sábado, junho 02, 2007

Três Bolsas de Doutoramento em Geologia

Da mailing-list da Geopor publicamos o seguinte e-mail:

Reenvio da lista SKOLITHOS o anúncio de 3 bolsas de doutoramento na área da Paleontologia. Pelo que percebo são no Canadá mas o trabalho de campo será noutros locais. Parece-me também que já têm financiamento, o que liberta os potenciais candidatos de concursos com regras rígidas.
Gil Machado

Duncan McIlroy wrote:
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 08:44:11 -0230
From: Duncan McIlroy
Subject: [SKOLITHOS] research students sought

Dear all,

I have a number of research positions I am trying to fill here at Memorial with a sedimentological/ichnological flavour. I would be very grateful if you could pass on the information to anyone that might be interested.

I am fairly flexible about the level at which the students are appointed if there is someone suitable and enthusiastic.

Thanks for your help


Research Masters in Tidal-Fluvial Sedimentology:
Sedimentology Ichnology and facies architecture of the transition from a Jurassic tide dominated deltaic depositional system to a fluvial/alluvial system in Neuquén Province, Argentina. The student will work on the Lajas-Challaco Formation transition alongside a palynology Ph.D. Student.
The project has 2 years of funding from Statoil UK and Memorial University.
Supervisors: Dr. D. McIlroy Memorial University, Dr. D. Jolley University of Aberdeen

Ph.D. Studentship in Experimental Ichnology:
Design and implementation of experimental studies in ichnology to study the effect of bioturbation on sediment fabric. The project will involve direct study of the behaviour of experimental animals (mostly shallow marine invertebrates) and their burrows through X-Ray CT scanning of tanks. The work will be conducted in a new custom built coldwater marine lab and CT scanning facility in the department of Earth Sciences. This project has 3 years of funding from NSERC and Memorial University.
Supervisor: Dr. D. McIlroy Memorial University

Ph.D. studentship or Postdoctoral Researcher in Tidal Sedimentology and Diagenesis:
Field study of the sedimentology and ichnology of modern tidal flats in Georgia, USA and the inter-relationship of sediment properties and incipient diagenesis. The project will involve two field seasons 2008 & 2009 and integrated sedimentological/petrographic studies of Cretaceous core from offshore Newfoundland (3 years Ph.D. or 1.5 years postdoctoral).
Project coordinators: Prof. D. McIlroy & Prof. S. Bentley Memorial University; Dr. R. Meyer, University of Calgary.

Duncan McIlroy D.Phil, C.Geol, Eur.Geol
Canada Research Chair in Petroleum Geoscience
Department of Earth Sciences
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's
NL Canada
A1B 3X5

Telephone: +1 709 737-6722
E-mail: dmc@esd.mun.ca
Skype: duncan.mcilroy

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