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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Robespierre. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, julho 28, 2024

O Terror terminou há 230 anos na França, quando Robespierre foi guilhotinado

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, formou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública, para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.
Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no dia 10 do Termidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores, durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.

sábado, julho 27, 2024

A Revolta de 9 de Termidor foi há 230 anos

Gendarme Charles-André Merda  shooting at Robespierre during the night of the Thermidor
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794), the date according to the French Revolutionary Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the remaining period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory; this is also sometimes called the era of the Thermidorian Convention. Prominent figures of Thermidor include Paul Barras, Jean-Lambert Tallien, and Joseph Fouché.
Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (13 July 1793), and the executions of Jacques Hébert (24 March 1794) and Georges Danton (5 April 1794), his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies".
His tight personal control of the military and his distrust of military might and of banks, along with his opposition to corrupt individuals in government, made Robespierre the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (27 July) when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.
Conspiratorial groups
Not all of the conspiratorial groupings were ideological in motivation; many who conspired against Robespierre did so for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation. The surviving Dantonists, such as Merlin de Thionville for example, wanted revenge for the death of Danton and, more importantly, to protect their own heads.
The Left were opposed to Robespierre on the grounds that he rejected atheism and was not sufficiently radical.
The prime mover, however, for the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July) was a Montagnard conspiracy, led by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Bourdon de l'Oise, which was gradually coalescing, and was to come to pass at the time when the Montagnards had finally swayed the deputies of the Right over to their side. (Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves Montagnards.) Some authors argue that the then leftist Joseph Fouché played a large role in the conspiracy. Fouché was likely to be convicted and executed for treason and atheism, since Robespierre himself was about to denounce him in a speech to the Convention, which would have been delivered the day after the coup d'état (28 July). Dwelling in the shadows, he made great efforts to convince the main surviving leftists and moderates that they were meant to be the next victims of Robespierre's dictatorship, thus uniting them against Robespierre, and by those means saving his own life.
In the end, it was Robespierre himself who united all his enemies. On 8 Thermidor (26 July) he gave a speech to the Convention in which he railed against enemies and conspiracies, some within the powerful committees, as he did not give the names of these traitors, all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. Later he went and enlisted the support of the Jacobin Club, where he denounced Collot and Billaud. These men then spent the night planning the following day’s coup with other members of the convention.
On 9 Thermidor (27 July), in the Hall of Liberty in Paris, Saint-Just was in the midst of reading a report to the Committee of Public Safety when he was interrupted by Tallien, who impugned Saint-Just and then went on to denounce the tyranny of Robespierre. The attack was taken up by Billaud-Varenne, and Saint-Just's typical eloquence fled him, leaving him subject to a withering verbal assault until Robespierre leapt to the defense of Saint-Just and himself. Cries went up of 'Down with the tyrant! Arrest him!' Robespierre then made his appeal to the deputies of the Right, "Deputies of the Right, men of honour, men of virtue, give me the floor, since the assassins will not." However, the Right was unmoved, and an order was made to arrest Robespierre and his followers.
Troops from the Paris Commune arrived to liberate the prisoners. The Commune troops, under General Coffinhal, then marched against the Convention itself. The Convention responded by ordering troops of its own under Paul Barras to be called out. When the Commune's troops heard the news of this, order began to break down, and Hanriot ordered his remaining troops to withdraw to the Hôtel de Ville. Robespierre and his supporters also gathered at the Hôtel de Ville.
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial. As the night went on the Commune forces at the Hôtel de Ville deserted until none of them remained. The Convention troops under Barras approached the Hôtel around 2:00 am on 28 July. As they came, Robespierre's brother Augustin leapt out of a window in an escape attempt, broke his legs, and was arrested. Le Bas committed suicide. Couthon, who was paralysed from the waist down, was found lying at the bottom of a staircase.
Robespierre was shot in the face, and his jaw was shattered. There are two accounts of how he received the wound. One states that, anticipating his own downfall and wanting to have the death of a hero, Robespierre attempted to kill himself and shattered his own jaw with a shot. The contrary view is that he was shot by one of the Convention's troops. At the time, a gendarme named Charles-André Merda claimed to have pulled the trigger.
Saint-Just made no attempt at suicide or concealment. Hanriot tried to hide in the Hôtel de Ville's yard, by some sources after being thrown out a window into a stack of latrine and hay, but the Convention troops quickly discovered him and assaulted him badly, allegedly gouging one of his eyes out so that it hung from its socket.

