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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Erdogan. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, maio 07, 2024

İbrahim Gökçek, músico dos Grup Yorum, morreu, durante uma greve de fome, há quatro anos...

İbrahim Gökçek est un musicien du groupe folk révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Né en à Kayseri, il meurt le après une grève de la faim de 323 jours. 



İbrahim Gökçek, né en 1980 à Kayseri, est bassiste dans le groupe révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Il est marié à Sultan Gökçek, une autre membre de Grup Yorum, détenue en 2020 à la prison de Silivri.

Il est arrêté le 1er mai 2019 et inculpé de «création et direction d'une organisation». En juin, il rejoint la grève de la faim engagée par d'autres membres de Grup Yorum: ceux-ci revendiquent que le gouvernement turc mette fin à la répression contre le groupe, libère ses membres emprisonnés et leur permette de donner des concerts. Le 4 janvier 2020, Helin Bölek et lui annoncent leur décision de prolonger leur jeûne jusqu'à la mort. Le 14, le parquet requiert l'emprisonnement à perpétuité contre Ibrahim Gökçek. Libéré malgré tout en février 2020, il s'installe avec Helin Bölek dans une maison à Küçükarmutlu à Istanbul pour y poursuivre leur grève de la faim.

Le 5 mai 2020, il recommence à s'alimenter - les principaux partis d'opposition lui ont promis de se mobiliser - et est transféré dans un hôpital. Il meurt le 7 mai 2020. 

Le lendemain, la police arrête ou disperse aux gaz lacrymogènes les participants à une cérémonie à sa mémoire dans un cemevi du quartier de Sultangazi, et saisit son cercueil. Il est finalement inhumé dans le cimetière de Kayseri, au cours d'une cérémonie qui donne lieu à de nouvelles échauffourées avec la police.

Des membres du Parti d'action nationaliste (MHP) manifestent et menacent de déterrer Ibrahim Gökçek et de brûler sa dépouille, au motif qu'ils le considèrent comme un terroriste. Ces manifestations ont poussé le MHP à fermer les bureaux des Loups gris pendant un certain temps et à licencier son président local.



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quarta-feira, abril 03, 2024

Helin Bölek, do Grup Yorum, morreu há quatro anos...


Helin Bölek (5 June, 1991 – 3 April 2020) was a Kurdish member of the leftist Turkish folk music band Grup Yorum.


 Life and struggle

Bölek, the daughter of a family from Diyarbakır, worked in art during her youth. She took part in Grup Yorum as a soloist. She was arrested for the first time during a police operation at the İdil Culture Center in Istanbul in November 2016, when she was detained with seven other members of the group on charges of "resisting the police, insulting and being a member of a terrorist organization". The musicians Bahar Kurt, Barış Yüksel and Ali Aracı announced that they started an "indefinite and irreversible" hunger strike on 17 May 2019, to end the pressures from the state, the concert bans, and the raids on cultural centers.

Bölek joined the hunger strike in June 2019. She was released in November 2019 but kept on fasting. On 11 March 2020, İbrahim Gökçek and Helin Bölek were taken out to the Umraniye State Hospital after a police raid that morning at their home in Küçükarmutlu, Istanbul. In a statement made by their lawyer Didem Ünsal, the two Grup Yorum members stated that they were taken to the hospital by ambulance and that they were admitted to the emergency room, where they declared that they did not accept intervention or treatment. 



She died on 3 April 2020, the 288th day of a hunger strike at her home in Istanbul, which was held as a means to protest against the treatment of the band by the Turkish Government led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. After her death, large crowds mourned Helin Bölek and they began to march towards a Cemevi. The police intervened the march and detained several participants, but the crowds managed to deliver her coffin to a Cemevi. The crowds intended to go to the cemetery but the police impeded it and detained several participants of the ceremony again. Afterwards, the police transported Helin Bölek to the cemetery.




domingo, maio 07, 2023

İbrahim Gökçek, músico dos Grup Yorum, morreu, durante uma greve de fome, há três anos...

İbrahim Gökçek est un musicien du groupe folk révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Né en à Kayseri, il meurt le après une grève de la faim de 323 jours. 



İbrahim Gökçek, né en 1980 à Kayseri, est bassiste dans le groupe révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Il est marié à Sultan Gökçek, une autre membre de Grup Yorum, détenue en 2020 à la prison de Silivri.

Il est arrêté le 1er mai 2019 et inculpé de «création et direction d'une organisation». En juin, il rejoint la grève de la faim engagée par d'autres membres de Grup Yorum: ceux-ci revendiquent que le gouvernement turc mette fin à la répression contre le groupe, libère ses membres emprisonnés et leur permette de donner des concerts. Le 4 janvier 2020, Helin Bölek et lui annoncent leur décision de prolonger leur jeûne jusqu'à la mort. Le 14, le parquet requiert l'emprisonnement à perpétuité contre Ibrahim Gökçek. Libéré malgré tout en février 2020, il s'installe avec Helin Bölek dans une maison à Küçükarmutlu à Istanbul pour y poursuivre leur grève de la faim.

