quinta-feira, maio 10, 2007

11th International Cave Rescue Conference

The official language of the conference is English.


We have decided the 11th Conference during the Congress UIS held in Greece in August 2005.

We know that they were many and different trainings about the rescue in all the countries and continents. An inquiry is organised during this year 2006 to know the organization of cave rescue in the world. We have to study the administrative aspects of cave rescue : it's the objective during this 11th Conference.

The cave rescue teams are not known in several countries, so we are planning to discuss it how can we organize and do a rescue operation, if it is needed.

Besides them we are planning that how the countries deal with insurance, with responsibility, with finance and security?

This conference will bring answers and projects for cavers.

Before this Conference, we will send the result of the above mentioned inquiry about cave rescue; we will use it for our discussion.


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