sexta-feira, julho 28, 2023

O Terror terminou há 229 anos na França, quando Robespierre foi guilhotinado

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, formou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública, para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.
Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no dia 10 do Termidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores, durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.

quinta-feira, julho 27, 2023

A Revolta de 9 de Termidor foi há 229 anos

Gendarme Charles-André Merda  shooting at Robespierre during the night of the Thermidor
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794), the date according to the French Revolutionary Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the remaining period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory; this is also sometimes called the era of the Thermidorian Convention. Prominent figures of Thermidor include Paul Barras, Jean-Lambert Tallien, and Joseph Fouché.
Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (13 July 1793), and the executions of Jacques Hébert (24 March 1794) and Georges Danton (5 April 1794), his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies".
His tight personal control of the military and his distrust of military might and of banks, along with his opposition to corrupt individuals in government, made Robespierre the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (27 July) when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.
Conspiratorial groups
Not all of the conspiratorial groupings were ideological in motivation; many who conspired against Robespierre did so for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation. The surviving Dantonists, such as Merlin de Thionville for example, wanted revenge for the death of Danton and, more importantly, to protect their own heads.
The Left were opposed to Robespierre on the grounds that he rejected atheism and was not sufficiently radical.
The prime mover, however, for the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July) was a Montagnard conspiracy, led by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Bourdon de l'Oise, which was gradually coalescing, and was to come to pass at the time when the Montagnards had finally swayed the deputies of the Right over to their side. (Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves Montagnards.) Some authors argue that the then leftist Joseph Fouché played a large role in the conspiracy. Fouché was likely to be convicted and executed for treason and atheism, since Robespierre himself was about to denounce him in a speech to the Convention, which would have been delivered the day after the coup d'état (28 July). Dwelling in the shadows, he made great efforts to convince the main surviving leftists and moderates that they were meant to be the next victims of Robespierre's dictatorship, thus uniting them against Robespierre, and by those means saving his own life.
In the end, it was Robespierre himself who united all his enemies. On 8 Thermidor (26 July) he gave a speech to the Convention in which he railed against enemies and conspiracies, some within the powerful committees, as he did not give the names of these traitors, all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. Later he went and enlisted the support of the Jacobin Club, where he denounced Collot and Billaud. These men then spent the night planning the following day’s coup with other members of the convention.
On 9 Thermidor (27 July), in the Hall of Liberty in Paris, Saint-Just was in the midst of reading a report to the Committee of Public Safety when he was interrupted by Tallien, who impugned Saint-Just and then went on to denounce the tyranny of Robespierre. The attack was taken up by Billaud-Varenne, and Saint-Just's typical eloquence fled him, leaving him subject to a withering verbal assault until Robespierre leapt to the defense of Saint-Just and himself. Cries went up of 'Down with the tyrant! Arrest him!' Robespierre then made his appeal to the deputies of the Right, "Deputies of the Right, men of honour, men of virtue, give me the floor, since the assassins will not." However, the Right was unmoved, and an order was made to arrest Robespierre and his followers.
Troops from the Paris Commune arrived to liberate the prisoners. The Commune troops, under General Coffinhal, then marched against the Convention itself. The Convention responded by ordering troops of its own under Paul Barras to be called out. When the Commune's troops heard the news of this, order began to break down, and Hanriot ordered his remaining troops to withdraw to the Hôtel de Ville. Robespierre and his supporters also gathered at the Hôtel de Ville.
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial. As the night went on the Commune forces at the Hôtel de Ville deserted until none of them remained. The Convention troops under Barras approached the Hôtel around 2:00 am on 28 July. As they came, Robespierre's brother Augustin leapt out of a window in an escape attempt, broke his legs, and was arrested. Le Bas committed suicide. Couthon, who was paralysed from the waist down, was found lying at the bottom of a staircase.
Robespierre was shot in the face, and his jaw was shattered. There are two accounts of how he received the wound. One states that, anticipating his own downfall and wanting to have the death of a hero, Robespierre attempted to kill himself and shattered his own jaw with a shot. The contrary view is that he was shot by one of the Convention's troops. At the time, a gendarme named Charles-André Merda claimed to have pulled the trigger.
Saint-Just made no attempt at suicide or concealment. Hanriot tried to hide in the Hôtel de Ville's yard, by some sources after being thrown out a window into a stack of latrine and hay, but the Convention troops quickly discovered him and assaulted him badly, allegedly gouging one of his eyes out so that it hung from its socket.