Le 5 mai 2020, il recommence à s'alimenter - les principaux partis d'opposition lui ont promis de se mobiliser - et est transféré dans un hôpital. Il meurt le 7 mai 2020. 

Le lendemain, la police arrête ou disperse aux gaz lacrymogènes les participants à une cérémonie à sa mémoire dans un cemevi du quartier de Sultangazi, et saisit son cercueil. Il est finalement inhumé dans le cimetière de Kayseri, au cours d'une cérémonie qui donne lieu à de nouvelles échauffourées avec la police.

Des membres du Parti d'action nationaliste (MHP) manifestent et menacent de déterrer Ibrahim Gökçek et de brûler sa dépouille, au motif qu'ils le considèrent comme un terroriste. Ces manifestations ont poussé le MHP à fermer les bureaux des Loups gris pendant un certain temps et à licencier son président local.



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segunda-feira, abril 03, 2023

Helin Bölek, do Grup Yorum, morreu há três anos...


Helin Bölek (5 June, 1991 – 3 April 2020) was a Kurdish member of the leftist Turkish folk music band Grup Yorum.


 Life and struggle

Bölek, the daughter of a family from Diyarbakır, worked in art during her youth. She took part in Grup Yorum as a soloist. She was arrested for the first time during a police operation at the İdil Culture Center in Istanbul in November 2016, when she was detained with seven other members of the group on charges of "resisting the police, insulting and being a member of a terrorist organization". The musicians Bahar Kurt, Barış Yüksel and Ali Aracı announced that they started an "indefinite and irreversible" hunger strike on 17 May 2019, to end the pressures from the state, the concert bans, and the raids on cultural centers.

Bölek joined the hunger strike in June 2019. She was released in November 2019 but kept on fasting. On 11 March 2020, İbrahim Gökçek and Helin Bölek were taken out to the Umraniye State Hospital after a police raid that morning at their home in Küçükarmutlu, Istanbul. In a statement made by their lawyer Didem Ünsal, the two Grup Yorum members stated that they were taken to the hospital by ambulance and that they were admitted to the emergency room, where they declared that they did not accept intervention or treatment. 



She died on 3 April 2020, the 288th day of a hunger strike at her home in Istanbul, which was held as a means to protest against the treatment of the band by the Turkish Government led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. After her death, large crowds mourned Helin Bölek and they began to march towards a Cemevi. The police intervened the march and detained several participants, but the crowds managed to deliver her coffin to a Cemevi. The crowds intended to go to the cemetery but the police impeded it and detained several participants of the ceremony again. Afterwards, the police transported Helin Bölek to the cemetery.



sábado, maio 07, 2022

İbrahim Gökçek, músico do banda Grup Yorum, morreu, de greve de fome, há dois anos...

İbrahim Gökçek est un musicien du groupe folk révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Né en à Kayseri, il meurt le après une grève de la faim de 323 jours. 



İbrahim Gökçek, né en 1980 à Kayseri, est bassiste dans le groupe révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Il est marié à Sultan Gökçek, une autre membre de Grup Yorum, détenue en 2020 à la prison de Silivri.

Il est arrêté le 1er mai 2019 et inculpé de «création et direction d'une organisation». En juin, il rejoint la grève de la faim engagée par d'autres membres de Grup Yorum: ceux-ci revendiquent que le gouvernement turc mette fin à la répression contre le groupe, libère ses membres emprisonnés et leur permette de donner des concerts. Le 4 janvier 2020, Helin Bölek et lui annoncent leur décision de prolonger leur jeûne jusqu'à la mort. Le 14, le parquet requiert l'emprisonnement à perpétuité contre Ibrahim Gökçek. Libéré malgré tout en février 2020, il s'installe avec Helin Bölek dans une maison à Küçükarmutlu à Istanbul pour y poursuivre leur grève de la faim.

Le 5 mai 2020, il recommence à s'alimenter - les principaux partis d'opposition lui ont promis de se mobiliser - et est transféré dans un hôpital. Il meurt le 7 mai 2020. 

Le lendemain, la police arrête ou disperse aux gaz lacrymogènes les participants à une cérémonie à sa mémoire dans un cemevi du quartier de Sultangazi, et saisit son cercueil. Il est finalement inhumé dans le cimetière de Kayseri, au cours d'une cérémonie qui donne lieu à de nouvelles échauffourées avec la police.

Des membres du Parti d'action nationaliste (MHP) manifestent et menacent de déterrer Ibrahim Gökçek et de brûler sa dépouille, au motif qu'ils le considèrent comme un terroriste. Ces manifestations ont poussé le MHP à fermer les bureaux des Loups gris pendant un certain temps et à licencier son président local.



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domingo, abril 03, 2022

Helin Bölek, do Grup Yorum, morreu há dois anos...


Helin Bölek (5 June, 1991 – 3 April 2020) was a Kurdish member of the leftist Turkish folk music band Grup Yorum.


