domingo, fevereiro 12, 2023

Zach Condon, vocalista dos Beirut, faz hoje 37 anos

Zach Condon, líder dos Beirut, em 2007

Zach Condon was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 13, 1986. He grew up in Newport News, Virginia and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Condon played trumpet in a jazz band as a teenager and cites jazz as a major influence.

Condon attended Santa Fe High School, until dropping out when he was 17. Work at a cinema showing international films piqued his interest in Fellini arias, Sicilian funeral brass, and Balkan music.

Condon attended community college for a short period, then traveled to Europe at the age of 17 with his older brother, Ryan. Condon's exploration of world music developed Beirut's melodic sound. Zach's younger brother Ross Condon played in the band Total Slacker.

Returning from Europe, Condon enrolled at the University of New Mexico, where he studied Portuguese and photography. Condon recorded most of the material for Gulag Orkestar alone in his bedroom, finishing the album in a studio with Jeremy Barnes (Neutral Milk Hotel, A Hawk and a Hacksaw) and Heather Trost (A Hawk and a Hacksaw), who became early contributors to the band.

Ba Da Bing Records signed Condon on the strength of the recordings. Condon recruited friends to play Gulag Orkestar's first live shows in New York in May 2006.

Beirut's first music video was for Elephant Gun, directed by Alma Har'el who also directed the band's second video "Postcards from Italy". Lon Gisland was the full band's first release in 2007.


in Wikipédia


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