segunda-feira, fevereiro 25, 2008

Call for participation to session GHZ-09

Call for participation to session GHZ-09

Dark Nature Project: Natural hazards and Environmental Catastrophes in the
late Holocene

The International Geological Congress, known as 33IGC, is scheduled for Oslo, Norway, from August 6-14, 2008.

Scientists worldwide are encouraged to submit abstracts for the Dark Nature symposium and participate in oral and poster sessions.

Abstracts should be submitted through the IGC 33 web site by Feb. 29, 2008, at 24:00. Please specify that your abstract is for Dark Nature, code GHZ-09

The conveners are:
- suzanne leroy
- alessandro michetti
- leonello serva

For information about abstract submission, meeting registration, and the IGC
33 science program, please visit

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