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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Benno Ohnesorg. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, junho 02, 2024

Benno Ohnesorg foi assassinado há 57 anos...

Relief Der Tod des Demonstranten (The Death of the Demonstrator) by Alfred Hrdlicka

Benno Ohnesorg (Hanôver, 15 de outubro de 1940 - Berlim, 2 de junho de 1967) foi um estudante alemão de Estudos Românicos e Germânicos, morto em frente à Ópera Alemã de Berlim, pelo polícia Karl-Heinz Hurras, com um tiro à queima-roupa, durante uma manifestação contra a visita do Reza Pahlavi à RFA. Benno Ohnesorg era casado e a sua mulher estava grávida quando ele foi alvejado.
A sua morte, que provocou um grande impacto no movimento estudantil alemão, teve grande influência sobre a radicalização política europeia do fim dos anos 60. Pode mesmo ser considerada como um dos motores das revoltas estudantis de 1968 e contribuiu, mais tarde, para a emergência da Fração do Exército Vermelho (Baader-Meinhof).
Uma organização de extrema esquerda denominada Bewegung 2. Juni (Movimento 2 de junho) foi assim denominada em memória de Benno Ohnesorg.
Existe um memorial em sua memória, ao pé da Ópera Alemã de Berlim, e uma ponte em Hanover com o seu nome.
Benno Ohnesorg era também amigo do escritor Uwe Timm que escreveu o livro "der Freund und der Fremde" sobre a amizade dos dois e o seu trágico fim.
Mais de quarenta anos depois, foi revelado que Karl-Heinz Hurras era um agente da polícia secreta da Alemanha Oriental, a Stasi. Todavia o motivo da ação de Kurras não foi totalmente esclarecido. Os arquivos da Stasi não contêm evidência de que Hurras tivesse agido sob ordens da Alemanha Oriental quando atirou em Benno.




A Moment in June

She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard

I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio

Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.


It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching

Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead


Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans

What is happiness exactly anyway

Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing


Rolf Haufs

sexta-feira, junho 02, 2023

Benno Ohnesorg foi assassinado há 56 anos...

Relief Der Tod des Demonstranten (The Death of the Demonstrator) by Alfred Hrdlicka

Benno Ohnesorg (Hanôver, 15 de outubro de 1940 - Berlim, 2 de junho de 1967) foi um estudante alemão de Estudos Românicos e Germânicos, morto em frente à Ópera Alemã de Berlim, pelo polícia Karl-Heinz Hurras, com um tiro à queima-roupa, durante uma manifestação contra a visita do Reza Pahlavi à RFA. Benno Ohnesorg era casado e a sua mulher estava grávida quando ele foi alvejado.
A sua morte, que provocou um grande impacto no movimento estudantil alemão, teve grande influência sobre a radicalização política europeia do fim dos anos 60. Pode mesmo ser considerada como um dos motores das revoltas estudantis de 1968 e contribuiu, mais tarde, para a emergência da Fração do Exército Vermelho (Baader-Meinhof).
Uma organização de extrema esquerda denominada Bewegung 2. Juni (Movimento 2 de junho) foi assim denominada em memória de Benno Ohnesorg.
Existe um memorial em sua honra, ao pé da Ópera Alemã de Berlim, e uma ponte em Hanover com o seu nome.
Benno Ohnesorg era também amigo do escritor Uwe Timm que escreveu o livro "der Freund und der Fremde" sobre a amizade dos dois e o seu trágico fim.
Mais de quarenta anos depois, foi revelado que Karl-Heinz Hurras era um agente da polícia secreta da Alemanha Oriental, a Stasi. Todavia o motivo da ação de Kurras não foi totalmente esclarecido. Os arquivos da Stasi não contêm evidência de que Hurras tivesse agido sob ordens da Alemanha Oriental quando atirou em Benno.




A Moment in June

She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard

I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio

Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.


It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching

Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead


Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans

What is happiness exactly anyway

Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing


Rolf Haufs


quinta-feira, junho 02, 2022

Poesia para recordar um assassinato...


A Moment in June

She gave me a red tomato
I ate it instead of throwing it
I said now they’re shooting
But she laughed because she didn’t know
How soft pistol shots are
In a yard

I went along and set a
Newspaper on fire threatened
The people at their windows
Because they were throwing flower pots
Now something has changed
The apartment I thought and
The music in the radio

Later when I saw the picture with
The girl who was holding the head
Of the dead student
I thought you know her
You’ve seen
Her before.


