quarta-feira, setembro 16, 2009

Música para um político de partida

PS - para os interessados, a letra da canção (muito actual...) é esta:

"Bernie Rhodes,know’s don't argue."
Why must you record my phone calls?
Are you planning a bootleg L.P?
Said you've been threatened by gangsters
Now it's you that’s threatening me.

Can't fight corruption with con tricks
They use the law to commit crime?
I dread, dread to think what the future will bring
When we’re living in gangster times.

"Don't call me Scarface!"

Don't interrupt while I'm talking
Or they'll confiscate all your guitars.
A catch - 22 says if I sing the truth
They won't make me an overnight star.

Don't offer us legal protection
They use the law to commit crime.
I dread to think what the future will bring
When we're living in real gangster times.
"Bernie Rhodes knows, don't argue."

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