma mía,
amigos de la infancia, en el perdido hogar;
dad gracias, que descanso del fatigoso día;
adiós, dulce extranjera, mi amiga, mi alegría;
adiós, queridos seres. Morir es descansar.


José Rizal

quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2023

Edith Cavell foi executada há 108 anos - e este é um crime de guerra que nunca será esquecido...



Edith Louisa Cavell (Swardeston, 4 December 1865 – Schaerbeek, 12 October 1915) was a British nurse and humanitarian. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from all sides without distinction and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I, for which she was arrested. She was court-martialled and found guilty of treason. She was sentenced to death and shot by firing squad. She received worldwide sympathetic press coverage.
She is well-known for her statement that "patriotism is not enough." Her strong Anglican beliefs propelled her to help all those who needed it, both German and Allied soldiers. She was quoted as saying, "I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved". Cavell was also an influential pioneer of modern nursing in Belgium.

Edith Cavell was born on 4 December 1865 in Swardeston, a village near Norwich, where her father, the Reverend Frederick Cavell, was priest for 45 years. She was the eldest of four children and was taught to always share with the less fortunate, despite her family’s meagre earnings. After a period as a governess, including for a family in Brussels 1900 -1905, she trained as a nurse at the London Hospital under Matron Eva Luckes. In 1907, Cavell was recruited by Dr. Antoine Depage to be matron of a newly established nursing school by the name of L'École Belge d’Infirmières Diplômées on the Rue de la Culture in Brussels. By 1910, "Miss Cavell 'felt that the profession of nursing had gained sufficient foothold in Belgium to warrant the publishing of a professional journal,' and therefore launched the nursing journal, L'infirmière. A year later, she was a training nurse for three hospitals, 24 schools, and 13 kindergartens in Belgium.
When World War I broke out, she was visiting her widowed mother in Norfolk in the East of England. She returned to Brussels where her clinic and nursing school were taken over by the Red Cross.

In late 1914, after the German occupation of Brussels, Cavell began sheltering British soldiers and funnelling them out of occupied Belgium to the neutral Netherlands. In the following months, an underground organisation developed, allowing her to guide some 200 Allied soldiers to safety, which placed Cavell in violation of German military law. German authorities became increasingly suspicious of the nurse's actions, which were backed up by her outspokenness.
She was arrested on 3 August 1915 and charged with harbouring Allied soldiers. She was held in St Gilles prison for 10 weeks, the last two in solitary confinement, and was court-martialled. She was then prosecuted for aiding British and French soldiers, in addition to young Belgian men, to cross the border and enter Britain. She admitted her guilt when she signed a statement the day before the trial, thus reaffirming the crime in the presence of all other prisoners and lawyers present in the court at the beginning of the trial. Cavell gave the German prosecution a much stronger case against her when she declared that the soldiers she had helped escape thanked her in writing when arriving safely in Britain. This admission proved hard to ignore because it not only confirmed that Cavell had helped the soldiers navigate the Dutch frontier, but it also established that she helped them escape to a country at war with Germany.
As the case stood, the sentence according to German military law was death. Paragraph 58 of the German Military Code says: “Will be sentenced to death for treason any person who, with the intention of helping the hostile Power, or of causing harm to the German or allied troops, is guilty of one of the crimes of paragraph 90 of the German Penal Code.” The case referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph 90 consists of "Conducting soldiers to the enemy." Additionally, the penalties according to paragraph 160 of the German Code, in case of war, apply to both foreigners as well as Germans.
The British government said they could do nothing to help her. Sir Horace Rowland of the Foreign Office said, "I am afraid that it is likely to go hard with Miss Cavell; I am afraid we are powerless." The sentiment was echoed by Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. "Any representation by us", he advised, "will do her more harm than good."The United States however had not yet joined the war and was in a position to apply diplomatic pressure. Hugh S. Gibson, First Secretary of the U.S. legation at Brussels, made clear to the German government that executing Cavell would further harm Germany's already damaged reputation. Later, he wrote:
We reminded him (Baron von der Lancken) of the burning of Louvain and the sinking of the Lusitania, and told him that this murder would stir all civilized countries with horror and disgust. Count Harrach broke in at this with the remark that he would rather see Miss Cavell shot than have harm come to one of the humblest German soldiers, and his only regret was that they had not 'three or four English old women to shoot.'
The German civil governor, Baron von der Lancken, is known to have stated that Cavell should be pardoned because of her complete honesty and because she had helped save so many lives, German as well as Allied. However, the German military acted quickly to execute Cavell and so deny higher authorities the opportunity to consider clemency.
Cavell was not arrested for espionage, as many were led to believe, but for treason. Of the 27 put on trial, Cavell and four others were condemned to death, among them Philippe Baucq, an architect in his thirties who had also been instrumental in the escapes. Evidence has recently emerged that Cavell was in fact a spy working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), but her espionage role was compromised by her helping prisoners to escape.
When in custody, Cavell was questioned in French, but the session was minuted in German. This gave the interrogator the opportunity to misinterpret her answers. Although she may have been misrepresented, she made no attempt to defend herself. Cavell was provided with a defender approved by the German military governor. A previous defender, who was chosen for Cavell by her assistant, Elizabeth Wilkins, was ultimately rejected by the governor.
The night before her execution, she told the Reverend Stirling Gahan, the Anglican chaplain who had been allowed to see her and to give her Holy Communion, "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone." These words are inscribed on her statue in St Martin's Place, near Trafalgar Square in London. Her final words to the German Lutheran prison chaplain, Paul Le Seur, were recorded as, "Ask Father Gahan to tell my loved ones later on that my soul, as I believe, is safe, and that I am glad to die for my country."
Despite efforts by Brand Whitlock, the U.S. minister to Belgium, and by the Marquis de Villalobar, the Spanish minister, on Cavell's behalf, on 11 October, Baron von der Lancken allowed the execution to proceed. Sixteen men, forming two firing squads, carried out the sentence pronounced on her and on four Belgian men at Tir National shooting range in Schaerbeek, at 6:00 am on 12 October 1915. There are conflicting reports of the details of Cavell's execution. However, according to the eyewitness account of the Reverend Le Seur, who attended Cavell in her final hours, eight soldiers fired at Cavell while the other eight executed Philippe Baucq.
There is also a dispute over the sentencing imposed under the German Military Code. Supposedly, the death penalty relevant to the offence committed by Cavell was not officially declared until a few hours after her death.
On instructions from the Spanish minister, Belgian women immediately buried her body next to St. Gilles Prison. After the War, her body was taken back to Britain for a memorial service at Westminster Abbey and then transferred to Norwich, to be laid to rest at Life's Green.
in Wikipédia