quinta-feira, julho 28, 2022

Robespierre foi guilhotinado e o Terror terminou há 228 anos na França

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, formou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública, para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.
Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no dia 10 do Termidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.

quarta-feira, julho 27, 2022

A Revolta de 9 de Termidor foi há 228 anos

Gendarme Charles-André Merda  shooting at Robespierre during the night of the Thermidor
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794), the date according to the French Revolutionary Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the remaining period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory; this is also sometimes called the era of the Thermidorian Convention. Prominent figures of Thermidor include Paul Barras, Jean-Lambert Tallien, and Joseph Fouché.
Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (13 July 1793), and the executions of Jacques Hébert (24 March 1794) and Georges Danton (5 April 1794), his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies".
His tight personal control of the military and his distrust of military might and of banks, along with his opposition to corrupt individuals in government, made Robespierre the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (27 July) when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.
Conspiratorial groups
Not all of the conspiratorial groupings were ideological in motivation; many who conspired against Robespierre did so for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation. The surviving Dantonists, such as Merlin de Thionville for example, wanted revenge for the death of Danton and, more importantly, to protect their own heads.
The Left were opposed to Robespierre on the grounds that he rejected atheism and was not sufficiently radical.
The prime mover, however, for the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July) was a Montagnard conspiracy, led by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Bourdon de l'Oise, which was gradually coalescing, and was to come to pass at the time when the Montagnards had finally swayed the deputies of the Right over to their side. (Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves Montagnards.) Some authors argue that the then leftist Joseph Fouché played a large role in the conspiracy. Fouché was likely to be convicted and executed for treason and atheism, since Robespierre himself was about to denounce him in a speech to the Convention, which would have been delivered the day after the coup d'état (28 July). Dwelling in the shadows, he made great efforts to convince the main surviving leftists and moderates that they were meant to be the next victims of Robespierre's dictatorship, thus uniting them against Robespierre, and by those means saving his own life.
In the end, it was Robespierre himself who united all his enemies. On 8 Thermidor (26 July) he gave a speech to the Convention in which he railed against enemies and conspiracies, some within the powerful committees, as he did not give the names of these traitors, all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. Later he went and enlisted the support of the Jacobin Club, where he denounced Collot and Billaud. These men then spent the night planning the following day’s coup with other members of the convention.
On 9 Thermidor (27 July), in the Hall of Liberty in Paris, Saint-Just was in the midst of reading a report to the Committee of Public Safety when he was interrupted by Tallien, who impugned Saint-Just and then went on to denounce the tyranny of Robespierre. The attack was taken up by Billaud-Varenne, and Saint-Just's typical eloquence fled him, leaving him subject to a withering verbal assault until Robespierre leapt to the defense of Saint-Just and himself. Cries went up of 'Down with the tyrant! Arrest him!' Robespierre then made his appeal to the deputies of the Right, "Deputies of the Right, men of honour, men of virtue, give me the floor, since the assassins will not." However, the Right was unmoved, and an order was made to arrest Robespierre and his followers.
Troops from the Paris Commune arrived to liberate the prisoners. The Commune troops, under General Coffinhal, then marched against the Convention itself. The Convention responded by ordering troops of its own under Paul Barras to be called out. When the Commune's troops heard the news of this, order began to break down, and Hanriot ordered his remaining troops to withdraw to the Hôtel de Ville. Robespierre and his supporters also gathered at the Hôtel de Ville.
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial. As the night went on the Commune forces at the Hôtel de Ville deserted until none of them remained. The Convention troops under Barras approached the Hôtel around 2:00 am on 28 July. As they came, Robespierre's brother Augustin leapt out of a window in an escape attempt, broke his legs, and was arrested. Le Bas committed suicide. Couthon, who was paralysed from the waist down, was found lying at the bottom of a staircase.
Robespierre was shot in the face, and his jaw was shattered. There are two accounts of how he received the wound. One states that, anticipating his own downfall and wanting to have the death of a hero, Robespierre attempted to kill himself and shattered his own jaw with a shot. The contrary view is that he was shot by one of the Convention's troops. At the time, a gendarme named Charles-André Merda claimed to have pulled the trigger.
Saint-Just made no attempt at suicide or concealment. Hanriot tried to hide in the Hôtel de Ville's yard, by some sources after being thrown out a window into a stack of latrine and hay, but the Convention troops quickly discovered him and assaulted him badly, allegedly gouging one of his eyes out so that it hung from its socket.

