segunda-feira, março 13, 2023

Há trinta e um anos ocorreu o terramoto de Erzincan na Turquia

On March 13, the 1992 Erzincan earthquake struck Eastern Turkey. Originating on the North Anatolian Fault, it rocked the country, leaving more than 497 people dead, roughly 2,000 injured, and an unknown amount missing.

Most of Turkey lies on the Anatolian Plate. Deformation from is accommodated through three main faults: the eastern portion of the Hellenic Trench accommodates convergence between the Aegean Sea Plate and the Anatolian Plate in the south, the North Anatolian Fault in the north, along which this earthquake occurred, accommodates the deformation between the Anatolian Plate and the Eurasian Plate which forces the Anatolian west, and the East Anatolian Fault in the east accommodates the same deformation. The Erzincan basin lies on the intersection of this fault on its northern side.

At 6.7 on the moment magnitude scale, the earthquake was designated as "strong". While the shaking lasted for seven seconds, the maximum Modified Mercalli intensity was officially VIII, and a station near the epicenter recorded IX shaking. The focal mechanism indicated strike slip faulting, and rupture is estimated to have been 30 km (19 mi) long with a maximum slip of 95 cm (37 in). More than 3,000 aftershocks rocked the area afterwards.
The quake left at least 498 killed, 2000 injured, collapsed 150 buildings, and damaged over 8,000 homes. The provision of housing following the earthquake is now listed by the Chamber of Civil Engineers in Turkey as one of Fifty civil engineering feats in Turkey. A temporary group of 10 seismographs were set up in the area to monitor aftershocks.

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