quarta-feira, março 04, 2009

6th Symposium on the Atlantic Iberian Margin

1-5 December 2009

Since its beginnings in Lisbon in 1994, and in later editions (Cádiz 1997, Faro 2000, Vigo 2003 and Aveiro 2006), the Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin (MIA) has been an open forum for scientific debate to researchers interested in geological, biological, physical and chemical processes which occur from the coastal area to the deep ocean in this region of the European continent.

Due to the geographical situation of the present edition (Oviedo - Asturias - Spain), in the center of the southern margin of the Bay of Biscay, MIA09 will pay special attention to all subjects related to the Northern Iberian Margin in particular but also the Bay of Biscay in general (both Iberian and Armorican margins). This includes the geology of the onland part of the margin.

The event will consist of poster and oral sessions, as well as six conferences about the margin given by outstanding scientist.

The meeting will include two alternative intrasymposium field trips (3 december, included in the congress fee) one devoted to stratigraphycal themes and the other to structural and tectonics aspects of the margin. There will also be an optional final field trip (5 december). All of them will take place along the North Iberian Coast in Asturias.

This is a good opportunity to spend some days in Asturias, enjoying its natural wonders, its regional food and its famous natural cider!!!

Preregistration is now open. You can download the first circular, the preregistration form and find all the information in the meeting's website:


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