segunda-feira, junho 19, 2023

O Imperador Maximiliano do México foi executado há 156 anos

Maximiliano de Habsburgo-Lorena (Viena, 6 de julho de 1832 - Santiago de Querétaro, 19 de junho de 1867) nasceu como arquiduque da Áustria e príncipe da Hungria e da Boémia, mas renunciou a estes títulos para se tornar o Imperador do México, encabeçando o Segundo Império Mexicano entre 1864 e 1867.

Foi persuadido pelo imperador francês Napoleão III e por monárquicos mexicanos a aceitar a coroa do recém-fundado Império Mexicano (1864-1867).

A Aventura de Maximiliano de Habsburgo - como foi chamada no México - não passou de um triste episódio de interesses criados, ingenuidade e desespero. Os conservadores viram na sua pessoa a possibilidade de manter um sistema político que lhes era cómodo e que lhes parecia seguro por contar com o apoio da França, da Inglaterra e da Santa Sé. O arquiduque austríaco, por sua vez, de certo modo condenado a ser sempre o irmão do imperador da Áustria, aceitou o papel que lhe era oferecido desempenhar num país completamente desconhecido para ele e submerso numa profunda crise política.

Devido às suas tendências liberais, Maximiliano logo perdeu o apoio dos conservadores. Foi alvo da hostilidade dos seguidores de Benito Juárez, os republicanos, ao ordenar a execução sumária de seus líderes (1865). A única proteção de Maximiliano era a presença de tropas francesas.
"Por sua vez, o presidente deposto, Benito Juárez, continuava vivo e em liberdade. Os seus partidários controlavam boa parte do México e, apesar de alguns sucessos, o exército francês era acossado pela guerrilha que ia ganhando terreno. Em 1865, ficou claro que era impossível ganhar aquela guerra. O golpe de misericórdia sobre a monarquia veio dos Estados Unidos. Desembaraçado da Guerra de Secessão, o governo americano recusou a reconhecer o imperador Maximiliano e exigiu a retirada das tropas francesas. A alternativa seria a guerra. Napoleão III calculou o prejuízo de uma guerra e, em fevereiro de 1866, escreveu: “Minhas intenções assim se resumem: evacuar o mais depressa possível, mas fazer tudo que estiver ao nosso alcance para que a obra que fundamos não desmorone no dia seguinte ao da nossa partida”. Com Maximiliano descartado interna e externamente, Juárez avançou e não tardou a chegar à capital mexicana. Desprezando os conselhos de Napoleão III, Maximiliano recusou-se a abdicar. Em 15 de maio de 1866 foi preso na cidade de Querétaro. Os guerrilheiros  propuseram-lhe a fuga, que ele chegou a aceitar, mas mudou de ideias – dizia que amava o país. Condenado à morte, foi executado no dia 19 de junho de 1867. As suas últimas palavras teriam sido: “Viva o México!”
Encarando o ocorrido sob a perspetiva de Maximiliano, quando as tropas francesas retiraram (1866-1867), ele assumiu pessoalmente o comando de seus soldados. Após um cerco em Santiago de Querétaro, foi capturado, aprisionado, julgado por um tribunal marcial e fuzilado juntamente com os seus generais Tomás Mejía e Miguel Miramón.
A Execução de Maximiliano - Édouard Manet

sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2022

José Rizal foi fuzilado há 126 anos

José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (Calamba, 19 de junho de 1861Manila, 30 de dezembro de 1896), foi um escritor, poeta, oftalmologista, jornalista e revolucionário nacionalista filipino, o mais proeminente defensor de reformas nas Filipinas durante o período colonial espanhol e da sua eventual independência da Espanha.

É largamente considerado um dos grandes heróis das Filipinas. É o autor de Noli Me Tángere, El Filibusterismo, e de uma série de poemas e ensaios, entre eles o premiado poema A la juventud filipina, de 1879.

Foi executado em 30 de dezembro de 1896, por um esquadrão de soldados filipinos do Exército Espanhol.

José Rizal foi porta-estandarte da Guerra da independência das Filipinas. Pertencente a uma família rica de plantadores de ascendência chinesa, nasceu em 1861 e estudou medicina em Madrid. Foi aí que começou a luta pela independência, que acabou a 30 de dezembro de 1896 com o seu fuzilamento.

No lugar onde foi fuzilado, ao lado das muralhas do Forte Santiago, situa-se um dos maiores parques da Ásia, o parque Rizal, dedicado a ele em 1913, que é o pulmão da cidade e que conta com uma estátua de 15 metros de altura, erguida junto ao seu túmulo.

Fuzilamento de José Rizal

Mi último adiós - José Rizal

Adiós, Patria adorada, región del sol querida,
perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido edén,
a darte voy, alegre, la triste, mustia vida;
y fuera más brillante, más fresca, más florida,
también por ti la diera, la diera por tu bien.

En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio,
otros te dan sus vidas, sin dudas, sin pesar.
El sitio nada importa: ciprés, laurel o lirio,
cadalso o campo abierto, combate o cruel martirio.
La mismo es si lo piden la Patria y el hogar.

Yo muero, cuando veo que el cielo se colora
y al fin anuncia el día, tras lóbrego capuz;
si grana necesitas, para teñir tu aurora,
¡vierte la sangre mia, derrámala en buen hora,
y dórela un reflejo de su naciente luz!

Mis sueños, cuando apenas muchacho adolescente,
mis sueños cuando joven, ya lleno de vigor,
fueron el verte un día, joya del Mar de Oriente,
secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente,
sin ceño, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor.

Ensueño de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo.
¡Salud! te grita el alma que pronto va a partir;
¡salud! ¡Ah, que es hermoso caer por darte vuelo,
morir por darte vida, morir bajo tu cielo,
y en tu encantada tierra la eternidad dormir!

Si sobre mi sepulcro vieres brotar, un día,
entre la espesa yerba, sencilla humilde flor,
acércala a tus labios y besa el alma mía,
y sienta yo en mi frente, bajo la tumba fria,
de tu ternura el soplo, de tu hálito el calor.

Deja a la luna verme, con luz tranquila y suave;
deja que el alba envíe su resplandor fugaz;
deja gemir al viento, con su murmullo grave;
y si desciende y posa sobre mi cruz un ave,
deja que el ave entone su cántico de paz.

Deja que el sol, ardiendo, las lluvias evapore
y al cielo tornen puras, con mi clamor en pos;
deja que un ser amigo mi fin temprano llore;
y en las serenas tardes, cuando por mí alguien ore,
ora también, oh patria, por mi descanso a Dios.

Ora por todos cuantos murieron sin ventura;
por cuantos padecieron tormentos sin igual;
por nuestras pobres madres, que gimen su amargura;
por huérfanos y viudas, por presos en tortura,
y ora por ti, que veas tu redención final.

