quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2013

One day...

Asaf Avidan - One day

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told

(One day...)

No more tears, my heart is dry
I don't laugh and I don't cry
I don't think about you all the time
But when I do – I wonder why

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old

(One day...)

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old

One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told

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