quarta-feira, abril 28, 2010

Música só para ouvir...

... e esquecer os quilinhos a mais da vocalista...

The Gossip - Heavy Cross

It's a cruel cruel world, to face on your own,
A heavy cross, to carry along,
The lights are on, but everyone's gone,
And it's cruel

It's a funny way, to make ends meet,
when the lights are out on every street,
It feels alright, but never complete,
without joy,

I checked you, if it's already been done, undo it,
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to proove it,
On the rainy nights, even the coldest days,
you're moments ago, but seconds away,
The principal of nature, it's true but, it's a cruel world,

We can play it safe, or play it cool,
follow the leader, or make up all the rules,
whatever you want, the choice is yours,
So choose,

I checked you, if it's already been done, undo it
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to proove it

I just knew, it's already been done, undo it
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to proove it

I checked you, if it's already been done, undo it
It takes two, it's up to me and you, to proove it

I just knew

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