sexta-feira, dezembro 28, 2012

Há 104 anos um sismo (e tsunami) mataram mais de 100.000 ialianos

The 1908 Messina earthquake (also known as the 1908 Messina and Reggio earthquake) and tsunami took some 100,000 to 200,000 lives on December 28, 1908, in Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy.

Corpses of victims of the earthquake in Messina, December 1908

On December 28, 1908 from about 05:20 to 05:21 an earthquake of 7.1 on the moment magnitude scale occurred centered on the of city Messina, in Sicily. Reggio on the Italian mainland also suffered heavy damage. The ground shook for some 30 to 40 seconds, and the destruction was felt within a 300-kilometer (186-mile) radius. Moments after the earthquake, a 12-meter (39-foot) tsunami struck nearby coasts, causing even more devastation; 91% of structures in Messina were destroyed and some 70,000 residents were killed. Rescuers searched through the rubble for weeks, and whole families were still being pulled out alive days later, but thousands remained buried there. Buildings in the area had not been constructed for earthquake resistance, having heavy roofs and vulnerable foundations.

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