Y cuando, en noche oscura, se envuelva el cementerio,
Y solos sólo muertos queden velando allí,
no turbes su reproso, no turbes el misterio:
tal vez acordes oigas de cítara o salterio;
soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te canto a tí.

Y cuando ya mi tumba, de todos olvidada,
no tenga cruz ni piedra que marquen su lugar,
deja que la are el hombre, la esparza con la azada,
y mis cenizas, antes que vuelvan a la nada,
en polvo de tu alfombra que vayan a formar.

Entonces nada importa me pongas en olvido;
tu atmósfera, tu espacio, tus valles cruzaré;
vibrante y limpia nota seré para tu oido:
aroma, luz, colores, rumor, canto, gemido,
constante repitiendo la esencia de mi fe.

Mi patria idolatrada, dolor de mis dolores,
querida Filipinas, oye el postrer adiós.
Ahí, te dejo todo: mis padres, mis amores.
Voy donde no hay esclavos, verdugos ni opresores;
donde la fe no mata, donde el que reina es Dios.

Adiós, padres y hermanos, trozos del alma mía,
amigos de la infancia, en el perdido hogar;
dad gracias, que descanso del fatigoso día;
adiós, dulce extranjera, mi amiga, mi alegría;
adiós, queridos seres. Morir es descansar.
José Rizal

quarta-feira, outubro 12, 2022

Edith Cavell foi fuzilada há 107 anos - e há crimes de guerra que nunca são esquecidos...

Edith Louisa Cavell (Swardeston, 4 December 1865 – Schaerbeek, 12 October 1915) was a British nurse and humanitarian. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from all sides without distinction and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I, for which she was arrested. She was court-martialled and found guilty of treason. She was sentenced to death and shot by firing squad. She received worldwide sympathetic press coverage.
She is well-known for her statement that "patriotism is not enough." Her strong Anglican beliefs propelled her to help all those who needed it, both German and Allied soldiers. She was quoted as saying, "I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved". Cavell was also an influential pioneer of modern nursing in Belgium.

Edith Cavell was born on 4 December 1865 in Swardeston, a village near Norwich, where her father, the Reverend Frederick Cavell, was priest for 45 years. She was the eldest of four children and was taught to always share with the less fortunate, despite her family’s meagre earnings. After a period as a governess, including for a family in Brussels 1900 -1905, she trained as a nurse at the London Hospital under Matron Eva Luckes. In 1907, Cavell was recruited by Dr. Antoine Depage to be matron of a newly established nursing school by the name of L'École Belge d’Infirmières Diplômées on the Rue de la Culture in Brussels. By 1910, "Miss Cavell 'felt that the profession of nursing had gained sufficient foothold in Belgium to warrant the publishing of a professional journal,' and therefore launched the nursing journal, L'infirmière. A year later, she was a training nurse for three hospitals, 24 schools, and 13 kindergartens in Belgium.
When World War I broke out, she was visiting her widowed mother in Norfolk in the East of England. She returned to Brussels where her clinic and nursing school were taken over by the Red Cross.

