quarta-feira, junho 30, 2021

He was a friend of mine...


He was a friend of mine - Dave Van Ronk

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I think about him now
Lord I just can't keep from crying
'Cause he was friend a friend of mine

He died on the road
He died on the road
He never had no money
To pay his room or board
He was a friend of mine

I stole away and cried
I stole away and cried
'Cause I never had too much money
And I can't be satisfied
He was a friend of mine

He never done no wrong
He never done no wrong
He was just a poor boy
Long way from home
He was a friend of mine

He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I hear his name
I just can't keep from crying
'Cause he was a friend of mine 

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