sábado, abril 21, 2012

Música adequada à data - III

Sinnerman - Nina Simone

Oh sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Sinnerman, where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to?
All on that day

Well I run to the rock, "Please hide me"
I run to the rock,"Please hide me"
I run to the rock, "Please hide me, Lord"
All on that day

But the rock cried out, "I can't hide you"
The rock cried out, "I can't hide you"
The rock cried out, "I ain't gonna hide you guy"
All on that day

I said, "Rock, what's a matter with you rock?"
"Don't you see i need you, rock?"
Lord, Lord, Lord
All on that day

So I run to the river, it was bleedin'
I run to the sea, it was bleedin'
I run to the sea, it was bleedin'
All on that day

So I run to the river, it was boilin'
I run to the sea, it was boilin'
I run to the sea, it was boilin'
All on that day

So I run to the Lord, "Please hide me Lord"
"Don't you see me prayin'?"
"Don't you see me down here prayin'?"

But the lord said, "go to the devil"
The lord said, "go to the devil"
He said, "go to the devil"
All on that day

So I ran to the devil, he was waitin'
I ran to the devil, he was waitin'
Ran to the devil, he was waitin'
All on that day

I cried -
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)

Bring down,(power to the Lord)
Bring down,(power to the Lord)
Bring down,(power to the Lord)
Bring down,(power to the Lord)

Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord))
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)
Power!!! -(power to the Lord)

Oh yeah, woh yeah, woh yeah

Well i run to the river, it was boilin'
I run to the sea, it was boilin'
I run to the sea, it was boilin'
All on that day

So I ran to the Lord
I said, "Lord hide me, please hide me"
"Please help me"
All on that day

He said, "Child, where were you
When you oughta been prayin'?"
I said,"Lord, Lord, hear me prayin'"
Lord, Lord, hear me prayin'
Lord, Lord, hear me prayin'"
All on that day

Sinnerman you oughta be prayin'
Oughta be prayin', sinnerman
Oughta be prayin',
All on that day

I cried -

Go down -(power to the Lord)
Go down -(power to the Lord)
Go down -(power to the Lord)

Power!!!!!!! (power to the Lord)
Power!!!!!!! (power to the Lord)
Power!!!!!!! (power to the Lord)

Power, power, lord

Don't you know I need you Lord
Don't you know that I need you
Don't you know that I need you

Power, Lord!

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