In late 1914, after the German occupation of Brussels, Cavell began sheltering British soldiers and funnelling them out of occupied Belgium to the neutral Netherlands. In the following months, an underground organisation developed, allowing her to guide some 200 Allied soldiers to safety, which placed Cavell in violation of German military law. German authorities became increasingly suspicious of the nurse's actions, which were backed up by her outspokenness.
She was arrested on 3 August 1915 and charged with harbouring Allied soldiers. She was held in St Gilles prison for 10 weeks, the last two in solitary confinement, and was court-martialled. She was then prosecuted for aiding British and French soldiers, in addition to young Belgian men, to cross the border and enter Britain. She admitted her guilt when she signed a statement the day before the trial, thus reaffirming the crime in the presence of all other prisoners and lawyers present in the court at the beginning of the trial. Cavell gave the German prosecution a much stronger case against her when she declared that the soldiers she had helped escape thanked her in writing when arriving safely in Britain. This admission proved hard to ignore because it not only confirmed that Cavell had helped the soldiers navigate the Dutch frontier, but it also established that she helped them escape to a country at war with Germany.
As the case stood, the sentence according to German military law was death. Paragraph 58 of the German Military Code says: “Will be sentenced to death for treason any person who, with the intention of helping the hostile Power, or of causing harm to the German or allied troops, is guilty of one of the crimes of paragraph 90 of the German Penal Code.” The case referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph 90 consists of "Conducting soldiers to the enemy." Additionally, the penalties according to paragraph 160 of the German Code, in case of war, apply to both foreigners as well as Germans.
The British government said they could do nothing to help her. Sir Horace Rowland of the Foreign Office said, "I am afraid that it is likely to go hard with Miss Cavell; I am afraid we are powerless." The sentiment was echoed by Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. "Any representation by us", he advised, "will do her more harm than good."The United States however had not yet joined the war and was in a position to apply diplomatic pressure. Hugh S. Gibson, First Secretary of the U.S. legation at Brussels, made clear to the German government that executing Cavell would further harm Germany's already damaged reputation. Later, he wrote:
We reminded him (Baron von der Lancken) of the burning of Louvain and the sinking of the Lusitania, and told him that this murder would stir all civilized countries with horror and disgust. Count Harrach broke in at this with the remark that he would rather see Miss Cavell shot than have harm come to one of the humblest German soldiers, and his only regret was that they had not 'three or four English old women to shoot.'
The German civil governor, Baron von der Lancken, is known to have stated that Cavell should be pardoned because of her complete honesty and because she had helped save so many lives, German as well as Allied. However, the German military acted quickly to execute Cavell and so deny higher authorities the opportunity to consider clemency.
Cavell was not arrested for espionage, as many were led to believe, but for treason. Of the 27 put on trial, Cavell and four others were condemned to death, among them Philippe Baucq, an architect in his thirties who had also been instrumental in the escapes. Evidence has recently emerged that Cavell was in fact a spy working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), but her espionage role was compromised by her helping prisoners to escape.
When in custody, Cavell was questioned in French, but the session was minuted in German. This gave the interrogator the opportunity to misinterpret her answers. Although she may have been misrepresented, she made no attempt to defend herself. Cavell was provided with a defender approved by the German military governor. A previous defender, who was chosen for Cavell by her assistant, Elizabeth Wilkins, was ultimately rejected by the governor.
The night before her execution, she told the Reverend Stirling Gahan, the Anglican chaplain who had been allowed to see her and to give her Holy Communion, "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone." These words are inscribed on her statue in St Martin's Place, near Trafalgar Square in London. Her final words to the German Lutheran prison chaplain, Paul Le Seur, were recorded as, "Ask Father Gahan to tell my loved ones later on that my soul, as I believe, is safe, and that I am glad to die for my country."
Despite efforts by Brand Whitlock, the U.S. minister to Belgium, and by the Marquis de Villalobar, the Spanish minister, on Cavell's behalf, on 11 October, Baron von der Lancken allowed the execution to proceed. Sixteen men, forming two firing squads, carried out the sentence pronounced on her and on four Belgian men at Tir National shooting range in Schaerbeek, at 6:00 am on 12 October 1915. There are conflicting reports of the details of Cavell's execution. However, according to the eyewitness account of the Reverend Le Seur, who attended Cavell in her final hours, eight soldiers fired at Cavell while the other eight executed Philippe Baucq.
There is also a dispute over the sentencing imposed under the German Military Code. Supposedly, the death penalty relevant to the offence committed by Cavell was not officially declared until a few hours after her death.
On instructions from the Spanish minister, Belgian women immediately buried her body next to St. Gilles Prison. After the War, her body was taken back to Britain for a memorial service at Westminster Abbey and then transferred to Norwich, to be laid to rest at Life's Green.

domingo, junho 19, 2022

Maximiliano do México foi fuzilado há 155 anos

Maximiliano de Habsburgo-Lorena (Viena, 6 de julho de 1832 - Santiago de Querétaro, 19 de junho de 1867) nasceu como arquiduque da Áustria e príncipe da Hungria e da Boémia, mas renunciou a estes títulos para se tornar o Imperador do México, encabeçando o Segundo Império Mexicano entre 1864 e 1867.

Foi persuadido pelo imperador francês Napoleão III e por monárquicos mexicanos a aceitar a coroa do recém-fundado Império Mexicano (1864-1867).

A Aventura de Maximiliano de Habsburgo - como foi chamada no México - não passou de um triste episódio de interesses criados, ingenuidade e desespero. Os conservadores viram na sua pessoa a possibilidade de manter um sistema político que lhes era cómodo e que lhes parecia seguro por contar com o apoio da França, da Inglaterra e da Santa Sé. O arquiduque austríaco, por sua vez, de certo modo condenado a ser sempre o irmão do imperador da Áustria, aceitou o papel que lhe era oferecido desempenhar num país completamente desconhecido para ele e submerso numa profunda crise política.

