quinta-feira, setembro 13, 2012

Randy Jones, o cowboy dos Village People, faz hoje 60 anos

Randy Jones (born on 13 September 1952 in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States) is an American disco and pop singer and was the original cowboy from Village People.
He attended Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina and graduated in 1970. While there, he was a founder of Enloe's Drama Club, which was then called "Amicus Scaena"; Latin for "friend of scene" or "friend of theatre". He then studied at North Carolina School of the Arts before moving to New York.
Jones had a marriage ceremony with his partner of 20 years, Will Grega, at a New York club on May 7, 2004. Although the marriage is not legally binding, as gay marriage was still illegal in New York state, Jones commented that: "It's only a matter of time before the courts rule in favor of what's morally right and humanly decent." The pair published a book together in 1996, titled Out Sounds: The Gay and Lesbian Music Alternative.
He released in 2007 a disco and pop solo album Ticket to the World.

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