quarta-feira, julho 28, 2021

Robespierre foi guilhotinado há 227 anos

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, graduou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.
Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no dia 10 do Termidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.

terça-feira, julho 27, 2021

A Revolta de 9 de Termidor foi há 227 anos

Gendarme Charles-André Merda  shooting at Robespierre during the night of the Thermidor
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794), the date according to the French Revolutionary Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the remaining period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory; this is also sometimes called the era of the Thermidorian Convention. Prominent figures of Thermidor include Paul Barras, Jean-Lambert Tallien, and Joseph Fouché.
Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (13 July 1793), and the executions of Jacques Hébert (24 March 1794) and Georges Danton (5 April 1794), his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies".
His tight personal control of the military and his distrust of military might and of banks, along with his opposition to corrupt individuals in government, made Robespierre the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (27 July) when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.
Conspiratorial groups
Not all of the conspiratorial groupings were ideological in motivation; many who conspired against Robespierre did so for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation. The surviving Dantonists, such as Merlin de Thionville for example, wanted revenge for the death of Danton and, more importantly, to protect their own heads.
The Left were opposed to Robespierre on the grounds that he rejected atheism and was not sufficiently radical.
The prime mover, however, for the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July) was a Montagnard conspiracy, led by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Bourdon de l'Oise, which was gradually coalescing, and was to come to pass at the time when the Montagnards had finally swayed the deputies of the Right over to their side. (Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves Montagnards.) Some authors argue that the then leftist Joseph Fouché played a large role in the conspiracy. Fouché was likely to be convicted and executed for treason and atheism, since Robespierre himself was about to denounce him in a speech to the Convention, which would have been delivered the day after the coup d'état (28 July). Dwelling in the shadows, he made great efforts to convince the main surviving leftists and moderates that they were meant to be the next victims of Robespierre's dictatorship, thus uniting them against Robespierre, and by those means saving his own life.
In the end, it was Robespierre himself who united all his enemies. On 8 Thermidor (26 July) he gave a speech to the Convention in which he railed against enemies and conspiracies, some within the powerful committees, as he did not give the names of these traitors, all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. Later he went and enlisted the support of the Jacobin Club, where he denounced Collot and Billaud. These men then spent the night planning the following day’s coup with other members of the convention.
On 9 Thermidor (27 July), in the Hall of Liberty in Paris, Saint-Just was in the midst of reading a report to the Committee of Public Safety when he was interrupted by Tallien, who impugned Saint-Just and then went on to denounce the tyranny of Robespierre. The attack was taken up by Billaud-Varenne, and Saint-Just's typical eloquence fled him, leaving him subject to a withering verbal assault until Robespierre leapt to the defense of Saint-Just and himself. Cries went up of 'Down with the tyrant! Arrest him!' Robespierre then made his appeal to the deputies of the Right, "Deputies of the Right, men of honour, men of virtue, give me the floor, since the assassins will not." However, the Right was unmoved, and an order was made to arrest Robespierre and his followers.
Troops from the Paris Commune arrived to liberate the prisoners. The Commune troops, under General Coffinhal, then marched against the Convention itself. The Convention responded by ordering troops of its own under Paul Barras to be called out. When the Commune's troops heard the news of this, order began to break down, and Hanriot ordered his remaining troops to withdraw to the Hôtel de Ville. Robespierre and his supporters also gathered at the Hôtel de Ville.
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial. As the night went on the Commune forces at the Hôtel de Ville deserted until none of them remained. The Convention troops under Barras approached the Hôtel around 2:00 am on 28 July. As they came, Robespierre's brother Augustin leapt out of a window in an escape attempt, broke his legs, and was arrested. Le Bas committed suicide. Couthon, who was paralysed from the waist down, was found lying at the bottom of a staircase.
Robespierre was shot in the face, and his jaw was shattered. There are two accounts of how he received the wound. One states that, anticipating his own downfall and wanting to have the death of a hero, Robespierre attempted to kill himself and shattered his own jaw with a shot. The contrary view is that he was shot by one of the Convention's troops. At the time, a gendarme named Charles-André Merda claimed to have pulled the trigger.
Saint-Just made no attempt at suicide or concealment. Hanriot tried to hide in the Hôtel de Ville's yard, by some sources after being thrown out a window into a stack of latrine and hay, but the Convention troops quickly discovered him and assaulted him badly, allegedly gouging one of his eyes out so that it hung from its socket.

