sexta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2009

I Iberian symposium on geometric morphometrics

The analysis of organic shape

The advent of Geometric Morphometrics was claimed as a revolution at the end of the century, and step by step it has grown to become a customary tool to analyze and understand the ultidimensional nature of biological form.

This symposium is organized to gather for the first time all practitioners of the field, as a way to share each one´s knowledge, findings and concerns, but also as a way to begin opening a window for future collaborations.

Our principal aim is to gather people from different fields related with the biological sciences whose interests imply or are focused in the analysis of any organic shape. From Paleontology to Medicine, everyone is thus invited to come and show his/her work to this nascent community.

Sabadell, Barcelona

23 a 25 de Julho de 2009
Página do Simpósio no Instituto Catalão de Paleontologia / Miquel Crusafont (organização):
Mais informações em (segunda circular):
Impresso de registo:


Fonte: mailing-list da GEOPOR

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