terça-feira, abril 23, 2013

Hoje é Dia de São Jorge!

 São Jorge e o Dragão, de Gustave Moreau

O Dia de São Jorge é celebrado por várias nações para quem São Jorge é o santo patrono. Entre os países que comemoram a data, destacam-se o Reino Unido, Portugal, Geórgia, Catalunha, Bulgária e pelos Goranis.
No Reino Unido, o Dia de São Jorge é também o Dia Nacional. O Dia de São Jorge é também comemorado localmente em Newfoundland (Canadá), no Rio de Janeiro e em Adis Abeba (pela Igreja Copta Ortodoxa Etíope).
Muitos países celebram a a festa de São Jorge em 23 de abril, que é a data tradicionalmente aceita do falecimento do santo.

Brasão de Armas de Moscovo, cidade que tem São Jorge como Padroeiro

Saint George's Day is the feast day of Saint George. It is celebrated by various Christian churches and by the several nations, kingdoms, countries, and cities of which Saint George is the patron saint. Saint George's Day is celebrated on 23 April, the traditionally accepted date of Saint George's death in AD 303. For Eastern Orthodox Churches which use the Julian calendar, 23 April corresponds to 6 May on the Gregorian calendar.
As Easter often falls close to Saint George's Day, the church celebration of the feast may be moved from 23 April. In England, where it is observed as a solemn feast, for 2011 and 2014 the Anglican and Catholic calendars celebrate Saint George's Day on the first Monday after Easter Week (2 May and 28 April, respectively). Similarly, the Eastern Orthodox celebration of the feast moves accordingly to the first Monday after Easter or, as it is sometimes called, to the Monday of Bright Week.

Countries that celebrate St George's Day include England, Canada, Croatia, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Macedonia. Cities include Moscow in Russia, Genova in Italy, Ljubljana in Slovenia, Beirut in Lebanon, Qormi and Victoria in Malta and many others. It is also celebrated in the old Crown of Aragon in Spain—Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, and Majorca.
St George's Day is known as the Feast of Saint George by Palestinians and is celebrated in the Monastery of Saint George in al-Khader, near Bethlehem. It is also known as Georgemas.
Besides the 23 April feast, some Orthodox Churches have additional feasts dedicated to St George. The country of Georgia celebrates the feast St. George on 23 April and, more prominently, 10 November (Julian Calendar), which currently falls on 6 May and 23 November (Gregorian Calendar), respectively. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the dedication of the Church of St George in Kiev by Yaroslav I the Wise in 1051 on 26 November (Julian Calendar), which currently falls on the Gregorian 9 December.
In the General Calendar of the Roman Rite, the feast of Saint George is on 23 April. In the Tridentine Calendar it was given the rank of "Semidouble". In Pope Pius XII's 1955 calendar this rank is reduced to "Simple." In Pope John XXIII's 1960 calendar the celebration to just a "Commemoration". In Pope Paul VI's revision of the calendar, that came into force in 1969, it was given the equivalent rank of a "Memorial", of optional use. In some countries, such as England, the rank is higher.
St George's feast is ranked higher in England and in certain other regions. It is the second most important National Feast in Catalonia, where the day is known in Catalan as La Diada de Sant Jordi and it is traditional to give a rose and a book to a loved one.
Under the state atheism of former Eastern Bloc countries, the celebration of Saint George's Day was historically suppressed.
UNESCO declared this day the International Day of the Book, since 23 April 1616 was the date of death and possibly anniversary of birth of both the English playwright William Shakespeare (according to the Julian calendar) and the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes (according to the Gregorian calendar).

Nota: como ex-escuteiro do Agrupamento 347 - S. Jorge, de Coimbra (da Paróquia de S. José) não posso deixar de lembrar esta data - aqui fica o texto que foi hoje publicado no seu Facebook e o seu símbolo, desenhado por um amigo, nos anos oitenta:

Dia 23 de abril é dia de São Jorge, Patrono Mundial do Escutismo, e do nosso Agrupamento! Neste dia, os escuteiros deverão lembrar-se da sua promessa e da lei de escuta. Não que um escuteiro a deva esquecer nos outros dias, mas o dia de São Jorge é um dia especial para reflectir sobre ela! Um bom dia de S. Jorge para todos os escuteiros e para os do nosso agrupamento em especial!

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