sábado, março 23, 2013

Poe - 45 anos

Poe (Annie Decatur Danielewski, Nova Iorque, 23 de março de 1968) é uma cantora e compositora americana, filha do diretor cinematográfico polaco Tad Danielewski e irmã do escritor Mark Z. Danielewski.

Poe (born Anne Decatur Danielewski) is an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. Poe's musical style is a unique blend of Rock, Jazz, Electronica, Folk, and Hip Hop elements combining intimate lyrical compositions. Many of Poe’s songs have been featured in films and on television. Poe first hit the modern rock charts in 1995.
Some of her early charting singles included “Angry Johnny”, “ Trigger Happy Jack”, “ Hello”, and “Hey Pretty.” Videos for these singles had heavy rotation on MTV. Poe spent six years with Atlantic Records and is currently on her own label, ‘’Repoezessed Music Records.”
Noteworthy was Poe’s early involvement with her online community of fans. Her web site, and the fan sites that supported her early in her career, preempted modern social networking platforms and were among the first of their kind. Atlantic Records’ Senior Vice President of New Media, Nikki Sleight, referred to Poe’s online power and one-on-one communication with thousands attending her concerts as “unheard of and pretty phenomenal” in Sleight’s 1997 interview with ‘’Web Magazine.’’

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