quarta-feira, março 24, 2010

Geoturismo na Islândia

Customized tours to experience Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption

Nordic Visitor offers customized trips to the area around Eyjafjallajokull for those interested in seeing the fire and ice with their own eyes.

Last Saturday (20th of March) around midnight, the skies of South-East Iceland were lit up by a blood-red shimmer from the lava spurting out of a rift that had suddenly opened up in the ice capped ground next to the Eyjafjallajökull glacier.The power of the eruption has been steadily growing and the lava explosions are said to reach up to 150 meters into the air and the volcanic ash is said to stretch as far as 4-8 kilometers into the sky.

The eruption next to Eyjafjallajökull is predicted to continue for a longer period of time. This volcanic eruption is an amazing spectacle that can be observed from a safe distance. At the moment the best conditions for catching a glimpse of the phenomenon are in the area of Fljótshlíð.

Reacting to this unravelling of nature, Nordic Visitor offers customized trips to the area around Eyjafjallajökull.

Your wish is our command - your tour can include one or more of the following:
• accommodation
• sightseeing flights over the volcanic erupting area
• guided bus tour to the volcanic erupting area
• super-jeep tour to the volcanic erupting area
• other optional services (rental car, meet and greet at airport and more - contact our experts)

If you are interested in a customized tour, we can arrange that in very short notice.

Contact us now:
- by chat: chat with one of our travel experts now
- by phone: +354 5782080 (see our toll free numbers)
- by email: through this easy email form

Book your volcano day tour in Iceland
Interested in a guided bus day tour to the volcanic area - book here.
Interested in a guided super-jeep tour to the volcanic area - book here.

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