sexta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2022

Um terramoto atingiu o Afeganistão há vinte e quatro anos


Date February 4, 1998
Origin time 14:33:23 UTC
Magnitude 5.9 Mw
Depth 30 km (19 mi)
Epicenter 37.17°N 70.14°E 
Type Strike-slip 
Areas affected Takhar Province, Afghanistan
Total damage Extreme
Max. intensity VII (Very strong)
Casualties2,323–4,000 dead, 818 injured


The February 1998 Afghanistan earthquake occurred at 19:03 local time near the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border. The strike-slip shock had a moment magnitude of 5.9 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII (Very strong). With several thousand dead and hundreds injured, the event's effects were considered extreme. It was felt at Tashkent and Dushanbe, and aftershocks continued for the next seven days.


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