 Life and struggle

Bölek, the daughter of a family from Diyarbakır, worked in art during her youth. She took part in Grup Yorum as a soloist. She was arrested for the first time during a police operation at the İdil Culture Center in Istanbul in November 2016, when she was detained with seven other members of the group on charges of "resisting the police, insulting and being a member of a terrorist organization". The musicians Bahar Kurt, Barış Yüksel and Ali Aracı announced that they started an "indefinite and irreversible" hunger strike on 17 May 2019, to end the pressures from the state, the concert bans, and the raids on cultural centers.

Bölek joined the hunger strike in June 2019. She was released in November 2019 but kept on fasting. On 11 March 2020, İbrahim Gökçek and Helin Bölek were taken out to the Umraniye State Hospital after a police raid that morning at their home in Küçükarmutlu, Istanbul. In a statement made by their lawyer Didem Ünsal, the two Grup Yorum members stated that they were taken to the hospital by ambulance and that they were admitted to the emergency room, where they declared that they did not accept intervention or treatment. 



She died on 3 April 2020, the 288th day of a hunger strike at her home in Istanbul, which was held as a means to protest against the treatment of the band by the Turkish Government led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. After her death, large crowds mourned Helin Bölek and they began to march towards a Cemevi. The police intervened the march and detained several participants, but the crowds managed to deliver her coffin to a Cemevi. The crowds intended to go to the cemetery but the police impeded it and detained several participants of the ceremony again. Afterwards, the police transported Helin Bölek to the cemetery.



sexta-feira, maio 07, 2021

İbrahim Gökçek, músico do banda Grup Yorum, morreu de greve de fome há um ano...

İbrahim Gökçek est un musicien du groupe folk révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Né en à Kayseri, il meurt le après une grève de la faim de 323 jours. 



İbrahim Gökçek, né en 1980 à Kayseri, est bassiste dans le groupe révolutionnaire turc Grup Yorum. Il est marié à Sultan Gökçek, une autre membre de Grup Yorum, détenue en 2020 à la prison de Silivri.

Il est arrêté le 1er mai 2019 et inculpé de «création et direction d'une organisation». En juin, il rejoint la grève de la faim engagée par d'autres membres de Grup Yorum: ceux-ci revendiquent que le gouvernement turc mette fin à la répression contre le groupe, libère ses membres emprisonnés et leur permette de donner des concerts. Le 4 janvier 2020, Helin Bölek et lui annoncent leur décision de prolonger leur jeûne jusqu'à la mort. Le 14, le parquet requiert l'emprisonnement à perpétuité contre Ibrahim Gökçek. Libéré malgré tout en février 2020, il s'installe avec Helin Bölek dans une maison à Küçükarmutlu à Istanbul pour y poursuivre leur grève de la faim.

Le 5 mai 2020, il recommence à s'alimenter - les principaux partis d'opposition lui ont promis de se mobiliser - et est transféré dans un hôpital. Il meurt le 7 mai 2020. 

Le lendemain, la police arrête ou disperse aux gaz lacrymogènes les participants à une cérémonie à sa mémoire dans un cemevi du quartier de Sultangazi, et saisit son cercueil. Il est finalement inhumé dans le cimetière de Kayseri, au cours d'une cérémonie qui donne lieu à de nouvelles échauffourées avec la police.

Des membres du Parti d'action nationaliste (MHP) manifestent et menacent de déterrer Ibrahim Gökçek et de brûler sa dépouille, au motif qu'ils le considèrent comme un terroriste. Ces manifestations ont poussé le MHP à fermer les bureaux des Loups gris pendant un certain temps et à licencier son président local.



 (imagem daqui)


sábado, abril 03, 2021

Helin Bölek, do Grup Yorum, morreu há um ano...


Helin Bölek (5 June, 1991 – 3 April 2020) was a Kurdish member of the leftist Turkish folk music band Grup Yorum.


 Life and struggle

Bölek, the daughter of a family from Diyarbakır, worked in art during her youth. She took part in Grup Yorum as a soloist. She was arrested for the first time during a police operation at the İdil Culture Center in Istanbul in November 2016, when she was detained with seven other members of the group on charges of "resisting the police, insulting and being a member of a terrorist organization". The musicians Bahar Kurt, Barış Yüksel and Ali Aracı announced that they started an "indefinite and irreversible" hunger strike on 17 May 2019, to end the pressures from the state, the concert bans, and the raids on cultural centers.

Bölek joined the hunger strike in June 2019. She was released in November 2019 but kept on fasting. On 11 March 2020, İbrahim Gökçek and Helin Bölek were taken out to the Umraniye State Hospital after a police raid that morning at their home in Küçükarmutlu, Istanbul. In a statement made by their lawyer Didem Ünsal, the two Grup Yorum members stated that they were taken to the hospital by ambulance and that they were admitted to the emergency room, where they declared that they did not accept intervention or treatment. 



She died on 3 April 2020, the 288th day of a hunger strike at her home in Istanbul, which was held as a means to protest against the treatment of the band by the Turkish Government led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. After her death, large crowds mourned Helin Bölek and they began to march towards a Cemevi. The police intervened the march and detained several participants, but the crowds managed to deliver her coffin to a Cemevi. The crowds intended to go to the cemetery but the police impeded it and detained several participants of the ceremony again. Afterwards, the police transported Helin Bölek to the cemetery.



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