terça-feira, julho 28, 2020

Robespierre foi guilhotinado há 226 anos

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, graduou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.
Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no dia 10 do Termidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.

segunda-feira, julho 27, 2020

A Revolta de 9 de Termidor foi há 226 anos

Gendarme Charles-André Merda  shooting at Robespierre during the night of the Thermidor
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror. This ended the most radical phase of the French Revolution.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794), the date according to the French Revolutionary Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the remaining period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory; this is also sometimes called the era of the Thermidorian Convention. Prominent figures of Thermidor include Paul Barras, Jean-Lambert Tallien, and Joseph Fouché.
Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (13 July 1793), and the executions of Jacques Hébert (24 March 1794) and Georges Danton (5 April 1794), his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies".
His tight personal control of the military and his distrust of military might and of banks, along with his opposition to corrupt individuals in government, made Robespierre the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (27 July) when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.
Conspiratorial groups
Not all of the conspiratorial groupings were ideological in motivation; many who conspired against Robespierre did so for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation. The surviving Dantonists, such as Merlin de Thionville for example, wanted revenge for the death of Danton and, more importantly, to protect their own heads.
The Left were opposed to Robespierre on the grounds that he rejected atheism and was not sufficiently radical.
The prime mover, however, for the events of 9 Thermidor (27 July) was a Montagnard conspiracy, led by Jean-Lambert Tallien and Bourdon de l'Oise, which was gradually coalescing, and was to come to pass at the time when the Montagnards had finally swayed the deputies of the Right over to their side. (Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves Montagnards.) Some authors argue that the then leftist Joseph Fouché played a large role in the conspiracy. Fouché was likely to be convicted and executed for treason and atheism, since Robespierre himself was about to denounce him in a speech to the Convention, which would have been delivered the day after the coup d'état (28 July). Dwelling in the shadows, he made great efforts to convince the main surviving leftists and moderates that they were meant to be the next victims of Robespierre's dictatorship, thus uniting them against Robespierre, and by those means saving his own life.
In the end, it was Robespierre himself who united all his enemies. On 8 Thermidor (26 July) he gave a speech to the Convention in which he railed against enemies and conspiracies, some within the powerful committees, as he did not give the names of these traitors, all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. Later he went and enlisted the support of the Jacobin Club, where he denounced Collot and Billaud. These men then spent the night planning the following day’s coup with other members of the convention.
On 9 Thermidor (27 July), in the Hall of Liberty in Paris, Saint-Just was in the midst of reading a report to the Committee of Public Safety when he was interrupted by Tallien, who impugned Saint-Just and then went on to denounce the tyranny of Robespierre. The attack was taken up by Billaud-Varenne, and Saint-Just's typical eloquence fled him, leaving him subject to a withering verbal assault until Robespierre leapt to the defense of Saint-Just and himself. Cries went up of 'Down with the tyrant! Arrest him!' Robespierre then made his appeal to the deputies of the Right, "Deputies of the Right, men of honour, men of virtue, give me the floor, since the assassins will not." However, the Right was unmoved, and an order was made to arrest Robespierre and his followers.
Troops from the Paris Commune arrived to liberate the prisoners. The Commune troops, under General Coffinhal, then marched against the Convention itself. The Convention responded by ordering troops of its own under Paul Barras to be called out. When the Commune's troops heard the news of this, order began to break down, and Hanriot ordered his remaining troops to withdraw to the Hôtel de Ville. Robespierre and his supporters also gathered at the Hôtel de Ville.
The Convention declared them to be outlaws, meaning that upon verification the fugitives could be executed within 24 hours without a trial. As the night went on the Commune forces at the Hôtel de Ville deserted until none of them remained. The Convention troops under Barras approached the Hôtel around 2:00 am on 28 July. As they came, Robespierre's brother Augustin leapt out of a window in an escape attempt, broke his legs, and was arrested. Le Bas committed suicide. Couthon, who was paralysed from the waist down, was found lying at the bottom of a staircase.
Robespierre was shot in the face, and his jaw was shattered. There are two accounts of how he received the wound. One states that, anticipating his own downfall and wanting to have the death of a hero, Robespierre attempted to kill himself and shattered his own jaw with a shot. The contrary view is that he was shot by one of the Convention's troops. At the time, a gendarme named Charles-André Merda claimed to have pulled the trigger.
Saint-Just made no attempt at suicide or concealment. Hanriot tried to hide in the Hôtel de Ville's yard, by some sources after being thrown out a window into a stack of latrine and hay, but the Convention troops quickly discovered him and assaulted him badly, allegedly gouging one of his eyes out so that it hung from its socket.