It is night the stars are coming into the room
The city becoming calm. Taken back
The words
The gestures
The touching

Softly the transitions are accompanied by silent lightning
Ever earlier anaesthesia
Ever more forgetting
Ever closer the dead


Never do you escape me. Never do you turn
Away. Magical force of attraction wherever
I go. The dyke the flooded meadows
The fog, the warning calls the hand
That scoops the water as if to finally
See its ground. Always the same
Hanging trees. Cries of the birds, stones
The rotting wood of the ship, corpses
Also the view over to other countries
Church towers burning farms, fields
Restless motor-bike riders. River that through
Me flows syphonable anytime
Drinking water blood-red. Watch out for those
Who seek you
Throw them back onto a soft place
Where there’s sand, grass
River, I come out of you
No one will be able to distinguish us
On our way to the oceans

What is happiness exactly anyway

Yes what exactly
You think about it and can’t work it out
The water is boiling on the stove and the garbage
Is collected every Friday at seven
There was an argument with a woman (of course about nothing). She
Packed her bags, took the pictures from the wall
Even those that didn’t belong to her, for instance
That of Max that evenings
Smells of water.
You’ve got to think in colours
Everyone hears him saying and already there’s a problem
One you can grab and even go
To the woods with
To doze and wander.
Veg out, that’s it!
No longer think of the toxic taste in the
Soup of the stiff gestures
Of your neighbour who’d really love
To put on the uniform again.
Two three stops
Till Café Nitschmann where you can sink
Your thoughts and where you’re allowed to discreetly
Despair a little
And yet continue breathing


Rolf Haufs

quarta-feira, junho 02, 2021

Uma enigmática morte gerou revolta estudantil e grupos terroristas na Alemanha há 54 anos

Relief Der Tod des Demonstranten (The Death of the Demonstrator) by Alfred Hrdlicka

Benno Ohnesorg (Hanôver, 15 de outubro de 1940 - Berlim, 2 de junho de 1967) foi um estudante alemão de Estudos Românicos e Germânicos, morto em frente à Ópera Alemã de Berlim, pelo polícia Karl-Heinz Hurras, com um tiro à queima-roupa, durante uma manifestação contra a visita do Reza Pahlavi à RFA. Benno Ohnesorg era casado e a sua mulher estava grávida quando ele foi alvejado.
A sua morte, que provocou um grande impacto no movimento estudantil alemão, teve grande influência sobre a radicalização política europeia do fim dos anos 60. Pode mesmo ser considerada como um dos motores das revoltas estudantis de 1968 e contribuiu, mais tarde, para a emergência da Fração do Exército Vermelho (Baader-Meinhof).
Uma organização de extrema esquerda denominada Bewegung 2. Juni (Movimento 2 de junho) foi assim denominada em memória de Benno Ohnesorg.
Existe um memorial em sua honra, ao pé da Ópera Alemã de Berlim, e uma ponte em Hanover com o seu nome.
Benno Ohnesorg era também amigo do escritor Uwe Timm que escreveu o livro "der Freund und der Fremde" sobre a amizade dos dois e o seu trágico fim.
Mais de quarenta anos depois, foi revelado que Karl-Heinz Hurras era um agente da polícia secreta da Alemanha Oriental, a Stasi. Todavia o motivo da ação de Kurras não foi totalmente esclarecido. Os arquivos da Stasi não contêm evidência de que Hurras tivesse agido sob ordens da Alemanha Oriental quando atirou em Benno.

A ponte Benno Ohnesorg em Hannover

sexta-feira, junho 02, 2017

Há cinquenta anos uma enigmática morte gerou revolta estudantil e grupos terroristas na Alemanha

Relief Der Tod des Demonstranten (The Death of the Demonstrator) by Alfred Hrdlicka

Benno Ohnesorg (Hanôver, 15 de outubro de 1940 - Berlim, 2 de junho de 1967) foi um estudante alemão de Estudos Românicos e Germânicos, morto em frente à Ópera Alemã de Berlim, pelo polícia Karl-Heinz Hurras, com um tiro à queima-roupa, durante uma manifestação contra a visita do Reza Pahlavi à RFA. Benno Ohnesorg era casado e a sua mulher estava grávida quando ele foi alvejado.
A sua morte, que provocou um grande impacto no movimento estudantil alemão, teve grande influência sobre a radicalização política europeia do fim dos anos 60. Pode mesmo ser considerada como um dos motores das revoltas estudantis de 1968 e contribuiu, mais tarde, para a emergência da Fração do Exército Vermelho (Baader-Meinhof).
Uma organização de extrema esquerda denominada Bewegung 2. Juni (Movimento 2 de junho) foi assim denominada em memória de Benno Ohnesorg.
Existe um memorial em sua honra, ao pé da Ópera Alemã de Berlim, e uma ponte em Hanover com o seu nome.
Benno Ohnesorg era também amigo do escritor Uwe Timm que escreveu o livro "der Freund und der Fremde" sobre a amizade dos dois e o seu trágico fim.
Mais de quarenta anos depois, foi revelado que Karl-Heinz Hurras era um agente da polícia secreta da Alemanha Oriental, a Stasi. Todavia o motivo da ação de Kurras não foi totalmente esclarecido. Os arquivos da Stasi não contêm evidência de que Hurras tivesse agido sob ordens da Alemanha Oriental quando atirou em Benno.

