terça-feira, dezembro 14, 2010

Os maravilhosos resultados PISA 2009 - um contributo para a sua compreensão

(imagem daqui)

Exmos. Srs.: Jornalistas:
Cansada de ouvir elogios aos resultados do PISA 2009, transcrevo abaixo carta com aviso de recepção enviada aos serviços centrais do PISA em Bruxelas, que questiona a seleção aleatória de alunos que deveria ter acontecido, e que nunca mereceu qualquer resposta. Na altura tentei também fazer chegar esta minha preocupação aos media, sem sucesso.
Confrontada com os resultados agora divulgados estou firmemente convencida que houve manipulação dos alunos selecionados, ou seja, estando o Ministério da Educação na posse informatizada das classificações anteriores dos alunos, selecionou os que entendeu por melhor. Desafio os srs. jornalistas a ir junto das turmas e dos alunos selecionados no 10º ano, na Escola ****************, em ************, confirmarem que as amostras escolhidas para serem analisadas estão longe de aleatórias; e junto do Secretariado do PISA confirmar se alguma medida de fiscalização foi tomada.
Possuo ainda o aviso de recepção.
Obrigada pela vossa atenção
Eis a carta:
“Lisbon, May 25, 2009
Subject: Portugal students selection for Pisa 2009
Dear Sir/Madam:
Having sent the email below on May 7th, and getting no answer, I’ve decided to write you to make sure that some checking procedures were taken to evaluate whether or not, students were chosen by chance, on the 10th grade, to perform Pisa tests 2009 in Portugal.
The reason why I’m writing directly to you, and not through any Portuguese authorities, is that the person chosen to lead Pisa process in Portugal is the same which is been widely criticized, by teachers organizations in subjects such as maths, physics, and Portuguese, over the last two or three years, because of lack of quality – specially scientific level of questions asked (too low) – of Portuguese internal nacional tests performed by GAVE (the organism this person represents).
This organism has actively manipulated internal tests results, and might be preparing to do the same to external tests, such as Pisa. Although this might improve Portugal image externally, it’s irresponsible and leads to disaster in productivity results and general achievements of future generations.
Kind regards,

From: ***********************
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 4:00 PM
To: edu.pisa@oecd.org
Subject: Portugal students selection for Pisa 2009
Dear Sir/Madam:
My name is ******************** and I’m a teacher in a secondary level scholl in Portugal, in a city called ******************. The scholl name is *****************************
I teach to three of the six 10th grade classes where students where pick to do the Pisa test on April 29th. When I was consulting the list of students invited to do the test, I was surprised by the fact that none of the students where low level students, and more, in fact best students in each of the three classes where always invited. This made me wonder wether or not portuguese autorities where in fact respecting the instructions and procedures regardind students selection.
Considering Pisa is the only precious external evaluation of its type taken by portuguese school system, I would appreciate if the Secretariat could check that in fact random criteria where taken, and not, for instance, school results in the last school year.
Kind regards

in A Educação do meu Umbigo - post de Paulo Guinote

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