segunda-feira, junho 28, 2010

Curso de PaleoArte no Museu da Lourinhã

PaleoArt Teaching 2010 - The Complete Lost World Journey

The Museum of Lourinhã

anounces the workshop

PaleoArt Teaching - 2010


The Italian painter Fabio Pastori, winner of the 6ª CIID - International Contest of Dinosaur Illustration - (amongst 71 artists, of 22 countries) and professor Jordan Nenna, illustrator and cartoonist, specialized in computer aided drawing techniques, will host, under the sponsorship of GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã, a brand new summer class which they have named as PaleoArt Teaching - The Complete Lost World Journey.

During the course of nine days, students will have the opportunity to know the Museum, do field prospecting for fossils, learn and live with renowned artists, and those who search scientific illustration and painting know-how.

Fabio Pastori:

Jordan Nenna:

More info at Museu da Lourinhã

in Blog Lusodinos - post de Octávio Mateus

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