segunda-feira, novembro 28, 2022

A Nova Zelândia decidiu dar direito de voto às mulheres há 129 anos

The New Zealand general election of 1893 was held on Tuesday, 28 November in the general electorates, and on Wednesday, 20 December in the Māori electorates to elect a total of 74 MPs to the 12th session of the New Zealand Parliament. A total number of 302,997 (75.3%) voters turned out to vote.
The election was won by the Liberal Party, and Richard Seddon became Prime Minister.
1893 was the year universal suffrage was granted to women over 21 (including Māori), plural registration was abolished, plural voting for Māori property-owners was abolished, and only those whose descent was exactly half Māori or less were allowed to choose whether to vote in European or Māori electorates. Women's suffrage was the most consequential change.

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