segunda-feira, abril 30, 2012

Willie Nelson nasceu há 79 anos

Willie Hugh Nelson (born April 30, 1933) is an American country singer-songwriter, author, poet, actor and activist. He reached his greatest fame during the outlaw country movement of the 1970s, and remains iconic, especially in American popular culture.

Now in his 70s, Willie Nelson continues to tour and has performed in concerts and fundraisers with other major musicians, including Bob Dylan, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews. He also continues to record albums prolifically in new genres that embrace reggae, blues, jazz, folk, and popular music.

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain

In the twilight glow I see her blue eyes crying in the rain
And when we kissed goodbye and parted I knew we'd never meet again
Love is like a dying ember only memories remain
Through the ages I'll remember blue eyes crying in the rain

Some day when we meet up yonder we'll stroll hand in hand again
In a land that knows no parting blue eyes crying in the rain

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