quarta-feira, outubro 31, 2007

2 post-doc positions in Barcelona

There are two post-doc positions available at our Institute (CSIC- Institut de Ciències de la Terra 'Jaume Almera', Barcelona, Spain). The positions are for up to three years and the candidate will be chosen by a search committee.
It is anticipated that it will be highly competitive and thenumber of SCI publications of the candidate will play amajor role. The only requirement is less than 10 years afterthe completion of the Ph. D. Deadline of application is 9th of November. The research topic are related to experimental petrology/volcanology or modeling thechemical zoning patterns of igneous crystals but othertopics related to igneous rocks (s.l.) may be also possible.

Anybody interested please contact me for details.

If you can read Spanish you can find details in the following link:

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