sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2007

4th European Speleological Congress

Grouped registration before 31st of October to Vercors 2008 for Clubs and Federations :

4th European Speleological Congress

23-30 August 2008 – Lans-en-Vercors (France)

Before speaking below about the SpeleoBar, as you might already know, Vercors 2008 will be the big European meeting of the year 2008 which will combine a friendly and festive spirit with quality exchanges, presentations and round-tables. With its dozen of European-wide events, its 25 themes of sessions, the numerous animations and the 1500 cavers expected from more than 30 European countries, Vercors 2008 is a unique event that one lives only once in life (all the details on ).

In order to enable the largest number of cavers to participate to this big European meeting, at the best price, we invite every clubs, local committees and national federations or commissions to book in advance, as soon as possible, their grouped registrations a the lowest fare (25 and 38 euros for the whole week), before the 31st of October 2007. You can book right now the registrations by bank card, or international transfer : all the details on the fares and payment on : or by email at

This enables to the Clubs, Local Committees, National Commissions and Federations to book registrations at the best fare for their members in a non-naming way. As soon as you know which members will come, you just have to send us an email to with the proper information (name, email and full or reduced fare) for the cavers having confirmed their participation.

And if someone can not come, it is possible to transfer freely the registration to another person indicating who replace who. It is also possible to register individually, and the same rules of free transfer apply in case of no possibility to come.

SPELEOBAR: Coming directly from Casola, one of the biggest place of Vercors 2008 will of course be the famous SpeleoBar. In order to share the solid and liquid « Cuisine » of your country with the 1500 European cavers expected, and also to fill the purse of your club, we invite you to book your SpeleoBar stand when you register. On your stand you’ll propose all the hot and cold dishes you like to prepare, saling them to the participants at a price between 2 to 5 euros for the dishes and 0.50 to 2 euros for the beverages. The price for a SpeleoBar stand is 75 euros for the week (or 40 euros for the half week). Everything is planned for heating, refrigerating and their is even a supermarket at 5 minutes from the village. And if you wish, you can gather 2 or several clubs to held your Cuisine stand. You prepare food and beverages for the cavers of Vercors 2008, you make exchanges and meet people, you try beverages that came from elsewhere … In a word, holding a stand at the SpeleoBar, it’s an unforgettable experience … All the details on

The Organisation Committee of Vercors 2008 wish you a nice autumn full of explorations.

Should have any questions, please let us know at : and see you soon at Vercors 2008.

Organisation Committee of Vercors 2008

Contact :

Olivier Vidal

Tel : +33 (0)6 81 61 16 70

Email :

Website Vercors 2008 :

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