terça-feira, junho 24, 2008

10th International Coastal Symposium

Dear Colleagues

In the name of the organizing Committee we would like to invite you to the

10th International Coastal Symposium, ICS 2009

The ICS 2009 will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) from 13th to 18th April 2009, a joint organization of the e-Geo - Geography and Regional Planning Research Centre of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Coastal Education & Research Foundation . All papers accepted, after being peer-reviewed, will be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Coastal Research , one of the leading journals in the field of coastal research.

The conference themes are: Acoustic Remote Sensing, Barrier Islands, Beach Processes, Climate Change, Coastal Dunes, Coastal Ecosystems, Coastal Engineering, Coastal Evolution, Coastal Geomorphology, Coastal Hazards and Pollution, Coastal Modelling, Coastal Restoration & Mitigation, Coastal Tourism, Coastal Zone Management, Delta Plain Management, Estuarine & Wetland Restoration, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications, Impact of Extreme Storms, Integrated Catchment and Coastal Zone Management

For more information please go to http://e-geo.fcsh.unl.pt/ICS2009/index.html

Nota: recebido via mailing-list da Geopor

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