quarta-feira, julho 21, 2010

International Conference on Geoheritage and Geotourism

“Using Geodiversity and Geoheritage for Tourism and Sustainable Development”

14 - 17th October 2010

Lisbon - Portugal

Geotourism is a developing branch of research and of applied research to planning and management at local, regional and national levels. Strongly connected with the geodiversity and geoheritage of the land (geo), it also embraces the cultural values (tangible or intangible ones) of the local communities. Many researchers has already worked in these issues under different names such as ecotourism, tourism of nature, natural trails, geoconservation, geopreservation, georestauration, geoecology, geoparks, geotopes, geosites, geomorphosites, natural heritage, nature conservation, protected areas, landscapes or natural monuments and other designations. We hope that all those who worked in Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geotourism and Cultural Heritage, with the aim to contribute to the sustainable development of specific areas, see in this Conference an opportunity to present its experiences and exchange ideas.


Portuguese Association of Geotourism – APGeotur (Associação Portuguesa de Geoturismo), with the patronage of the Geodiversity, Geotourism and Geomorphologic Heritage Research Group GEOPAGE of the TERRiTUR (Tourism, Culture and Space cluster), Geographic Studies Centre of the Lisbon University (CEG UL), Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL).

Conference Themes

A – Geoheritage, environmental policies and land planning
B – Geoheritage vulnerability and geoconservation
C – Coastal and shoreline geotourism, recreation and management
D – Geotourism products and evaluation of users needs
E – Geotourism in Geoparks
F – Geoheritage and geotourism information technologies and mapping

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