quinta-feira, março 06, 2008

Antes que a noite escura caia sobre as Escolas

Irei, como uma esmagadora maioria dos docentes portugueses, estar presente, pela primeira vez em corpo e alma, na Manifestação de Professores de Lisboa, no sábado, dia 8 de Março de 2008. Muitos estarão só em espírito connosco - há a família, os testes, a nova legislação para ler, os comprimidos que nunca mais fazem efeito, a lida da casa, os compromissos familiares, o medo, mas mesmo assim, no sábado, seremos todos um só.

Porque é a longa noite que nos querem impor e em que querem mergulhar a Escola Pública, há que recordar que a Escola actual, com todas as suas falhas e insuficiências, é um local democrático em que se ensina democracia ao vivo. E fartos de prepotências, de ditadorzecos, de aldrabices e de mentiras, estamos todos nós.

Assim, antes que a noite caia e nos cale a todos, permitamos que a música mostre a minha e nossa revolta...

Sun Goes Down (David Jordan)

Open your eyes coz another day is dawning,
Children of the night , can you hear them all calling.
Stars open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to their beats, can you hear them hollering

Start in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Grove like you need it,
Dancing it up till the sun goes down

Free your mind coz tonight we’re gonna break it down
Shake make it funky down
Get so high as the toxins in your body
Are the bass and the drums and the ra, ra, ra
We’re right on time, & all is fine
If you’ve lost your senses here have mine and..

Lose yourself in the time you awake wait till the evening time
‘till the sunshine breaks.

Ahh Common
Open your eyes coz another day is dawning,
Children of the night , can you hear them all calling.
Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to the beats, can you hear them hollering

Stop in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Grove like you need it,
Dancing it up til the sun goes down.

Till the sun goes down…

Go Come on for this makes for hysteria
You feelin what we bring to y’all..
Peace and love find yourself gettin down tonight, tonight tonight, tonight

Fire is burning on and theres children in the forest playing
Just come forget this to forget the beats hunting for its prey
Yeaaah… noo noooo ..yeaaaah eeyy..

Till the sun goes down
Till the sun goes
Sun goes down
Sun goes down sun goes down
Sun goes dooooowwn!

Open your eyes coz another day is dawning,
Children of the night , can you hear them all calling.
Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to the beats, can you hear them hollering

Stop in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Grove like you need it,
Dancing it up till the sun goes down

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