segunda-feira, novembro 16, 2009

Música da minha infância

Há pouco tempo redescobri o tema que à frente apresento - lembrava-me apenas da música e de que era de uma telenovela brasileira de finais dos anos setenta e inícios dos anos oitenta...

Agora já sei que a telenovela era Pai Herói, a música era Mirrors e a sua intérprete era Sally Oldfield - a irmã de Mike Oldfield...

Oh we are mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

And the fire of a newborn moment is shining round you
Kiele aloha
Hey, a perfect stranger, a feeling of you,
Kiele aloha
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are...

...Perfect mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

And the fire of a golden light is shining round you
Kiele aloha
Hey, the wind is cold, and I long to hold you
Kiele aloha
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are

We are perfect mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

And the streets are filled with bells, and the sky was falling
Kiele aloha
There are so many things I long to tell you, can you here me calling
Kiele aloha
Hey, come be with me for we are, we are, we are

We are perfect mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

We are mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

We are mirrors in the sun and we brightly shine
We are singing and dancing in perfect time
There is nothing in the world that we can do
To stop the light of love come shining through

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