Devido às suas tendências liberais, Maximiliano logo perdeu o apoio dos conservadores. Foi alvo da hostilidade dos seguidores de Benito Juárez, os republicanos, ao ordenar a execução sumária de seus líderes (1865). A única proteção de Maximiliano era a presença de tropas francesas.
"Por sua vez, o presidente deposto, Benito Juárez, continuava vivo e em liberdade. Os seus partidários controlavam boa parte do México e, apesar de alguns sucessos, o exército francês era acossado pela guerrilha que ia ganhando terreno. Em 1865, ficou claro que era impossível ganhar aquela guerra. O golpe de misericórdia sobre a monarquia veio dos Estados Unidos. Desembaraçado da Guerra de Secessão, o governo americano recusou a reconhecer o imperador Maximiliano e exigiu a retirada das tropas francesas. A alternativa seria a guerra. Napoleão III calculou o prejuízo de uma guerra e, em fevereiro de 1866, escreveu: “Minhas intenções assim se resumem: evacuar o mais depressa possível, mas fazer tudo que estiver ao nosso alcance para que a obra que fundamos não desmorone no dia seguinte ao da nossa partida”. Com Maximiliano descartado interna e externamente, Juárez avançou e não tardou a chegar à capital mexicana. Desprezando os conselhos de Napoleão III, Maximiliano recusou-se a abdicar. Em 15 de maio de 1866 foi preso na cidade de Querétaro. Os guerrilheiros  propuseram-lhe a fuga, que ele chegou a aceitar, mas mudou de ideias – dizia que amava o país. Condenado à morte, foi executado no dia 19 de junho de 1867. As suas últimas palavras teriam sido: “Viva o México!”
Encarando o ocorrido sob a perspectiva de Maximiliano, quando as tropas francesas retiraram (1866-1867), ele assumiu pessoalmente o comando de seus soldados. Após um cerco em Santiago de Querétaro, foi capturado, aprisionado, julgado por um tribunal marcial e fuzilado juntamente com os seus generais Tomás Mejía e Miguel Miramón.
A Execução de Maximiliano - Édouard Manet

quinta-feira, dezembro 30, 2021

O herói filipino José Rizal foi fuzilado há 125 anos

José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda (Calamba, 19 de junho de 1861Manila, 30 de dezembro de 1896), foi um escritor, poeta, oftalmologista, jornalista e revolucionário nacionalista filipino, o mais proeminente defensor de reformas nas Filipinas durante o período colonial espanhol e de sua eventual independência da Espanha.

É largamente considerado um dos grandes heróis das Filipinas. É o autor de Noli Me Tángere, El Filibusterismo, e de uma série de poemas e ensaios, entre eles o premiado poema A la juventud filipina, de 1879.

Foi executado em 30 de dezembro de 1896, por um esquadrão de soldados filipinos do Exército Espanhol.

José Rizal foi porta-estandarte da Guerra da independência das Filipinas. Pertencente a uma família rica de plantadores de ascendência chinesa, nasceu em 1861 e estudou medicina em Madrid. Foi aí que começou a luta pela independência, que acabou a 30 de dezembro de 1896 com o seu fuzilamento.

No lugar onde foi fuzilado, ao lado das muralhas do Forte Santiago, situa-se um dos maiores parques da Ásia, o parque Rizal, dedicado a ele em 1913, que é o pulmão da cidade e que conta com uma estátua de 15 metros de altura, erguida junto ao seu túmulo.

Fuzilamento de José Rizal

Mi último adiós - José Rizal

Adiós, Patria adorada, región del sol querida,
perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido edén,
a darte voy, alegre, la triste, mustia vida;
y fuera más brillante, más fresca, más florida,
también por ti la diera, la diera por tu bien.

En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio,
otros te dan sus vidas, sin dudas, sin pesar.
El sitio nada importa: ciprés, laurel o lirio,
cadalso o campo abierto, combate o cruel martirio.
La mismo es si lo piden la Patria y el hogar.

Yo muero, cuando veo que el cielo se colora
y al fin anuncia el día, tras lóbrego capuz;
si grana necesitas, para teñir tu aurora,
¡vierte la sangre mia, derrámala en buen hora,
y dórela un reflejo de su naciente luz!

Mis sueños, cuando apenas muchacho adolescente,
mis sueños cuando joven, ya lleno de vigor,
fueron el verte un día, joya del Mar de Oriente,
secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente,
sin ceño, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor.

