segunda-feira, novembro 24, 2008

Nothing Sweet About Me - não sei porquê esta canção faz-me lembrar uma ministra...

Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet about me

Sweet about me

Ooh Watching Me, Hanging By A String This Time
Oh Easily The Climax Of A Perfect Life.
Ooh Watching Me, Hanging By A String This Time.
Oh Easily, My Smiles Worth A Hundred Lies.

If There's Lessons To Be Learned, I'd Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
Tell Ya Something That I've Found, That The Worlds A Better Place When
It's Upside Down Boy
If There's Lessons To Be Learned, I'd Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
When Your Playing With Desire, Don't Come Running To My Place When It
Burns Like Fire, Boy.

Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah

Blue, Blue, Blue Waves They Crash
As Time Goes By, So Hard To Catch
And Too, Too Smooth, Ain't All That
Why Don't You Ride My Side Of The Tracks

If There's Lessons To Be Learned, I'd Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
Tell Ya Something That I've Found, That The Worlds A Better Place When
It's Upside Down Boy
If There's Lessons To Be Learned, I'd Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
When Your Playing With Desire, Don't Come Running To My Place When
It Burns Like Fire, Boy.

Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah

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