A ponte Benno Ohnesorg em Hannover

Benno Ohnesorg (Hanover, October 15, 1940 – West Berlin, June 2, 1967) was a German university student killed by a policeman during a demonstration in West Berlin.
On June 2, 1967, Ohnesorg participated in a student protest held near the Deutsche Oper, in opposition to the state visit of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was attending a performance of Mozart's The Magic Flute at the Deutsche Oper that night. It was the first political demonstration in which Ohnesorg had ever taken part.
The protest turned violent after pro-Shah demonstrators, including agents of the Shah's intelligence service, began battling with students, and the police overreacted, employing brutal tactics in their attempts to control the crowd. In the ensuing tumult, demonstrators dispersed into the side streets. In the courtyard of Krumme Strasse 66, Ohnesorg was then shot by plain-clothes police officer Karl-Heinz Kurras. Ohnesorg died before he could be treated at a hospital. Kurras stood trial the same year and was acquitted, on 27 November 1967. Ohnesorg was a student of Romance and German studies. He was married and his wife was pregnant with their first child.
A week after Ohnesorg's death, a funeral caravan accompanied his coffin as it was transported from West Berlin to his hometown of Hanover, in West Germany, where he was buried – a trip that led through checkpoints in East Germany on the way to the West.

More than forty years later, in 2009, it was revealed that at the time of the events Kurras had been an informal collaborator of the East German secret police Stasi, and a long-time member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, the ruling East German Communist party; however, the motive behind Kurras' act remains unclear. The new information was based on documents discovered in the Stasi archives. Initial reports indicated that the archives contained no evidence that Kurras was acting under Stasi orders when he shot Ohnesorg.
On the basis of the 2009 revelations about Kurras, the German prosecutor's office initiated a new investigation, in order to clarify definitively whether there was any evidence that the killing of Ohnesorg could have been ordered by authorities in East Berlin; in November 2011 that investigation was officially closed, with the determination that there was not enough evidence to justify reopening the case. The prosecutor's office noted that, due to the passage of time, many participants in the trial were either no longer alive or otherwise unable to provide reliable testimony; also, documents relevant to the case were evidently among those destroyed by the East German foreign intelligence service in the interval between the fall of the Berlin Wall, in 1989, and German reunification, in 1990.
Following up in January 2012, Der Spiegel magazine reported that research carried out by federal prosecutors, as well as by the magazine, found that the shooting was not in self-defense as always claimed by Kurras and that it was certainly premeditated. Newly examined film and photographic evidence also implicated fellow officers and superiors, demonstrating that the police covered up the truth in subsequent investigations and trials. Additionally, medical staff who carried out the autopsy on Ohnesorg were ordered to falsify their report. However, the Spiegel report indicated that the new information was still unlikely to be sufficient for the case to be reopened.

Ohnesorg'e death served as a rallying point for the left, and spurred the growth of the left-wing German student movement; later, the Movement 2 June group (founded around 1971) was named for the day of his death. After student activist Rudi Dutschke called for direct action in response for the killing, Jürgen Habermas famously invoked the term "left fascism" against elements within the student movement. The student movement of the late 1960s that swelled and partly radicalised itself after Ohnesorg's death influenced a large number of German politicians who were in their teens and twenties at the time.
A monument next to the Deutsche Oper Berlin, which was designed by Austrian sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka, serves as a memorial for the killing. In December 2008, municipal authorities inaugurated an official memorial panel on the sidewalk in front of the house where Ohnesorg was shot. The panel is in German and English.
In Ohnesorg's hometown of Hanover, a bridge over the Ihme river is named after him.

In film
The introduction of the 2008 film Der Baader Meinhof Komplex shows Ohnesorg's death (he is played by Martin Glade).

In music 
The Norwegian folk band Ohnesorg is named after Benno Ohnesorg.