terça-feira, março 20, 2007

Concurso de Ilustração de Dinossauros 2007

Ainda do Blog Lusodinos publicamos outro post, também de autoria de Octávio Mateus:

(ICDI 2007)

1. Theme: Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic life. Drawings of bones or life-like representation are accepted.2. Participants: Any participant, national or foreign, over the age of 15 is accepted.

3. Size and techniques: no smaller than 148 x 210 mm. The frame is optional although encouraged. All illustration techniques and materials are accepted, including digital (minimum 300 dpi with no compression, and digital canvas no smaller than 148 x 210 mm).

4. Identification: The illustrations must be accompanied by the identification of the author (name, age, Email, phone number, address and other useful contacts). Each illustration should be titled (the name of the dinosaur is preferred).

5. Illustration selection: The drawings will be selected by their scientific precision and technical quality. Drawings of Portuguese species are preferred. Bone illustration is encouraged. In the case of life-reconstitution, the depiction within the environment is preferred.

6. Important dates: Participation deadline: 31st of July 2007;Exposition and prize announcement: October 2007
Devolution of the art-works to authors: From November 2007

7. The prizes will be paid in Euro.
1st prize 1000 Euros
2nd prize 500 Euros
3rd prize 250 Euros
5 honourable mentions 50 Euros each
Depending on quality, two prizes will be granted for fossil illustrations.

8. Shipping and submission: The illustrations can be sent by post mail or delivery to the Museum of Lourinhã.
Address: Museu da Lourinhã,Rua João Luis de Moura,2530-157 Lourinhã, PORTUGAL.
The Museum is not responsible for any damages or loss of the material in competition. The organization will not pay any customs fees or taxes. In order to avoid high fees and customs taxes, we advise US participants to declare the package as “no commercial value”. FedEx charges high customs fees upon delivery, thus the regular mail is preferred. Participants are advised to provide good packing to avoid damages during posting. Email submissions are not valid.

9. Digital images should be printed in paper but a copy in CD-Rom must be also submitted with a minimum definition of 300 dpi, not compressed and in natural size (digital canvas no smaller than 148 x 210 mm). Those will not be returned. Non-digital artwork is encouraged to come along with a scanned version in CR-Rom.

10. The artwork will be returned to the authors and devolution costs will be supported by the Museu of Lourinhã except those above 50 Euros, which should be support by the participant. Digital artwork will not be returned.

11. The Jury is composed by Miguel Telles Antunes (paleontologist), Fernando Correia (biologist e scientific illustrator), Nuno Farinha (biologist e scientific illustrator), Octávio Mateus (paleontologist, organization) e José Projecto (painter). The jury’s final decisions are incontestable and the jury has the right to not attribute any prize, if the lack of the quality justifies it. The competition will only take place if there are, at least, ten competitors.

12. Reproduction rights: By participating, the author agrees that the Museum of Lourinhã can use the illustrations for divulgation, books, Internet, merchandizing, editions, publications and scientific studies. The author will be always quoted and acknowledged.

Museu da Lourinhã
Rua João Luis de Moura
2530-157 Lourinhã, PORTUGAL
Tel: +351. 261 413 995
E-mail: omateus@museulourinha.org and geral@museulourinha.org.

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