Ensueño de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo.
¡Salud! te grita el alma que pronto va a partir;
¡salud! ¡Ah, que es hermoso caer por darte vuelo,
morir por darte vida, morir bajo tu cielo,
y en tu encantada tierra la eternidad dormir!

Si sobre mi sepulcro vieres brotar, un día,
entre la espesa yerba, sencilla humilde flor,
acércala a tus labios y besa el alma mía,
y sienta yo en mi frente, bajo la tumba fria,
de tu ternura el soplo, de tu hálito el calor.

Deja a la luna verme, con luz tranquila y suave;
deja que el alba envíe su resplandor fugaz;
deja gemir al viento, con su murmullo grave;
y si desciende y posa sobre mi cruz un ave,
deja que el ave entone su cántico de paz.

Deja que el sol, ardiendo, las lluvias evapore
y al cielo tornen puras, con mi clamor en pos;
deja que un ser amigo mi fin temprano llore;
y en las serenas tardes, cuando por mí alguien ore,
ora también, oh patria, por mi descanso a Dios.

Ora por todos cuantos murieron sin ventura;
por cuantos padecieron tormentos sin igual;
por nuestras pobres madres, que gimen su amargura;
por huérfanos y viudas, por presos en tortura,
y ora por ti, que veas tu redención final.

Y cuando, en noche oscura, se envuelva el cementerio,
Y solos sólo muertos queden velando allí,
no turbes su reproso, no turbes el misterio:
tal vez acordes oigas de cítara o salterio;
soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te canto a tí.

Y cuando ya mi tumba, de todos olvidada,
no tenga cruz ni piedra que marquen su lugar,
deja que la are el hombre, la esparza con la azada,
y mis cenizas, antes que vuelvan a la nada,
en polvo de tu alfombra que vayan a formar.

Entonces nada importa me pongas en olvido;
tu atmósfera, tu espacio, tus valles cruzaré;
vibrante y limpia nota seré para tu oido:
aroma, luz, colores, rumor, canto, gemido,
constante repitiendo la esencia de mi fe.

Mi patria idolatrada, dolor de mis dolores,
querida Filipinas, oye el postrer adiós.
Ahí, te dejo todo: mis padres, mis amores.
Voy donde no hay esclavos, verdugos ni opresores;
donde la fe no mata, donde el que reina es Dios.

Adiós, padres y hermanos, trozos del alma mía,
amigos de la infancia, en el perdido hogar;
dad gracias, que descanso del fatigoso día;
adiós, dulce extranjera, mi amiga, mi alegría;
adiós, queridos seres. Morir es descansar.

terça-feira, outubro 12, 2021

A enfermeira Edith Cavell foi fuzilada há 106 anos...

Edith Louisa Cavell (Swardeston, 4 December 1865 – Schaerbeek, 12 October 1915) was a British nurse and humanitarian. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from all sides without distinction and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I, for which she was arrested. She was court-martialled and found guilty of treason. She was sentenced to death and shot by firing squad. She received worldwide sympathetic press coverage.
She is well-known for her statement that "patriotism is not enough." Her strong Anglican beliefs propelled her to help all those who needed it, both German and Allied soldiers. She was quoted as saying, "I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved". Cavell was also an influential pioneer of modern nursing in Belgium.

Edith Cavell was born on 4 December 1865 in Swardeston, a village near Norwich, where her father, the Reverend Frederick Cavell, was priest for 45 years. She was the eldest of four children and was taught to always share with the less fortunate, despite her family’s meagre earnings. After a period as a governess, including for a family in Brussels 1900 -1905, she trained as a nurse at the London Hospital under Matron Eva Luckes. In 1907, Cavell was recruited by Dr. Antoine Depage to be matron of a newly established nursing school by the name of L'École Belge d’Infirmières Diplômées on the Rue de la Culture in Brussels. By 1910, "Miss Cavell 'felt that the profession of nursing had gained sufficient foothold in Belgium to warrant the publishing of a professional journal,' and therefore launched the nursing journal, L'infirmière. A year later, she was a training nurse for three hospitals, 24 schools, and 13 kindergartens in Belgium.
When World War I broke out, she was visiting her widowed mother in Norfolk in the East of England. She returned to Brussels where her clinic and nursing school were taken over by the Red Cross.