domingo, julho 28, 2019

Robespierre foi executado há 225 anos

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.
Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu a sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, graduou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís XVI, guilhotinado a 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala à pressa. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.


Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no 10 do Thermidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.


segunda-feira, julho 28, 2014

Quem com ferros mata...

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (Arras, 6 de maio de 1758 - Paris, 28 de julho de 1794) foi um advogado e político francês, foi uma das personalidades mais importantes da Revolução Francesa.
Os seus amigos chamavam-lhe "O Incorruptível". Principal membro da Montanha durante a Convenção, ele encarnou a tendência mais radical da Revolução, transformando-se numa das personagens mais controversas deste período. Os seus inimigos chamavam-lhe a “Candeia de Arras”, “Tirano” e “Ditador Sanguinário” durante o Terror.

Filho de uma família da pequena burguesia, Maximilien Robespierre perdeu sua mãe cedo e foi depois abandonado pelo pai. Viajou para Paris com uma bolsa de estudos e, em 1781, graduou-se em direito. Exerceu a profissão de advogado na sua cidade natal, Arras, com sucesso.
Em abril de 1789 Robespierre tornou-se deputado pelo Terceiro estado da região de Artois. Revelou-se um grande orador. Em abril de 1790, tornou-se membro do Clube dos Jacobinos, a ala mais radical dos revolucionários. A partir daí, adquiriu notoriedade e sua vida passou a estar intimamente associada aos acontecimentos da Revolução Francesa.
Em 1791 Robespierre foi um dos principais líderes da insurreição popular do Campo de Marte. A sua fama de defensor do povo valeu-lhe o cognome de "Incorruptível". Depois da deposição da família real, em 1792, Robespierre aderiu à Comuna de Paris e tornou-se um dos chefes do governo revolucionário. Combateu então a facção dos girondinos, menos radicais.
Robespierre foi um dos que pediram a condenação do rei Luís 16, guilhotinado em 21 de janeiro de 1793. Em julho do mesmo ano, Robespierre criou um Comité de Salvação Pública para perseguir os inimigos da revolução. Foi instaurado o regime do "Grande Terror" - o auge da ditadura de Robespierre.
Em 1794, Robespierre mandou executar Danton, o revolucionário que propunha um rumo mais moderado para a revolução. Neste mesmo ano, tornou-se Presidente da Convenção Nacional. No dia 27 de julho, numa sessão tumultuosa, Robespierre foi ferido e teve que sair da sala às pressas. Foi detido imediatamente pelos seus inimigos e, um dia depois, guilhotinado.


Maximilien de Robespierre foi guilhotinado em Paris no dia seguinte, no 10 do Thermidor do ano II do calendário da República (28 de julho de 1794), sem ter sido julgado, juntamente com o seu irmão, Augustin de Robespierre (também membro da Junta de Salvação Pública) e dezassete de seus colaboradores durante o golpe de 9 do Termidor, dentre eles, seus dois grandes amigos, companheiros desde o início da sua jornada, Saint-Just e Couthon.