In late 1914, after the German occupation of Brussels, Cavell began sheltering British soldiers and funnelling them out of occupied Belgium to the neutral Netherlands. In the following months, an underground organisation developed, allowing her to guide some 200 Allied soldiers to safety, which placed Cavell in violation of German military law. German authorities became increasingly suspicious of the nurse's actions, which were backed up by her outspokenness.
She was arrested on 3 August 1915 and charged with harbouring Allied soldiers. She was held in St Gilles prison for 10 weeks, the last two in solitary confinement, and was court-martialled. She was then prosecuted for aiding British and French soldiers, in addition to young Belgian men, to cross the border and enter Britain. She admitted her guilt when she signed a statement the day before the trial, thus reaffirming the crime in the presence of all other prisoners and lawyers present in the court at the beginning of the trial. Cavell gave the German prosecution a much stronger case against her when she declared that the soldiers she had helped escape thanked her in writing when arriving safely in Britain. This admission proved hard to ignore because it not only confirmed that Cavell had helped the soldiers navigate the Dutch frontier, but it also established that she helped them escape to a country at war with Germany.
As the case stood, the sentence according to German military law was death. Paragraph 58 of the German Military Code says: “Will be sentenced to death for treason any person who, with the intention of helping the hostile Power, or of causing harm to the German or allied troops, is guilty of one of the crimes of paragraph 90 of the German Penal Code.” The case referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph 90 consists of "Conducting soldiers to the enemy." Additionally, the penalties according to paragraph 160 of the German Code, in case of war, apply to both foreigners as well as Germans.
The British government said they could do nothing to help her. Sir Horace Rowland of the Foreign Office said, "I am afraid that it is likely to go hard with Miss Cavell; I am afraid we are powerless." The sentiment was echoed by Lord Robert Cecil, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. "Any representation by us", he advised, "will do her more harm than good."The United States however had not yet joined the war and was in a position to apply diplomatic pressure. Hugh S. Gibson, First Secretary of the U.S. legation at Brussels, made clear to the German government that executing Cavell would further harm Germany's already damaged reputation. Later, he wrote:
We reminded him (Baron von der Lancken) of the burning of Louvain and the sinking of the Lusitania, and told him that this murder would stir all civilized countries with horror and disgust. Count Harrach broke in at this with the remark that he would rather see Miss Cavell shot than have harm come to one of the humblest German soldiers, and his only regret was that they had not 'three or four English old women to shoot.'
The German civil governor, Baron von der Lancken, is known to have stated that Cavell should be pardoned because of her complete honesty and because she had helped save so many lives, German as well as Allied. However, the German military acted quickly to execute Cavell and so deny higher authorities the opportunity to consider clemency.
Cavell was not arrested for espionage, as many were led to believe, but for treason. Of the 27 put on trial, Cavell and four others were condemned to death, among them Philippe Baucq, an architect in his thirties who had also been instrumental in the escapes. Evidence has recently emerged that Cavell was in fact a spy working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), but her espionage role was compromised by her helping prisoners to escape.
When in custody, Cavell was questioned in French, but the session was minuted in German. This gave the interrogator the opportunity to misinterpret her answers. Although she may have been misrepresented, she made no attempt to defend herself. Cavell was provided with a defender approved by the German military governor. A previous defender, who was chosen for Cavell by her assistant, Elizabeth Wilkins, was ultimately rejected by the governor.
The night before her execution, she told the Reverend Stirling Gahan, the Anglican chaplain who had been allowed to see her and to give her Holy Communion, "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone." These words are inscribed on her statue in St Martin's Place, near Trafalgar Square in London. Her final words to the German Lutheran prison chaplain, Paul Le Seur, were recorded as, "Ask Father Gahan to tell my loved ones later on that my soul, as I believe, is safe, and that I am glad to die for my country."
Despite efforts by Brand Whitlock, the U.S. minister to Belgium, and by the Marquis de Villalobar, the Spanish minister, on Cavell's behalf, on 11 October, Baron von der Lancken allowed the execution to proceed. Sixteen men, forming two firing squads, carried out the sentence pronounced on her and on four Belgian men at Tir National shooting range in Schaerbeek, at 6:00 am on 12 October 1915. There are conflicting reports of the details of Cavell's execution. However, according to the eyewitness account of the Reverend Le Seur, who attended Cavell in her final hours, eight soldiers fired at Cavell while the other eight executed Philippe Baucq.
There is also a dispute over the sentencing imposed under the German Military Code. Supposedly, the death penalty relevant to the offence committed by Cavell was not officially declared until a few hours after her death.
On instructions from the Spanish minister, Belgian women immediately buried her body next to St. Gilles Prison. After the War, her body was taken back to Britain for a memorial service at Westminster Abbey and then transferred to Norwich, to be laid to rest at Life's Green.